Arabs BTFO
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Aren't they both arabs?
>Central European Education
Yeah, so what are they then, smart guy? They look the same. They talk the same. They both smell bad and worship the muslim sky fairy. Why is one arab and the other isn't?
persian you retard
Arabs and Jews are semi-Africans (semitic).
Iranians/Persians are basically White and even Hitler considered the honorary Aryans.
Persians think they're white while arabs want to turn whites arab.
At least they both keep their women in their place. The shitty women all come to the U.S.
Thank you Swissman.
you should kill yourselves. really.
Persians are great actually. Their culture affected many cultures from central asia to middle east and from there to India/Pakistan
Also your native language is related to Persian
jeez, amerifats are really retarded.
>duck face
Shitty westernized cunt, the hijab can't hide the shame.
One shitskin is no different from the other in my book. I don't care about their history, as of now, Iran is 99% muslim and I don't want anything to do with them. Say hello to sultan Erdogan for me.
Wa Alaikum Salam. Cracker.
Dirty arabs, all of you.
English is Germanic.
56% Jew pls
shoo shoo t*rkroach
You should be defending the country where you live now.
Stop Larping
Fuck off roach no one took interest in your shitty thread to make dune coons look good
>defending a literal Jew puppet country
Final nail went into this coffin long ago.
Its an Indogermanic language, like Persian.
Meanwhile in Africa
>All the science
The only salam i know of is this one.
Oh, I forgot to ask. Is it customary to learn about Islamic cultures in Denmark so that you can satisfy their every need once they overrun your country?
Farsi and English are both included under the Indo-European family of languages. English is under the Germanic subdivision, and Farsi is under the Indo-Iranic subdivision, making the two about as related to each other as English is to Spanish, and making them more related to each other than either is related to Finnish or Basque.
For reference, Arabic is classified in the Afro-Asiatic language family.
>a gorrilion niggers beating up 3 teens
how will whites ever recover
How's life in Denmark, Farhad? Getting good gibs?
>pic related, Persian fine art depicting Persian pastime
I didn't know Persians were Canadian
So what? I'm not even sure what the point was of the post that said our language was persian. How does that even affect me, or anyone? It doesn't. I could have just as easily been taught chinese from birth. I'm still 100% white and not a dirty fucking arab, no matter what language I speak. That's like saying that if I drive an asian car, I'm asian.
Still doesn't make me a dirty arab.
Holy fuck, one of the groups is part of our ancient lineage of superhumans that domesticated horse chariots for war and spread over most of Europe and India.
The other is a mixture of sandnigga and jew.
Educate your fucking self, moron
>This fucking guy
>tfw killed by tribalists with Mosin Nagants
This kills the wahhabist
Are u fucking retarded? Iranian from the republic of islam claiming that he is "persian" is nothing but larping, nords dont call themselves vikings, italians dont call themselves roman, are iranian literally WE WUZ the people?
They are arab brothers now, fuck off larpers
Kek, look who's talking. How's it after 16 years burger? 16 YEARS, with the help of NATO no less.
>They look the same. They talk the same. They both smell bad and worship the muslim sky fairy.
No other factors matter. Dirty Arabs, all of them. Jews, too. Nuke the middle east and start over.
Iranians are as "Muslim" as Americans are "Christian". It's in name only. You'll never see an Iranian actually caring about their religion enough to kill over it. Also they only use their religion to herd their Arab sheep proxies who won't listen to them if they weren't Muslim.
>Iranians/Persians are basically white
I couldn't give a shit about my countries ZOG minions (Soldiers) who volunteer to fight for Israel and your shithole country either. Feel free to post more of them, it doesn't trigger me, but pic related triggers you :)
Who are you defending, dirty arab immigrant? Your flag is misleading. You're a dirty middle-eastern shill. Your homeland needs to be glassed. We've tolerated your kind for too long.
And that's why Israel don't like them, too much history. It triggers them.
Ars est celare artem.
>The Persians ruled for a thousand years and did not need us Arabs even for a day. We have been ruling them for one or two centuries and cannot do without them for an hour
>le KSA face
Nah, you're a worthless poorfag anyway. Keep posting if it makes you feel better about your miserable life though :^)
Typical Saudi, you're as brainless as your soldiers, especially this one.
Islam is an Arabist superstition. If you believe in that shit, the Arabs already won. Arabs conquered Iran and made all Persian sandniggers into Mudslime sand niggers.
Have fun bitching about who is the niggest.
Oh, your just a kid pretending to troll as a redneck white supremacist or something? Hey, at least my country isn't overrun by niggers and had a nigger president! Enjoy being a country of Wetbacks and Nignogs ya fucking yank fuckk
How did you get on Sup Forums from Saudi Arabia? You'll be stoned for your insolence.
Or he is a Jew. Sup Forums is loaded with them nowadays.
Yeah, carry on. You're so pathetic but please, don't make me stop you from your achievements of the day kek
>be saudi
>call people on the internet poor
>go outside
>only see sand
It's like calling a white guy a cracker - we just don't care. I like my life. You're the one defending dirty subhumans.
>fell for the memes
BTW, I'm older than you.
damn dead fucking shitskins make me hard
Butthurt Jew lmao, that is what you are. Saudis are the same as Israelis. Jews. Can't wait when Riyadh and Tel Aviv are turned to dust.
The Arabs have already won. Persians are worshipping an Arab God and an Arab prophet.
7,000 years of Persian history has been reduced to a theocracy dedicated to an Arab God and his Arab prophet.
>I could have just as easily been taught chinese from birth.
Well, maybe that would have worked out, maybe not. It is likely that the East Asian languages and the Idogermanic languages are so different because of the different genes of their speakers: People where tonal languages are common have different MCPH1 and ASPM gene variants than Indogermanic people.
Also the similarity of natively spoken languages is a proxy for the relatedness of people.
You make so much sense mate.
Unconventional was is nearly impossible to win without genocide, which is why long proxy wars as in Syria are the best method to kill sandniggers. The US has taken very few casualties but it's basically impossible to eliminate every Jihadist. That doesn't constitute defeat but it should change the goals.
Western goals should include facilitating the natural schismatic wars beloved of Shia and Sunnit, who kill far more of each other than anyone else. What's needed is an Indo-Pak nuclear war to destroy Pakistan. India has enough replacement Pajeets to win on the ground after a nuclear battle.
Hahaha! Memes. You live in sand. Your people are easily the lowest on earth. I'd rather suck a somalian cock than converse with a Saudi.
Look at this. I defend it because I'm proud of what we did. We made most of the world from a few backwards villages in the Ukraine. And now we don't remember at all, we worship a fucking dead Kike and do their bidding.
This. And they're our rape babies. The Farhads in this thread will be triggered by this.
>American education is not shi-
That's like arguing which turd is less smelly.
You know what "Aryan" means, right?
>I'd rather suck a somalian cock
whites why do you always suck nig cocks?
No it doesn't, it simply states that Iranic languages are more related to English than Arabic is.
>I'd rather suck a somalian cock than converse with a Saudi
>already initiated conversation with a Saudi
So how many Somali cocks have you sucked today? Did you like it, faggot?
You did actually none of that. What are YOU contributing to the world, user?
Yes, modern iranians are arab rape babies. The only ones trying to convince you otherwise are on the same tier as "ARGENTINIA IS WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITE"and probably iranian too
>honorary Aryans
>"Aryan" is a term meaning "noble" which was used as a self-designation by Indo-Iranian people.
>Indo-Iranian people
Iranians aren't honorary Aryans, they're definitionally Aryans.
Good question. That and liking nigger cocks inside their women. It's such an obsession and fixation that they have.
>somali dick
If I didn't see your flag, I'd take you for a Swede
Persia- defenders of the east
what is it with roaches on pol lately they've been shitposting a bit much for my taste
nothing. I taught for a little while, so maybe I did some good then. now I just play vidya and abuse my prescription ritilin
What are you doing in Germany Ahmed. Don't you know they don't want you there?
By being white
I could say the same about you Juan Elian Gonzalez
See the expression on his face? He just learned who Allah was and that 72 virgins was just a meme.
sa and uae are crypto jews
Pretty much. If you aren't on the side of Persians you're subhuman terrorist supporter who deserves to be culturally enriched in every hole of your pathetic carcass.
Please stop embarassing our country with your lack of education.
This. Jews hijacked Islam after Muhammad was killed, giving birth to the current saudis
Yeah this- desu I don't think I've ever met anyone who supports Saudi
Maybe it doesn't matter to us which of you dirty tan fuckers was deemed to be white by adolf hitler. Maybe it's your behavior that earns you the title of scum, not your dark skin or your swarthiness. Maybe it only really matters that your dirty religion is making people kill each other and perform other acts of brutality across the globe over ridiculous amounts of importance placed on things like honor and virginity. I wouldn't even care about that if you kept it to yourselves, but you spread your filthy beliefs and customs to places where they're unwelcome. The world doesn't need to conform to you, shitskin. Stay home or be prepared to drop your brutal customs and belief in the dirty muslim sky fairy.
BTW, fuck your meme.
The spanish are all half nigge...
arabs conquered persia/iran
Except for must Burgers
Just your goat-fucking mom's.
why do Persians worship Mohammad's dick
I prefer my cock inside your woman.
Only people who have a positive opinion of Saudi Arabia are Jews and Jew lovers majority being Americans too.