Be honest, how many of you are paid Russian shills?

Be honest, how many of you are paid Russian shills?

Other urls found in this thread:

>OP is a Russian shill trying to pretend he is not a shill


Anybody with a brain knew Trump had shills on here but the Sup Forums echo chamber refused to believe it.


but they are mainly useful idiots parroting propaganda that bubbles up through right wing media, originating seperatley from these 1000 propagandsts, but still linked to the russian gov

>country shills for te canidate that didn't want to start a war.
Color me shocked. Also you can spot a shill by their RT article or praise for Putin.

I did it for free, fuck that bitch.

Why would Russia want to help this country? Wouldn't they rather have had Clinton get elected to watch this country further decline?

plot twist: It was Israel

didn't get paid yet
should i be worried?

I found the Clinton shill

i was making this but got distracted. How is it so far guys?


Does anyone have an example of this so-called fake news?

And I don't mean 'link me to lol', I mean, they say Russians created sites filled with fake news that were shared around extensively. Where are they?

>reminder that the Russian shill narrative is literally just the push back after we discovered CTR

>she spent $10m+ for people to shill for her online


It sucks


vlad signs my cheques in blood

breitbart was a major one. They've been funding info wars as well. Drudge report too,

How much were you paid?

I did it for free mate, the entire election and the build up towards it was better than edging for days.

How many of those news were fake tho?


Putin pays me in pussy. I can hear it meowing right now.

post the rest

All of us, Ivan. You just have to open your eyes

sup, where do i sign up? i want some juicy russia moneys

fake news was.....what exactly


there's probably an army of ten thousand USA agents that try to spread their propaganda... HOw many of you are USA propagandists? Just the OP?

also and

Post some links for the Guccifer 2.0.

>Drudge writes new.

Fuck off and die moran

>the retardness of US/EU press/politicians is a russian ploy for the public to lose all respect for said press and politicians

Putin sent me Jew pussy and I had to send it back.

I love how they're using this to hide the fact that the Clinton campaign used paid propaganda against the American people (correct the record, now known as shareblue).

That's all i made so far. I wanted it to just be a one-image "Who the fuck did russia hack" infographic for spreading on social media.

A few years back it became obvious that the Russian state was paying shills on GB sites, with stupid fucking names like JohnBrown1. They are more subtle now, but still laughable. From that day I couldn't take any Russian position or opinion seriously, they spew lie upon lie and never ever stop. They've gone a long way to killing the internet, fuck them.


In the infographic user...

Fucking wish I could get paid for all of the anti Clinton news I spread.

But nope I did it all for free.

we russia now

You are the real shill.

>I wanted it to just be a one-image "Who the fuck did russia hack" infographic for spreading on social media.
too long and too wide for that, if you have to scroll sideways on a phone it's shit

>Only 100
How many did CTR hire? Fucking lol

Same. N Kremlin moniez yet. For some reason I still continue shilling. I am addicted.

>Trump-Russia hearings leader reveals
>not asserts
wow actual fake news reporting about fake news

Why is it a problem that Russians are shillings here when we know globalist are shilling here.

Typical American
> "hurrr hurrr Russians Doing some spoopy stuff "
they are literally doing the exact same thing you are

how much are you paid per post?
Combien est-ce que tu reçois par post?

Here's the piece of shit article since OP was a cuck sucking faggot and failed to give you one.

Few notices however. This article gives us nothing more than the same old "muh russians" narrative, offers no proof what so ever that there was a hired troll army and once again does the same thing that these butthurt cretins have done since Trump won the election.

>"We all knew this before the election, we all knew Russia was trying to meddle with our election, and we already know right now they’re trying to do it with other countries.”

I mean what the fuck? Where is the evidence? Don't have it yet? Then fuck off!

no u
I'm not though, I'm just waiting to go out for a drink.

How much is this?

fucking lol at your reading comprehension, try again

Are you done yet?

I'm sorry.

Remember that website "true" that had the article where the NYPD had discovered an extensive child trafficking ring in Anthony Weiner's emails?

I don't know the exact number of us but I am a paid Russian shill

Oh and forgot, the journalist cunt (Adam Chen) that "investigated" this shit works for New Yorker.

You can kind of tell when they are online. They start a bunch of threads in all caps trying to direct people here at targets, and you can even see them try to direct talking points in the OP. There was a lot of that in the week leading up to Le Penn getting crushed.

Silly user, the election can't be rigged, what does that even mean?

Are you saying the russians did pizzagate?

I am. sorry guys :(

Guccifer 2.0 is a scam. I was lurking 24/7 during the election and that nigga is irrelevant.

Apology accepted.

>anti-Clinton news
>in the United States

Checks out.

Be honest.You are a bolchevik jew being afraid of getting evicted from your host !

Why would they bother if they hacked it?

I wish...

no but that's funny
>weiner ineptly tries to pickup underage on the internet
>but he also has a child trafficking ring at his disposal

No we did pizzagate. The only actual fake news article I can remember that would have had any impact was after Anthony Weiner's whole situation was re-announced to the public, it said NYPD had discovered an international child trafficking ring or w/e and because we had already come up with pizzagate we all believed we were literally fighting Satan.


I'm for Hire seems some of us should be getting paid for shilling for the Dhanald.

who gives a fuck. anyone that would unironically promote either candidate are fucking retarded or shills

They owe me €17.42 but haven't paid yet, does that count?

True. And it was the niggakang himself who said this in the first place (several times actually)

Not me, remember, always be on a lookout for RIDF shills.

Trump is better than you are.

>t. Israeli shill

>Be honest, how many of you are paid Russian shills?
They wont confess that easy because of NDA.
Add some pressure.

More interesting question is how many of Ruskaboo are just useful idiots?

She is a criminal who should have been indicted, the fake news shit had no effect

Not a shill, I just genuinely believe Trump makes for a better President. So far, my faith has been vindicated.


could you imagine accidentally impregnanting a jew so your line is tainted with jew blood for eternity..ohvey

She's just a big dumb politician.

where are my shillshekels

I fucking wish, how dope would it be to get paid for this shit, fuck dude.

No, goofball. The current administration is going to endanger countess American's by rolling back health care, targeting non violent drug offenders again, trying to provoke a conflict with NK, dividing and gaslighting the country via alternative facts, confidence in blatant lies and constantly shifting goalposts.

t. paper owned by ex-kgb

I've never considered Russia a more valuable ally if true


There are no Russian shills. This is a fake tactic made by CIA and mossad to delegitimize Russian state.

I am a Canadian of English ancestors and support president Putin 100%. I have reported your post for being a slander.

Shills are really out today. Listen shills, I actally totally agree that there are Russian shills here. /pol is a strangely important place of info exchange.

That being said, Russian shills are not as common as you are making them out to be. In fact the largest shilling operations are funded by PACs, NGOs, and private individuals pushing the neoliberal agenda. the neoliberal/democrat shills are actually not as common as many people make them out to be either, but there are MUCH more of them on this place than Russian shills. Isnt it funny that very wealthy private interests and large organizations are spending more collectively than an entire fucking nation, and you fuckers are still losing!

Most of the shit on this site that people call shilling, is actually just retarded trolls.

>*compiles list of all the other countries and companies hiring people to attack Trump*

not really but its cute you think that
>Sup Forums has to be convinced to support the rich white male that triggers the hated tumblr-base and is likened to Hitler by the press constantly
>implyinf Sup Forums hasnt always liked hitler, even just to be contrarian trolls, for over a decade


Sup Forums was for trump from day 1

seriously, he proposed deporting mexicans and building a wall, of course Sup Forums was going to support him, also he was going against hillary, so supporting trump was also going against the feminists

Also you shills should not be so whiny about foreign nations manipulating the politics of other nations. You fuckers know that every great nation does the exact same shit through the exact same methods. In fact your bosses are probably involved in this directly or indirectly. Just recently America and other European nations were funneling money to NGO's and think tanks and other individuals to effect the French elections. Fucking hypocrites.

Yes! Exactly. It was organic support. Russian Federation is not involved.

Obama also had said how to vote in Brexit! How do they say, do not throw rocks in a glass house"

You liberals will not win until you take yourselves less seriously and get perspective, empathy, and also a sense of humor about all of this! You guys used to be the masters of counterculture and humor. What the fuck happened?

pretty much this, his wall proposal was like a honeytrap for Sup Forums. Before that, this board was pretty much rand-town.

Story is fake news. Sage.