Vandalising Gay Flags

In Belgium, all town halls in every town and city hangs out a flag for a day to a week every year.

Needless to say, this is disgusting. I'm planning to vandalise one.

Does anyone have any good ideas?

My plan so far is to:

>Steal flag
>keep it
>next week on the pride day in Belgium, hang it out with an offensive message (undetermined location and message)

What do you guys think? I also implore everyone living in Belgium to help me with this, with me and take down more flags with me.

link related: it talkes about all cities and towns wavering the flag

Other urls found in this thread:

You will easily get caught, just buy a flag online draw a swastika on it and hang it somewhere not very accessible

How will I get caught? My town is fairly small. I have this planned. And if I think I might get caught, I'm calling it off.

Don't be a fucking idiot. Vandalising it just secures support for their victimhood bullshit.

Oh right, let's just roll over and do nothing.

Keep in mind this flag is RIGHT ACROSS a Catholic Church.

Piss off and let Ahmed have another go at your wife.

Replace it with flag of Kekistan..

Kek isn't funny, never has been and never will be

Don't listen to the fags, do it but instead of stealing write some anti-fag shit in a way to pin it on Muslims
Then media can't use it for their purposes or if they do having actual story being spread could discredit the press

Can you really be THAT insecure?
Sounds like some is deeply in the closet.

>Piss off and let Ahmed have another go at your wife.
Do you realize that when you say this, your mind actually says "I want Ahmed dick in my ass so hard"? Just accept the truth already.

Do it OP!



Fuck off frog, have fun sucking Ahmed's cock

Why give Muslims the credit? I don't see why it's bad to let people know there are Flemings that hate this shit

Ok, Macron

Remember to cover your face, user. Especially important in smaller towns, where you're at greater risk of getting recognized.

My friend will be wearing a balaclava but I haven't come up with a disguise yet. It'll probably just be some anarchist-tier shit.

I'm also coming from the dark alley where there are defs no cameras and the operation should be a matter of seconds before we haul ass. It'll be done on a time that almost no one roams the streets, but unfortunately there are potentially three cafes overwatching it. But it's going to be cold so they'll probably all be inside. As soon as it has been taken, we leg it.

Wipe your ass with it and take it to the pride parade. Just be as offensive as possible.

no thanks I'd still like to keep my job after this is done

I used to live in belgium. me and a friend detonated a homemade bomb in a field in the middle of the night. No one was even close to finding out it was us.
This is the country with about 7 police forces who don't speak together. Chances of being caught are zero unless OP acts like an idiot.

Do it.

Which municipality?
>OY Vey itss anudda Maelbeek

Soak it in aids blood and hang it back up while it's still wet

Don't do it, idiot, what are you trying to achieve? To paint nationalists as thiefs and vandals? We have to be the reasonable ones to win the debate.

I don't want to risk getting caught so I'm not sure if I want to disclose this here

Province at least?
yeah i kinda understand, you never know whos lurking here

1. It hangs in front of a church
2. It shows that there are people against this
3. The state should be neutral - I am correcting a wrong

>we have to be the reasonable ones to win the debate

So far that hasn't been working, has it?

It's worse if your town is small because there's fewer suspects to look at, and if you've expressed any right wing views you'll be fingered immediately

But I think you should do it anyway

Are gays really a priority for you?
M*slims are way worse

Wear a hijab

Oh, there's no doubt that everyone that knows me knows I will have done it. But they won't be able to prove it.

There aren't Muslims where I live bud. And one issue doesn't cancel another out anyway.

>There aren't Muslims where I live bud.

Do it, friendo.

>complain about leftshits stealing flags/damaging property
>doing it yourself

Just let them have their shitty little faggot-fest. You're not going to persuade anyone if you're going to act a dick.

>thinking court depends on proof

Leftists destroying someone's personal property is different from taking down a flag that pushes an agenda from the state.

>let them have their fagfest
They kind of do

It's funny how people on this board are fine with pedophilia and sex with animals, yet only being gay is degeneracy.It's alright if whatever you're fucking has a pussy?
Enjoying fucking your dog, cracker ass?

it's amusing that they picked the rainbow as a symbolic flag, since the rainbow is the SEPARATION and SEGREGATION of colours from a WHITE light. With clear delineations between wavelengths we perceive as different colours.

they are of course anti-science idiots so to them this irony is completely lost. but to the cryptonazi jews which invented all these movements, it must be insanely humorous that they are in effect DESTROYING white light by segregating all the colours. the rainbow of course never sustains itself, quickly fading as the sun comes out to disinfect it, evaporating the water particles in the air and consuming the rainbow back into it's one commanding monochromatic light.

No it's not different; property is property.

All sides are pushing agendas. You're better off arguing your case, not shitting all over theirs. If shitting on people's beliefs worked, we'd all be leftshits ourselves. But instead, each time we get shat on by the left, we become more resolute in our beliefs as we know it to be right (for us).

You could turn them all upside down.

How would Sup Forums go about removing a flag that is about 9m/30ft up?
Ladders are not an option, it used to be easy but they've started moving them higher.
I was thinking potentially getting a window cleaning pole and attaching some sort of blade to cut it down.
I can get about 10ft up, but I'd be easier to see.
Hypothetically, ofc.

ok thanks Ahmed


based waffle man

Need some pics when you do it OP!

Steal the flag OP.


The left is our real enemy. Muslims are just a symptom.

Rainbow swastika! Do it for /pol

Stealing one flag and vandalising flag will do nothing. It will be just- le ebil fascist, Sup Forums neckbeard, etc. etc.

If you can't make this action on massive scale, with several groups removing those flags, burning and vandalising them,possibly mutilate several homos and sympathizers- don't bother, it's a waste of time

>The state should be neutral
It is being neutral by not giving a fuck about it.

Lol, I've got to read Tintin in the Congo.

Please put a swastika on it. It will be huge for the mission pol has been on for the past few days.

Put the flags up in Muslim areas and film the local reaction

Will deliver. When should I post the next thread when it's done?
Thanks for the brave Belgian support
Stop trying to subvert the West, commie bitch
GTFO Roach
Considering it

welke regio ongeveer?

From hypothetical experience, just grab the flag and pull straight down, put all your weight on it. Dont bother undoing anything, just grab and jump. Then gtfo. Do it at night.

Replace it with a pol "An ethnic home for every race" flag

Oost Vlaanderen, won't get more specific unless you give me something I can contact you with privately.
Was going to do something similar but I'm afraid the flag might not give in so I'm bringing a cutting tool. Shouldn't take more than a few seconds.

Come on based waffle don't fail us now

>leeuw met drie kleurige vod
doe dat weg annon of ben je een franskilion of zo

He won't if he is not retarded. We are taking down EU flags here in Czech rep. for about three years now. Have around three hundred flags, we sometimes even change them for our national flags.

We've even stolen from ministry of the interior.

How bad is the local shitskin infestation? Because sounds pretty good

I need to step my game up. You had any coverage in the media?

Don't be a negro and vandalise shit. It's incredibly rude and won't accomplish anything except sympathy for fags

maak zeker dat je hem in een keer los kan rukken of snel los maken.
hoe sneller het gaat hoe minder kans op paniek en dus hoe minder kans op dingen die mis gaan

meestal is goed vast pakken (rond de handen draaien), springen en dan de zwaarte kracht het werk laten doen voldoende als je 80+kg weegt.
een schaar kan ook snel gaan met een goede schaar en wat oefening

Yeah, our local media informed about us plenty of times, it only lead to more people stealing flags. We even made it a public competition for a prizes like tshirts, stickers and some beer. Government buildings even got newsletter after we stole four flags in row from the ministry of the agriculture.

The best one we did though was from the main seat of the EU here, not only we stole the flag, we also changed it for our own, there is video:

It's best to do it with a friends. We also get down few Gay flags, but they are pretty rare here.

nice confidence bluff steal
keep up the good work, need to grow that collection of rags

>what I mean to say is that I am a refuge and a homosexual
Fixed that for you mr. "Frenchman". Go home gay Mohammed.

Thanks man. Anyways, we plan to made a huge figurine from all of those flags and set it aflame somewhere public. It could be a nice whine-fest from the liberal media.

Know that you're defo not alone OP

Fuck those sodomites

you're a faggot. go burn a turkish flag somewhere, tough guy.

Post in this thread the link to the new one pls, might miss it otherwise...

>let them continue to indoctrinate
>let your enemies win

Ignore my flag.

We've been getting EU flags for the last couple months, and just recently got picked up on by a local MP, the guy who keeps putting it up. We're in a pro EU area, but he flies the EU flag instead of our own so we keep taking it. Any EU flag we see, we take. Do you have any tips? We just got at night and avoid CCTV. You can probably guess my country.

the fuckers are hard to burn tough
you'd need a lot of flamables to get that pyre going
have your tried soaking them in petrol or other flamible liquid(s) and then lighting them?
I tend to just use them of rags for odd ends and bits or as a floor mat

If it's not closed by then, sure.

>have your tried soaking them in petrol or other flamible liquid(s) and then lighting them?
Sure thing, they burn nice. It's liquid for the grills.


you mean our czechoslovak flag;-) but still very qt hobby you have there

man da was leutig

simple shit like use gloves, cover your face and make sure to remover face coverings and such once you've got the flag and are out of the picture.

police and such won't really be bothered with someone takign a fucking cheap plastic flag

you might want to consider degrading that MP's flag with animal shit so he wakes up to a stinking shit flag that he will have to trow away

Don't be an asshole, flying a flag is freedom of speech. You will only inspire blowback.
This isn't Shia you're dealing with

Either go at night, commando style, just grab and run. Don't care about the cameras if you are quick enough. Just check the surroundings for some patrolling cops or something, you know, acts of god. Or go all official-like, clothed like a maintenance worker or something. When you have orange work vest, you are invisible for the people no matter what you do. I like the second option very much, you can bullshit lot of people this way.

Thanks mang, you can join up, will be happy to publish it on our page/site.

No like seriously can you explain how the state isn't neutral?

My room is filled with stolen flags, I neber got caught. I only stole cool flags though, like a German or a Flemish one.

sargon please fucking leave

pretty based. read the whole series

so you guys open for pan-eurpean fraternisation with other nationalist groups?
might be fun to go flag snatching in each others home country for a change of scenery.
Oh and trying each others beer, can't forget about the beer.

The state pushing an agenda has nothing to do with freedom of speech, dumbass.

Yeah, we are. We are working already with Polish and Slovakian organizations, we will probably start working with others as well.

If you have something specific in mind, you can write us a mail (it's on the website at the video descriptions) or message on the Facebook. Will gladly do something together.

Pol style= bucket and drone + gay flag with a huge swastika put it on a flag pole somewhere gg ez

This thread in a nutshell
Pic related

I'l message on face book and maybe we can find something to do that we would both find fun/usefull to do.

Give the flags some hashtags written with spray paint/perma marker.
keep the races separate
and so on

vandalise one with some muslim shit to get them blamed

pretty cool site so far, I will read through it
today I visited with my kids Czechoslovak legions historical train in Kolin
our grand grand fathers weren't pussies, we shouldn't be either