I'm currently living in the United States and am considering going to college in Germany because it's near tuition free. I speak the language well enough to get along and I like the German healthcare system. What I want to know is, is the "refugee" crisis as bad as it seems in Germany, or are Muslims still a clear minority in the country? What I mean by minority is that they're still too small in numbers to do any major damage, can any Germans answer this? Also, if I was in Germany I'd probably vote AfD since I absolutely hate how the liberal and "center" parties refuse to acknowledge the problems with mass immigration. I'm also concerned that if I leave the United States I'd be putting it further at risk for liberals gaining power and importing terrorism like Europe is doing. What do you guys think about my situation? Is Europe as bad as it seems? Should I go or stay put?
Should I go to school in Germany?
Yes do it.
Although there is a huge problem of crime and minorities fucking our country up it's all overblown if you look at it from an individual perspective as a dude living in a town minding his own business.
So starting a family in Germany ?
Hell no, don't !
But living here for a few years and then fucking off ? Do it !
If you need more answers ask away and also you can contact me @thereal_JacobK via dm.
I would stay put unless you can move to Liechtenstein or Switzerland in the near future, even then it would be hard to go but sounds like you don't have much attachment to the colonies
welcome to germanistan! i hope you enjoy your stay! inshallah
Well governments like that of China are already giving notice to their countrymen here, that it could be fairly dangerous, but sure it's your choice.
Also the freedom of speech thing is probably worse than you would actually think, so be prepared to hold your horse, since everything slightly right of Merkel-tier arguments could cause you trouble.
You should come. Experience in other countries are never wrong.
>Should I go to school in Germany?
No, we are full.
>I'm currently living in the United States and am considering going to college in Germany because it's near tuition free.
Paid by my taxmoney. Stay out of Germany, cocksucker.
>What I want to know is, is the "refugee" crisis as bad as it seems in Germany, or are Muslims still a clear minority in the country?
It is worse than you can imagine. Stay in your America, do not come here. I repeat, do not come here!
>What do you guys think about my situation? Is Europe as bad as it seems? Should I go or stay put?
Never leave your home country and do not come to Germany. That is what I think. If you come here, I hope some Allahu Akbar does a test suicide mission next to you.
It's certainly still much better in most places in Germany, than in the Us, if you exclude the rural and white topia suburban areas. Know communistic shit holes in Germany are NRW nearly all of it, Berlin, Bremen and Hamburg to some extend. Bavaria, Saxon, Thuringa and Mecklenburg are top tier, with a decent amount of redpilled people. Just don't go into the problem parts and better don't be alone in certian parts, if you are a female. Muslims are under twenty percent, most likley around 14-16 percent. With the danger is lower than in France, Belgium certainly and probably than in Britian. I think, if you are white and of some German heritage with decent knowledge of the language you could come.
To answer the question: It is not as bad as Sup Forums always says, at least not everywhere. Muslims are about 5% of population, so they are a clear minority. Also, they concentrate in areas like Berlin or the Ruhr area. Situation in cities like Berlin, Dortmund, Cologne or Dortmund is bad because state government are leftie cucks. The safest state is Bavaria, cities like Munich are well because of based police and interior ministry. I can also recommend cities like Dresden or Erfurt.
If I like life in Germany, I might stay since there are still some things I like about the country's policies. The only things I really don't like )(and I mean REALLY don't like) about the country are it's refusal to address the problems with mass immigration and it's lack of appreciation for free speech. Even if I do stay though, I'm not going to start a family or quite a long list of reasons.
>Paid by my taxmoney.
I'd pay my fair share of taxes too, and I'd contribute to the economy in any way I could.
Most people know about and adress problems with free speech and immigration but lefties control the media and they are not be heard. Its like in America but without Breitbart or Fox.
Kek, people are only freaking out about crime because it became worse compared to the homogeneous Germany, you are much safer here then im America.
Reasons not to live in Germany, just so you know:
- The weather sucks here more than most place in the US. In the US you have the option to move to a state with your preferred climate.
- No second amendment
- No huge selection of fast food chains and diverse food that is unique to the Americas
- Cars are expensive as fuck to own in comparison to the US. Gas is twice the price. Taxes and maintenace is much more expensive
- Roads are narrow as fuck and parking spots are really hard to get in most urban areas
- Housing is fucking expensive as hell and your living space is fucking miniscule compared to the US. In the US it's easily possible to get your own big house with a garage. In Germany you have to be in the highest wage class there is to own a huge ass house with a garage, so expect to live in a commie like block building with a tiny ass flat.
- No untouched nature.
- You basically can't hunt unless you have a rich ass family that owns land.
- Mobile internet sucks and is expensive as fuck in Germany
- You basically have no warm beaches or good opportunities to do water activities because of weather, restrictions and so on. If you are a friend of the seas Germany isn't for you compared to the situation in the US.
- There is no free speech here, period !
- Aviation is much much much more expensive here and you basically realistically have access to gliding aircraft that are pushed into the sky by a winding mechanism. Flying motorized aircraft is hugely expensive and basically for the elite or rich as fuck people with connections. In the US it's much cheaper and there are a fuckton of airports, clubs and opportunities.
- No Cream Soda, Root beer here
- If it's summer for the effectively two months of the year here and you get really lucky and have a hot day, expect to suffer like a motherfucker, IN GERMANY NOBODY HAS AC/S IN THEIR HOME !!!!
- There is no legalized recreational weed available
So, are there any positives?
Yes. Do it. The only thing we are full of is money. Yes, the healthcare is better.
You will travel around Europe, around Germany, improve the language (unless you go to Saarland) and generally have good.
Muslims seem like a significant majority only in city centers. But if you count on a random sample a random group of people (say pedestrians at lights, club goers, drivers at lights etc), you will realize that it is not even nearly as much.
Nice restaurants, Unis, and generally nice places that cost some money are as German as Würst.
doubt you know the language well enough
if anything you should study something that is primarly in english and has nothing to do with german laws,, business laws etc
I've heard there are German colleges that teach in English, but your probably right about me not knowing the language well enough. As for German laws, I don't think I'm gonna be involved with that.
How old are you?
Preferred field of studies or the current one?
Hobbies and interests?
Give us some info Burgerbro.
yes we have english only degrees
you should be able to find stuff
only problem you will face is the bureaucracy which is like 100x the US and our public universities are a big fat fucking mess for every student but im sure you can find people who will help you with that
moving here is EZ as FUCK and cheap
just get in a plane and make a post when you are there .. we guide you through the rest of the steps
you should have money for a hotel for at least 5 days ... 10-15 threads should be enough to convert you into a german
This is Germany, not France. We have neraly everything under control here.
Have fun & good luck.
- Healthcare is cheap as fuck/basically guaranteed for everyone
- Education costs are really low/basically guaranteed for everyone
- Really low chance of getting into prison and rotting there for the rest of your life
- If you lose your job the state takes care of you with welfare.
- Really safe(in comparison), you basically will never have to think about going to the wrong neighborhood, more or less
- Legalized Prostitution ! One fuck 40€ ! Fuck all day and night 120€ !
- Alcohol available 24/7, you can basically drink everywhere !
- We have tradition and history, historic neighborhoods
- No speed limit on most portions of big highways.
- Close to other countries that you want to visit(still doesn't outweigh the access to all the states with different laws and climates that you have in the US)
These basically are the only things that are better in terms of living in Germany VS USA !
Wir können auf deutsch sprechen, der OP ist weg.
>I'd pay my fair share of taxes too, and I'd contribute to the economy in any way I could.
No, you won't. You come to Germany to study for free and then fuck off somewhere else, like most people do around here. Fuck you all.
>One fuck 40€ ! Fuck all day and night 120€ !
where do you live and why do you get ripped off?!
You can get it for 20 when you negotiate with them
>because it's near tuition free.
For Germans. Foreigners need to show 50k in cash to be eligible for enrollment.
>I speak the language well enough-
No you don't. The german language is impossible to speak fluently unless you've learned it from childhood, the three-gendered article system alone has no rhyme nor reason to any of it and has been a bane for linguists since forever.
>they're still too small in numbers to do any major damage
All of europe has major terror attacks on a regular basis, "small time" crimes like burglary, assault and rape statistics have not been made public for years since that is deemed racist.
>I'd probably vote AfD
Non-citizens don't get to vote in elections.
>What do you guys think about my situation?
I think you are either underage or a very infatile adult who has a very one-dimensional view on life and is in way over his head. Just buy a ticket and come over; seriously, in my experience falling flat on your face while still young is one of the most valuable and shaping experiences one can have in life.
As a general rule: At least go on vacation to a country before considering moving there.
>You come to Germany to study for free and then fuck off somewhere else, like most people do around here. Fuck you all.
still caring about this shit nation and the money that gets taken away for us lmao
y tho?! it doesnt matter anymore ... sinking ship
Hannover. I never have negotiated.
>I never have negotiated.
>being this beta
Dude, negotiation is not a German thing at all. Let me guess your name is Ahmed, Ali or Ozgür ?
1000 women were sexually assaulted/raped on new year's eve on Cologne. The authorities tried to cover it up.
What do you think?
didnt know its a secret that you can negotiate with these cunts .. maybe im just a greedy jew but i refuse to pay the same price some old fat fuck pays
im a young handsome male and can give me RABATT
>How old are you?
Right now I'm seventeen and am in my Junior year of Highschool, I figure I should probably start thinking about what I'm going to do after I graduate.
>Preferred field of studies or the current one?
Well I don't have any specific field decided yet, I've got a couple of ideas. What I'd love to do is go into Aerospace engineering, but I know it's unlikely I'd find a job. I've considered going into retail/something business related, as I've been told I'd be good at selling things and I can make a pretty convincing argument.
>Hobbies and interests?
My biggest hobbies are video games and bicycling. I'm also really interested in history, which is part of the reason why I want to go to Germany, as there are a lot of historical places there and in Europe in general.
Hahaha, what the fuck is wrong with you ? Negotiating with whores... baka..
>y tho?! it doesnt matter anymore ... sinking ship
That is the funny thing. We could easily fix our fucking ship. Stop funding the massive gibmees, put all illegals in camps to be deported, lower taxes across the board, lower corporate income taxes, stop all these shitty subsidies for communist shithole projects... and we would actually have a good country.
We just need someone with some balls in charge, someone who is conservative enough to care about Germany and real Germans.
i just want to minimize the money i spent on fucking some bulgarian qt that pretends to be from spain
you just go up to them and tell them "30!" when she says "40!" and if she says no you go to another one
sometimes you gotta be persistent
one time some bitch made a lot of promises and since i was drunk as fuck i went with it
she told me 60 mins for 25 and then i pulled my phone out and started a timer cause whenever im drunk i forget the time and they throw me out in 7 mins and hope i believe it was 30
after 15-20 mins of blowing and fucking she started to pretend that my dick is too big and called security
i took away the cash and almost got beat up but i explained the situation and they let me leave .. she seemed new
good times
After that one time, i only went to Flatrate anyways.
But i have stopped going because i feel lonelier afterwards.
I now have realized that i suffer from Asperger, and that's where my Incel nature comes from.
I basically have given up on my sexual nature and just masturbate once a day or every second day.
>i have stopped going because i feel lonelier afterwards.
same ... i just feel ultra depressed after then i fucked girls from tinder and the same thing happened after
for a while i thought i might be gay cause sex depressed me ... this shits the worst
stay away from it
you want to be brainwashed with fake history and trotskyism? Go ahead
Thanks bro, just make fun of me. This is why i hate normies ...
i didnt make fun of you
i told you its normal .. fucking prostitutes is worse than jerking off sometimes and if you do that too much itll damage you sexually forever and you wont be able to hold normal relationships after or oyu develop some werid ass sex life and fetishes over time (like me)
Irl, I met an American guy who went a German medical school after he could not get into any American medical school. He studied German medical school for 6 years and went back to the US. I guess Germany wasn't as good as the US.
I am an Aspie Incel so whatever.
Fuck offf money leecher!
Who is gonna pay for your liberal arts college?!
We and after you're finish you fuck off again.
You're stealing germany tax money.
Austrian here that went to German University.
You are going to get a top notch world class education there if you are going into STEM fields or economics.
I know because I'm in this field and I had the opportunity to work with people from many countries and basically all of them (with a few exceptions) didn't know what the fuck they were doing.
been to Germany. They do have a lot of let's say "well tanned" people over there. But I've also seen lots of regular white people.
>is the "refugee" crisis as bad as it seems in Germany
No. Take this as a lesson to never take Sup Forums as a measure of the world
Aren't you used to it? Why do you vote people into office who implement niggerlove policies?
You will do fine. If you could cough up at least 700 to 800 Euros a month, life can be comfy outside the biggest cities, especially Munich.
While the universities are geared up towards leaving their students work time, I recommend not looking for more than a minijob (20 hrs a month, but can be less). Lands you with 450 Euros every month, will cover rent and obligatory health insurance (this is usually around 90 Euros, but what is available will depend from region to region. Ironically, although Bavaria is the most expensive, you can find insurance there for some 30 Euros; try DAAD - German Student Exchange Institution, they also have insurance for foreign students).
If you have savings or your parents can supplement you with anything more than 600 dollars a month, just do it.
>20hrs a month
that would be great
When you go to Germany, don't forget you can't criticize da joos. They will throw you in jail if you do. So, while you're still in the U.S. express your freedom of speech as much as you can and get it out of your system. Germans are very uncomfortable when you ask them about the joos or Hitler. lol. At least from my experience. But then again I didn't grow up in Germany. Maybe they were raised not to talk about it, like we were raised to believe in the American dream. Lol
>throws randomly shit around the floor in Aldi for 40 mins every weekend night
>gets 450 Euros
10/10 would do.
Pulling da joos conspiracy theories always gets you da looks. But Hitler is not even as nearly a taboo topic as commonly thought.
Was he able to get a medical job in the United States with the German degree?
>considering going to college in Germany because it's near tuition free
Coming for gibsmedat education.
>I like the German healthcare system
Coming for gibsmedat healthcare
>Also, if I was in Germany I'd probably vote AfD
No moral concern messing with German politics although he is a foreigner
>Is Europe as bad as it seems?
Isn't educated about Europe and doesn't like it.
Congratulations mate you are literally refugee tier!
This guy gets it. My country is run by morons and sucks. Would not consider moving here as foreigner.
You are invited to work with us on it. Ask a US soldier how his time was in Germany.
To be honest with you user, im german aswell. All i can say is stay away from mayor cities.
Underage gtfo
uh oh .. hope the mods dont see this haha
From what I understand college in Germany is much more competitive than here - because it's free they're out to make you drop out. So be prepared to shift to low gear and grind it out.
But hey, it'll keep you out of debt. And that's actually more important than going to college in this era - STAY OUT OF DEBT. Stay out of debt and you win.
They have a green card guest worker program but getting residency and citizenship? You're going to have to pay. All of those european countries are like that, they want serious money.
Having no A/C anywhere in europe is pretty common. You people are cheap motherfuckers, you'd rather suffer for the 1 month in the summer until August and then take your month long vacation and pray that it's all cooled off by the time you get back from your 6am beach towel adventure.
>I'm also concerned that if I leave the United States I'd be putting it further at risk for liberals gaining power and importing terrorism like Europe is doing.
lmao you think you actually fucking matter?
You want to be an engineer? Germany is definitely your country then. Fucking engineers everywhere.
dont listen to the nonsense on here, you'll have a great time in Germany, go.
you would be a migrant your self fucking burger
Jump in & enjoy the ride! Also, (((students))) dont get in touch with refuggs too much. And, since most of them are whimpy cucks, you can drop redpills without facing any resistance ( you, as an american, are a special snowflake after all.)
I can tell, yes they are a minority, they hanging out in groups and they do a lot of damage. But they normally live in "districts". If you don't live near these "districts", you don't even notice them.
I went to school in Wilhelmsburg (Ghetto of Hamburg)
I lived in Kreuzberg (Ghetto of Berlin)
As a man, as long you are respectful to Muslims, you will have nowhere a problem, even in the highly problematic regions.
Berlin in general is a very diverse city. Lots of non-whites. Lots of foreign languages. Many mixed race couples. But I have never encountered violence by non-whites. Actually the most problematic crime source are housebreakings by Eastern-Europeans organized criminals. Refugees mostly commit petty crimes.
If you stay out of the big cities, you will see almost no non-whites.
There are probably many problems in the refugee homes, but the average citizen has nothing to do with this.
c...c.....co....cime here guys.
Well, haven't you seen some doctors from India or American doctors with Caribbean degrees? Same with the person I mentioned. There actually are two German doctors in my school too
no Germany is not Detroit.