marxism, nazism, ancapism and similar ideologies are all equally wrong and that communo-capitalism is the only way forward?
When did you realize
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Look a talking monkey.
Captional Arcanocommunalistism is the only way forward.
What the fuck kind of fetal alcohol syndrome, illicit love-child ideology is that?
This bait is awful.
Anarcho-totalitarian Contrarianism is the official Sup Forums ideology. GTFO you burgeois commie.
One which makes even less sense than national socialism.
this larping needs to stop
Wtf even???!!!
pol will love it
What, were An-Capism and the Red Pill not stupid enough of scams for you? Did you have to see just how stupid of an ideology you could cook up to scam folks with?
Literally Hitlers flavour of national socialism
>"Self made manifesto"
I've never seen so much cancer in one post.
The only place redditor deserves, it's on the rope.
this isn't nazbol, nazbol is retarded
This is the next level of power in the world. A world where communists can be capitalists so that competition among communes leads to increased efficiency.
It's modern-day feudalism
Is this how we call selling Che Guevara t-shirts?
the best of both worlds!
Anarcho-statism is the true redpill
>I've read moldbug but I hate Christianity
shit meme kys
I dunno lad, this looks like National Syndicalism with a retarded name.
it's not, national syndicalism is the opposite of it actually
fake news
Mr. Burguer, what you've just said... Is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point, in your rambling, incoherent reply, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no (you)'s, and may God have mercy on your soul.
We're all online, send your questions
Basic Syndicalism then? Stop making up odd ideologies mate, we already have too many anarcho-retards.
this isn't a ideology with nations, or focused on syndicates
It's focused on individual communes and their glorious leaders
and the anarcho-retards are worse than the lgbtxyz crowd, holy shit. It's like they make up a new one whenever their autist recquires it
What's the difference between commune, syndicate or confederation?
that's as retarded as calling an apple a vegetable (aka calling an apple OP)
the way they don't care about labour or work
Have you read the gulag archipelago?
If you haven't, you're not allowed to have a conversation about communism until you understand what exactly adhering to an idealist perfect system does to society and the massive aimless loss that it brings all on the assumption of human more fiber somehow not be corruptible with power or selfish with how it takes it resources outside of survival.
>the way they don't care about labour or work
Which means? Who owns the means of production btw?
this is where the capitalist part comes in
it fixes all problem
communism is for retards
so is capitalism
communo-capitalism is the only way, it's the moderate center path
the commune, represented by it's democratically elected glorious leader
Then what is capitalist about it mate?
communes are bought and sold in a laissez-faire market
You DISGUSTING DYNAMOS are all being BTFO by our leader on discord btw
I've come to this conclusion though never gave it the came communo-capitalism. It's literally the only way that anarchy will ever work to some extent. ancom can only work in small groups because the defenses against the lazy and the people that take advantage of that system are guarded against by the ability for everyone to know everyone. The trade between communes would allow different communes to specialize in different productions. The only difficulty would be in trading people that weren't as good of a fit for certain types of jobs etc.
Anarchofascism is clearly the best
post a legit dis link
Long a go.
Thats why I play both sides.
T. Filluminati
I dont think that's a good way to say it. It's the extremes that work for the reasons they work and fail for the reasons they fail in the extreme sectors of society where they belong.
Bought by who exactly?
by glorious leader
It's been infiltrated by shills. We need to take it back and make ConCapism Great Again
Answer the question "Bought by who exactly?"
glorious leader. Anyone in the market can buy it and sell it, like a company with shareholders
add comcap in the end
Nazism is probably the most sustainable in an economic stand point assuming that specific socialism dosen't lead to communism
The one-party system is one of the only things that can stop the tyranny of the majority and is one of the closest political ideologies that resembles monarchism that can currently exist in the current century
>most sustainable in an economic stand point
>lasted less than 20 years
That dosen't mean it's economic plans and structure were in the wrong
In less then 4 years Germany had a labor shortage and unemployment fell to zero
>he actually believes this meme
that's the ultimate redpill. It's even more redpilled than radical centrism
way, way more, radical centrism is for fags without convictions
Read through old newspapers or books
Hitler believed in the worker being first
"In my opinion, the Americans are right in not wanting to make everyone the same but rather in upholding the principle of the ladder. However, every single person must be granted the opportunity to climb up the ladder.”
Or look at the increase in trading that germany experienced during those times
"Between 1932, the last year of the pre-Hitler era, and 1938, the last full year before the outbreak of war, food consumption increased by one sixth, while clothing and textile turnover increased by more than a quarter, and of furniture and household goods by 50 percent. / 16 During the Third Reich’s peacetime years, wine consumption rose by 50 percent, and champagne consumption increased five-fold. / 17 Between 1932 and 1938, the volume of tourism more than doubled, while automobile ownership during the 1930s tripled. / 18 German motor vehicle production, which included cars made by the US-owned Ford and General Motors (Opel) works, doubled in the five years of 1932 to 1937, while Germany’s motor vehicle exports increased eight-fold. Air passenger traffic in Germany more than tripled from 1933 to 1937."
It's not a meme or propaganda when said publications are well known and said the same thing
It's not a north korea thing where the information was coming from germany itself, it instead came from everyone else looking at germany and not understanding how their economic system didn't crash
>Read through old newspapers or books
The same ones like the NYT who praised stalin for his glorious economic plans and said this was the way forward for America?
even ancaps admit hitler awas a faggit
Well, that's NYT
I can understand where you're coming from with that
But this info is based off of many books mostly originating from Britain rather then the associated press
Such as
Richard Grunberger, The Twelve-Year Reich: A Social History of Nazi Germany, 1933-1945
With what money? And how can a worker earn enough money to buy a commune?
A fucking non-country
The same way they buy company shares nowadays. Not all communes need to be a family business or owned by few people
>If we mix cyanide with Moonshine, they are sure to cancel out eachothers problems!
Both systems are veritably flawed. Communism having a fast track to ruin and Capitalism having moderate sustainability with underlying state powers keeping them in check, neither of these great, nor to they solve eachothers problems when combining them.
Looking through some of these I think they just seem to make shit up
This one pissed me off the most
>Give people heroin and they do work
The majority of these articles also continue in this same way where it's more based on the opinon of the speaker rather then real life example or cause and effect
You are anarcho-capitalist mate.
You're literally just referring to mutualism.
Oh you mean like a centrist? A both nationalist, but socialist government. And it would have to be authoritarian as well because of the collectivism.
I think there was a guy who did that once back in the 30s
Sounds like corporatism to me...
with what fucking arguments, you retard?
Market socialism?
close to moldbug but with a more catchy name and some differences
>you can buy and sell places and "governments"
a leaf
completely different, read the thread dynamo shill
fake news, mutualism is retarded
not an argument
so Leninism?
kill yourself communo-fag
>american education
Communism is like being a 40 years neet that live with your parents.
They give you food, a place to live, you have a computer.....
Sounds good right?
Well sometimes they will tell you to do bullshit courses, apply to bullshit jobs, tell you to do bullshit stuff and etc.. because according to their worldview those stuff are right things.
You sort can't say nothing because they are actually trying to help you, but in the end you will just become more dependent of your parents and so of their worldview that may ultra different from your own worldview.
Ancap is like being a children that received alot of chocolate bars at easter and want to eat all those chocolate bars at the same time.
His mom say "you wont do that, because it will give you a diarrhea".
The children think "I'm ok with getting diarrhea if this mean I will be able to eat the entire chocolate bars. Diarrehea is no big deal. Why can't I eat those chocolate bars without having my mom messing with my life".
The ancap is the children, and the mom is the state.
This too at first sounds like a good idea, you don't care about diarrhea and will trade it for the act of eating alot of chocolate at the same day.
The problem is that real life situations arent so simple and the trade off between beneficts of not having a "shield law X that will limit your life" and the negative thing Y you may get by not having this law aren't so obvious.
Pinochet would be the Warren Buffet of ComCap world