This is the true meter for women's attractiveness

This is the true meter for women's attractiveness.

Other urls found in this thread:

pre 20 is waaay too low

It should drop immediately at 30

What the fuck NO!!!!

>pic related

>tfw my gf is 30

That shit's waaaay off. Women's attractiveness peaks a solid decade earlier than in your chart

Underaged faggot detected


>the vast majority of 16-19 year old women are ugly

>they arent attractive until they're definitely legal


Now It's correct

how many cocks has she taken?
(you can down down to the nearest dozen)

Too fugly for young women eh? Must suck to be a beta

>implying girls aren't hot by the age of 13

stop trying so hard

forgot pic


Now I understand pic related.


I'm an oldfag... Girls in their late teens/early twenties are pretty much children... Late 20's/early 30's is the sweet spot

If your're into necromancy.

That is spot on

If you think that late 20s early 30s women arent children then you're a fucking virgin.

No, this is the real scale from men that has not been jewed.

This, peak between 15-29, immediate crash after 30

I see, you are a truly redpilled, i agree with that pic

Fuck sake

Every rule has the occasional exception.

>ITT: people younger than 20 and pedophiles

Have you guys ever been with young women? They are the worst people on planet Earth, and the immaturity levels are basically just go MGTOW worthy.

If you have any connection with reality, or anything beyond the physical, or even don't have this insane desire to torture yourself with emotional manipulation and torture, OP's chart is the most accurate. Hell, I'd slant it even older, but that's me personally.

Its more like 16 to 23

>implying you wouldn't want to seed a fertile womb
>implying women aren't essentially old children when fully developed

this is true

the chart says sexual attractiveness. what does that have to do with personality?

shut up woman

10-15 rise should be sharper but best in thread

>30 prime

30 is like rock bottom for most women

>not peaking at 14


I don't want to draw up a chart.
Around 3yo=starting to be doable
About 6-8yo=peak sexiness
Downhill from there until completely unattractive around 20
Here's a video for reference
She's doable around the 50 second mark then peaks around a minute 20/minute and a half.

age of consent laws are being pushed by globalists and feminists.Globalists want to have more time to indoctrinate women with college and other propaganda, while feminists are just salty that 16 years old girls are more competitive than their ugly asses.There is nothing wrong with arranged marriages, its funny how americans who are Christian cling to 18 years old age of consent so much, though it goes against all our traditions

15 year olds can be hot , sorry OP

shift it to the left 10 years

>Have you guys ever been with young women?
Have you ever been with an older woman?
All western women are immature overgrown children. Regardless of age.

>prime at 30
Get a load of this octagenarian.


I'm 30. How do I get the courage to be the creepy older guy who sleeps with college girls. There should be nothing wrong with it. The 18 year old girls I grew up with all did it when I was that age and ignored me, but I still feel affected by society's judgment when I consider doing the same thing?

shit, I mean't 5 years don't judge me

I think this is

if they're 18+ then it doesn't matter


Uhm why are you projecting your own insecurities on the graph OP?

Everybody knows that female attractiveness peaks at between 22-26, and after down it's just a sharp drop.


>get the courage

Jesus Christ dude grow some balls and be a man. If you don't have the courage to be honest with people you should just Caitlyn yourself.

Too bad I'm so jaded at 28 after years of being in shit relationships that I can't even bring myself to hit on women and actively avoid them. Ironically I get more bitches chasing me now though


An 81 year old woman in a wheelchair blows this to bits
when she's a billionaire with no family

lol we found the cuck

*Correction, it would probably be between 18-24, rather than 22-26. Didn't think it through.

Only virgins care about that, because it means she's more aware of what she's doing in bed. Sadly I wish she could give better head though.
>hurr durr bet she took Jamal's cock
She told me she isn't attracted to anything but white guys and admitted she dumped a guy for being too big.
Have fun with ur 2D wifu.

Stop caring about what other people think, 18+ is fair game.

Bruh fucking 18 and 19 year olds was awesome when I was 20-22. Their sluttiness was prime. Then you have more stable long term sex through your mid twenties. One or two longer term partners (with some man slutting it up between girls).they were usually 22-27.
After that, there is a drive, even if subconscious or unspoken, to have children behind the fucking. Sluttiness is no longer the motive. It slowly changes to reproduction.
It changes the nature of the sex.
Young girls are not meant for partners. They are many for fucking silly while their peers get all butthurt that 'all girls are whores'.
Be the reason why losers think women are sluts

>this thread

what is wrong with you

Why is it an "insecurity" to find slightly older women to be the sexiest? You wouldn't want a young mommy milf jr. gf?

Is that what she told you? LOL

13-16 is best desu senpai

>most attractive at 30
Not in this dimension, schlomo.

millennials seem to be onto (((cougars)))

Kek to each his own I guess

This. Between 30-35 women really go to shit. Maybe 1% of women have the genes to still be attractive at 40.

i'm amazed at how accurate this is

I find it hard to be attracted to women 25+, you can start seeing they're aging. You start to slowly see the old woman in their face (not in all cases) coming through. I'm 26 for reference.

now that's just silly user. Because if you're telling yourself you don't find a woman sexually attractive before 20 there's something wrong with you (probably society repression)

Really at about 13-14 it should start going up a bit. Yes, it's natural to find adolescent girls sexually attractive you just have restraint and don't act on it.

and the peak is between 19-26, then it starts going down for most women, but they can maintain being pretty attractive up until 40-42, 50+ if they're some hollywood chick.

I'm not going to draw but..


16-18, 27-42

>Not Ideal
13-15, 43-52

>Not attractive
11-12, 52-60

>Not even in consideration
0-10, 61-death

Most correct chart in the thread unless you're Macron.


not bad

when you see a girl over 25 smile, you can start to see the lines in her face forming. It will only be down hill from there. Their chins start to get pointier, they start getting that granny face. The youthful glow they once had is dimming.

ara ara

This is good


I'd say the true peak is earlier, between 15 and 20. Let's say 18.

0-12 red
12-14 yellow
13-15 green
15-20 prime
downhill to 45 from there

Peak is 14

>being with sluts is great
>it means they've got experience
What a cuck.
What's wrong with you? Little girls are the best. So small and pretty and nice.

sauce pls

Fuck, I know 16 y.o. girls who have wrinkles these days. Unhealthy lifestyle really takes its toll.

the fuck

this has to be bait, there have to be some algerians worth sparing

I told her I'm not attracted to non-whites and she told me how people constantly told her she was racist for thinking the same. As far as dumping the guy for being too big, I can honestly believe it because she's a pretty small girl, and her pussy is tight af. I guess I'm just taking her word for it, but honestly why should I care?

Ideally you would get your wife at around 13, you won't fuck her till 15 or 16. You would spend those years molding her into the perfect wife for yourself. Then you would raise a family with her. That is how it was done for centuries until (((they))) stopped it.

>marrying a woman after she's ridden the cock carousel

t. roastie

Spike should start at 14/15 depending on how early the girl develops. Hard incline through 22. Shallow decline with a dead cat bounce at 35 then a hard drop

This is more realistic, though not necessarily ethical.

Let's be real t. A woman's peak is usually 16-20 in regards to attractiveness... woman, specifically white woman start looking ugly after 20 years old. They age like fucking milk.


Do you know how many times a 30 year old attractive woman has been fucked in the current degenerate western society? Hundreds. Perhaps thousands.

18-20 desu are best ages.

Trump said like fifteen years ago that he prefers women aged 30-35 and then it goes down from there. He might have changed his opinion know, though.

>something magically happens at 18 that makes them 10000X hotter than 17 year olds

I hope this was the point of this thread

(((who))) do you think made the age of consent laws in the US? lol.

I believe most states are 16 in the u.s regarding age of consent, no?
