>be me
>love communism,because i want every worker to have wages from that he can live well
>cucks,faggots,trannies and gender theorists love communism,because it would accept their degeneracy
Be me
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like pottery
im a russian migrant tho
Communism is a Utopian dream.
You know who else have Utopian dreams? Jews.
>germany fell for the communism meme
I am just keking at you, literally supporting the only regime (((worse))) then the nazis is laughable.
Antifa is even more of a joke.
>love communism because i want workers to have wages from that he can live well
>be me
Hi Plebbit.
living off the work of others is just another form of degeneracy
>people are still this naive about communism
You vision of communism was just a fairy tale to sell it to the stupid goyim. Communism was always about total control.
You sound like a trashy german.
Get used with your refugees, they adapted to your country.
>love communism,because i want every worker to have wages
Only thing a worker in communism has is a hunger and secret police breathing down his neck, not wages.
>He fell for the communism help the workers meme
Then fuck off to Russia and take "your communist friends" with you, you cuck
Why do so many Russians live in Russia? GTFO
>>love communism,
How can you know what communism even is?
>every worker to have wages from that he can live well
>Implying that you need communism to give people decent wages.
Don't larp as a communist just be a social democrat instead if you care about the wages.
Look into Socialism i guess its more vague so you can style it how you want
Some of them are the "Volga Germans", who left the clusterfuck of German states during Catherine the Great and later-on, but the other ones are for the obvious shekels.
On a side-note the time of the GDR obviously led to some exchanges of Germans and Russians though
because its the closest developed country to russia and the cultures are actually quite similar/compatible.
t. russian diaspora with family in germany.
The problem with communism, is the same with capitalism, it doesn't work.
It is a nice idea. But people is corrupt, and they create corrupt systems.
We are not equal, the outcomes should not be equal. This is the origin of motivation and profit.
The state is not your mother. It is there to create a fair game. For law and order, everyone is equal under the law.
Once the ideology blind your sight from the mistakes the actual machine results. You will be happy to send yourself to Gulag. Then millions will starve, millions will be killed, for the greater good.
you are literally thinking of capitalism there
Admit it, you only came here for the sausages that you've been deprived of in communism
Why not look into National Socialism?
human nature is relative,enforcing peace and freedom can be done,look at stalin for example.
the fuck you need sausages for? under communism you get all the fucking ice cream you want
cause it isnt real socialism
Strasserism is though.
are you literally 13?
Daddy stalin spread gommunism like butter onto bread.
>love communism,because i want every worker to have wages from that he can live well
>love communism.
Nah, it's just a half-measure if things go really sour.
>because it would accept their degeneracy
Funniest thing that it wouldn't. Bourgeois excesses and degeneracy would be eradicated.
>Social democrat
You do understand that this shit with rapefugee christians started with SocDem cucks?
instead of bitching around about migrants in other countries,take care of the ones in yours first
Because it pretty much tolerates jewing of your own citizens as long as the person who does the jewing isn't jew.
Not to say about the good old game of "every I don't like is a Jew" that russian natsocs were playing about decade ago, when they were bitching among themselves on the "who is the true russian".
It's funny to watch, but it's a disaster if done outside of larping.
Also, I, for one, am not going to tolerate any whore that will try to pimp my country for his yacht/dacha/estate in England just because he is latvian/russian.
desu,life back in the soviet union was nice tho.
always enough to eat,good schools,everything was fine ofcourse that changed after the soviet union collapsed. me and my family went to germany,because we would have fucking starved under the great capitalistic system in russia.
National socialism is what you are looking for friend.
>>cucks,faggots,trannies and gender theorists love communism,because it would accept their degeneracy
In 1933, the Soviet government, under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, recriminalised homosexual activity with punishments of up to five years' hard labor. Following Stalin's death, there was a liberalisation of attitudes toward sexual issues in the Soviet Union, but homosexual acts remained illegal. Nonetheless, homosexual culture became increasingly visible, particularly following the glasnost policy of Mikhail Gorbachev's government in the late 1980s.
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the foundation of the Russian Federation in 1991, the Council of Europe pressured the new administration to legalize homosexuality, leading President Boris Yeltsin to do so in 1993. However, there are several restrictions on activities related to homosexuality.
I like that he cracked some Ice on the certain jews.
And handled it better than Hitler as well.
Stalin was a good Machiavellian dictator, better than current fuckers at least, because stealing all the shit and fucking off to Britain or some offshore zone wouldn't be an option for him.
Granted, he went too soft at the end due to age.
well uh,obviously not under stalin.
he was our true daddy.
And yeah, the fact that most (((nationalists))) are Hitler fanboys instead of respecting their OWN history and their OWN people, speaks volumes about (((national))) part of NatSocs.
National Socialism would also provide workers with wages from which they can live, it also disapproves of degeneracy. Seems you should be reading up in the NatSoc general.
why do you love communism?
>love communism
Oh sweetie, this board is for 18+
Communism literally seeks to abolish wages and work you retarded mongoloid. I bet you are one of those 90IQ slavnigger immigrants
i dont fool around with credit cards. my phone cost less than 100€. i make my own coffee. and what in the urangatangabanga is a whole foods?
Only with good labour and shock therapy we can wipe away the bourgeois degeneracy known as homosexualism (c)
Also, people can bitch much about "le cultural marxism", but degeneracy was used against USSR as battery ram. Under the whole "Look how liberated and free we are, here are some whores and sex shops"
The "Cultural Marxism" is basically, as always, activity of burgers blowing up in their faces.
You would think that Russians won't fall from the communism meme twice
being a greek you should know alot about wages
Removing gender and sexual equality from communism creates hierarchy, which makes it ideologically inconsistent.
You really should either accept complete equality, or move to some other ideology.
Communism/anarchy means no hierarchy.
Than the seven Jews that showed Ruskies the glory of capitalism. Showed it so colorfully that, for many russians, Stalin became bad only because he didn't shot ALL of these faggots back when it would make a difference.
>wages from that he can live well
Venezuela, Angola, U.S.S.R, China pre 1978.
>>cucks,faggots,trannies and gender theorists love communism,because it would accept their degeneracy
They are mistake. They are welcomed in GULAG.
freedom,education for the masses,food for everyone (inb4 dem famines xd),and mostly the tanks. i also like stalins moustache,gives me an erection everytime i see it
i fucking love you
>still falls for the communism meme
Lel retard
So basically you're a retarded gaylord.
Lol wut
>education for the masses
Most of the western world has it we're not all burgers with college debt.
>food for everyone
LOL wut
well that capitalism meme made everyone laugh back in 91,did it?
ah,no. it made the russians starve.
and caused civil wars in countires that were in the ussr
Do you have actual statistics or you just shitposting?
USSR was WAY MORE comfy place to live than most of capitalists states at that time
I'm talking about average worker of course
Slavs are fucking retarded tho
They kinda conquered it.
>USSR was WAY MORE comfy place to live than most of capitalists states at that time
i notice you havent mentioned cuba.
is it because the child mortality rate there is lower than in america,and it has achieved everything else that i am talking about?
fuck off back to russia
t.son of iranian immigrants
>love communism
>want every worker to have wages from that he can live well
Those two things have never happened together. Without the ability to rise above their station, hard workers and talented workers do not have the motivation to excel. Picture a class project, where one person always does all the work, when everyone is guaranteed an A. It doesn't get done. As become worthless.
Socialism without degenerates or immigrants is called National Socialism. North Korea for example is pretty based.
Ayooo, hol up, I heard yo want yo GDP fucked up
Why are there no Germans in Germany anymore?
da hätte sich dein uropi für den endsieg wohl besser anstrengen sollen,fritz.
This is wrong. I was in Berlin a couple of years ago, and I saw a german. He was working at the Costa cafe.
>love communism,because i want every worker to have wages from that he can live well
did people ever make good wages in communism? i always thought most citizens or communist countries were piss poor
well,occasionally i see one or two on the streets
You didn't make much, but most the shit was free.
At any rate, everyone had more money than there was stuff to buy, because of the whole world embargo thing.
So even a swine herd would have anything they need, as long as its on the shelves.
as a matter of fact,being poor was only a thing in 91 or the years after. even my grandpa says that all was good. he obviously lived longer in the ussr than i did.
Social Democracy won't fix the problems of Capitalism
No, only Plombir
How old are you?
In case you are 25+
Where do you live? maybe I can help you to kill yourself.
elder people allways say that, do you know what propaganda is?
It was not good you filthy subhuman.
Then fuck off to russia u commie fag
>cucks,faggots,trannies and gender theorists
implying you are better
>>1253771195377315774085300>>12537811325380106383624samefag cuck
(You are gay)
That's not communism. That is authoritarians LARPing as communists.
Communist has never been achieved because people are too retarded to know what's best for them.
>it would accept their degeneracy
Good news, you don't understand Communism.
Gays, trannies, and intellectuals (yes even gender theorists) will be put in forced labor camps and/or killed.
kys commie
(You) (You)
So you want a return of the East German government?
Communism uses people like you to feed these parasites.
You have the same workers rights in Capitalism.
It's only a matter of law enforcement and contract enforcement to get your money for your work.
yeah,east germany was based too
that moment they dont realise youre a fucking hardcore tankie with a picture of stalin in your room