Sup Forums's opinions on Milo?
Sup Forums's opinions on Milo?
A complete piece of shit
cool dude
Gas the faggots !
he is pretty gay desu
he smells like hot garbage
Hey Millo
"is X redpilled?" is against the rules shlomo
>The JQ:
At Majdanek, (((Soviets))) claimed that 2 million Jews were killed in gas chambers. Thanks to revisionists, today it's believed less than 60,000 died (primarily of disease). The Red Cross estimated only 8,000 had died there. That is a drop of almost 2 million. Most normies don't know that, and continue quoting the 6 gorillion.
At Auschwitz, (((Soviets))) claimed 4 million people died in gas chambers. Today, the TOTAL death toll sits at 1.1 million (from ALL causes, eg disease). That is a drop of almost 3 million, though still grossly inflated going by Red Cross reports.
Normies blindly believe the 6 gorillion because they don't bother examining such a grisly topic from a critical pov. They take it on faith that (((Hollywood))) and what they learnt in school is 100% factual.
Watch these, if you STILL believe the Holohoax myth, you may be a Jew!
>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:
>The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:
>1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked):
>Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:
>The Last Days of the Big Lie
Spielberg's Oscar-winning documentary about the Shoah uses discredited eyewitness Paul Parks, who lies about being in a unit that liberated Dachau.
Parks, a known fraud, was in an earlier documentary about black soldiers liberating concentration camps, criticized by the press after being disproven by historians and military records.
NO BLACKS were involved in liberating ANY camps. But Spielberg uses Paul Parks as 1 of his 5 key witnesses in The Last Days, because the ONE American soldier in it couldn't be a WHITE guy, no he wanted it to be a NIGGER for his anti-white agenda.
Other obvious lies are also exposed:
Basically just triggers the left.
Coalburner jew faggot controled opposition
I think he's funny.
A bit of a one trick pony.
Hopefully he'll expand his repertoire.
Total degenerate, but it's funny to watch libshits fall for his attack dog tactics again and again.
faggot nigger loving kike
kill him
Literally last year's news.
the last hope of the Western civilization.
should be stoned to death
Dirty kike spreading degeneracy online
He's an asshole.
All personal criticisms aside, breaking up college hugboxes is a noble endeavor. That he's a fellow degenerate prevents the left from completely dismissing him.
Genuinely one of the most visually and intellectually repulsive people I've ever seen.
Conservatism is religious in nature( 85% of evangelical christians voted trump) and as a christian conservative I dont want a sick faggot involved with the movement.
No its not, if we did nothing, they would destroy themselves much faster. Hes working against us by speeding up the kike agenda.
I agree with most his views, except for the one on religion and atheism.
15 minute fly but talented and able to self-reflect. He's okay.
He killed his career by coming out as a paedophile
I don't really know and care about any of the e-celebs you worship but this guy might've had some effect on the Trump election - especially in the LGBT crowd. Whether that's a good or a bad decide.
He an attention seeking depraved cocksucker.
I would never accept him as a conservative
fag coalburning virtue signalling kike who is now last years news thank god
gay jew.
do not trust.
Another rare flag. Yesterday there was (Holy See). I'd never seen that one before...
If a kike nigger loving pillow biter is the hope of western civilization we deserve to perish
Theater school drop out, useless waster. Propaganda mill whore of the right wing conspiracy.
he's aurini tier cringe
an old greek fag larping as a young aryan
He's one of the best weapons against cultural marxism on college campuses. Shame he's a civic nationalist though. I still support his actions because it's more beneficial than detrimental.
Hes a fucking pedo enabler.
You arent American but here in america the pedo shit ends not only you but anyone associated with you
Good job falling for an obvious political hitjob you gullible faggot.
I listened to those podcasts when they came out and were seen by hundreds of thousands of people and no one made a big deal of it back then.
Meant tonadd that his comments about uyoung boys may have flown in Europe but if any, and I mean anyone, get caught hitting on a 14 year old the police have the right to put a sign in your yard telling everyone else you are a kid toucher
Kike Jew
I listened to you yogurt swilling faggot.
He said he can se the benefit in younger boys and older men being together.
That is pedo enabling and as any american will tell you even a whiff of pedo makes you toxic. I wouldnt trust milo with a boy, no way
His words were poorly chosen, and has had more pedos convicted through investigative journalism than most people get convicted in their lives. So yea. He's just a degenerate faggot.
Van Wilder goes gay.
e celeb
attention whore
race mixer
altright faggot
will do anything for money
kike agent provocateur
He's attracted to many legit retards and has started pandering to them.
Used to dig him but just can't stand the idiots who follow him.
coalburning faggot, normalizing degeneracy
Yeah he said that because it was his experience and apparently it's a thing in the gay scene. George Takei said the exact same thing and nothing happened to him because he's a libcuck.
He even said the age of consent should remain the same, he was talking about outliers.
Anyone who makes little cup cakes lose their shit is cool in my book. Feminism is dumb as fuck
Thats enabling pedo. He should have named the man who raped him, disavowed him and then spoke of ways we can arrest men who fuck boys.
Instead he excused it which is sick
He's a pussy who avoided Ben Shapiro like the plague and took faggy jabs at him from a safe distance. He would get ethered in an actual debate against Ben and he knows it. His Jew level is nowhere near bens.
Not telling.
>He should have named the man who raped him
He doesn't feel he was raped.
This little bitch is American. 100% pure American.
I hope he's not planning to visit Greece, cause we're going to bury the faggot.
I don't know. Sometimes I get the impression he genuinely cares about Americans.
Ben Shapiro and Milo Yiannopoulos were playing the old conservative Jew vs. liberal Jew, only that Milo was the liberal Jew, while representing alt-right conservative movement. Funny, isn't it?
Degenerate faggot. He's just as bad as the left.
Awesome upstanding faggot
no he's british, with greek origins
A pedophile
The he was sending a message it is ok for some men to fuck boys. It isnt. It never is and saying thag excuses the actions of pedophiles. Saying he is ok with age of consent is meaningless because he is saying the relationships can have merit.
Miloe excused pedophilia.
Yeah, he is pure entertainment and offers no substance politically. I could give a fuck about him desu. If he starts spreading rainbow swastikas all over social media I will become a fan. He honey dicks /pol too much.
Doesn't matter where he's born or where his parents were born. He's as American as it gets.
I worked at ABC Family and have seen first hand how (((they))) use niggers and fags against us.
I can tell you what Milo was and what he was for Sup Forums. He was a liberal expressive Jew and wanted liberal free speech, but because we got better memes he went with the alt-right movement, since that was his ticket to fame, we are making stars like Hollywood, but on internet.
>*blocks your path*
>-"You can pass if I can suck your cock"
Would you let him?
>The he was sending a message it is ok for some men to fuck boys. It isnt.
Why not? You just can't comprehend the notion of nuance. People are very different. It might be rare but there are instances where the relationships Milo was talking about are not damaging and are in fact good. That's just a statistical fact. But the age of consent exists because we have to draw a line somewhere. But some people are more intelligent and mature at 15 than some are at 25. The variance is huge among people.
A useful idiot.
He can do whatever he wants. His very existence is making the left make all the mistakes we need them to.
I blame him for all the liberals that post on here.
Milo is fucking hilarious
No you are defending. Its not good for old men to fuck boys. Its never good under any circumstances. 18 is the law.
Stop trying to rationalize rape
fuck leftists
You're anti-intellectual. It's impossible to continue the discussion further.
They just want to be part of internet meme culture headquarters, just like Milo.
/ourpedo/ amirite, peeds?!
you have to go back
he stirs shit up
Original based faggot
>look mom I posted it again xp
Milo is not a pedo, he was a pedo's victim
He has little of value to offer society.
I fucking haye this pedophilic supporting poser. Gas him along with the rest of the Jews. White pride world wide
Who is that bleached NYSNC boy? Where is the second coming of Hitler I'm sick of waiting. What kind of gas should we use this time?
the anti-SJW sthick was working in 2015/2016
right now we face completely different and bigger problems than some screeching leftards
Milo doesnt have anything to bring to the table other than "look these people are so stuuupeeed! now watch me make out with my new black bf haha =P"
ofc his shit eating """"fans"""" will still come to his college """"""rallies"""""", but this fag just isnt really relevant in the bigger picture anymore
he literally said that he will use the $12 mill to fund campus tours (again), to ((((sue)))) Simon &Schuster and to print his shitty book
You're right that the anti-SJW thing is played out but the fact is college campuses are still extremely anti-free speech and run by marxists. That battle is far from over.
t Ahmed
He's hilarious, but needs to be a better debater so pic related doesn't happen again
Gay as can be and I love him for being a rebel.
Milo failed at the task he was sent to do
Cernovich is picking up the slack
I want to duck him
A hollow broken condom of a man. He doesn't believe in anything, he just latches on to whichever cause will bring him attention. I feel deep pity for anyone who ever thought he was on 'their side'.
All the leftist scum ere needs to be shot.
Irrelevant now. He had a good run.
His usefulness has ended. Fuck that degenerate. He and the alt-lite can keep wasting their time on femenism and SJWs while we take down the (((elite))).
is he even still a thing?