Really want to see this mumbling half-wit in person and confront him about his incoherent ideas but thankfully I don't live in that shithole known as Europe any longer
you would cower in fear in front of a true alpha my Mexican friend
>its a "Varg is a batshit crazy retard" episode
Stop trying to protect Western Civilization.
Can't help but feel fascinated by Varg.
I swear this guy is paranoid obsessive. He truly is losing it.
I've seen interviews with him. He's not intimidating at all.
Buy stupid Goy, you have to believe my (((research)))!
>'ve seen interviews with him. He's not intimidating at all.
a big part of this esoteric nazi shit is projection of power from really weak people. They are physically weak and/or socially weak losers for the most part who stamp their feet and LARP in the hopes someone notices them and are so scared of them that they just do what they say. It really is nigger tier ideology
>ITT: we guess Varg's IQ
He's not a Nazi lol
he obviously does believe in a lot of that esoteric nazi shit though, like I said.
Varg is an idiot who is obsessed with genetics, yet doesnt even have a basic understanding of how genetics work.
t. brown eyed african
Will we ever see this faggot engaging in a debate with someone or will he continue his vlog from his comfort zone of one-way communication?
I would love to see him debate someone. He would probably spaze out on them.
Why does he have to debate someone?
He's a simple man with his beliefs and ideals. Is this not allowed?
>He's a simple man with his beliefs and ideals. Is this not allowed?
Thats right guys leave the nice old man who savagely stabbed a dude to death alone. Grandpa Burzum just wants to make satanic music and get gibs with his autist wife.
>people that blindly believe in what scientism tells them because they think by adopting scientist's doctrines and parroting it that also makes them smart!
the dum ppl trying to seem smart by association and parroting the high priests scientific doctrine are the low IQ ones...
it's complete morons that 'play it safe' and go with whatever the high priests say as to not risking looking retarded which is what they actually are
To put his ideas to test.
It takes balls to sit next to someone who's there to challenge your ideas. Since he's Anita Sarkeesian-level pussy, he'll stay in his comfort zone to avoid getting exposed.
I'd love to see his responses when directly confronted.
Yes, mom.
>rural and suburban intellectuals
There are people on this board who unironically believe we are Neanderthals and that humans could mate with that monkey, just look at the damn head, it's literally a monkey that lived in Europe that went extinct.
This is how """""Neanderthals"""""" looked like
Varg is pushing this retarded theory that whites are 99,7 % Neanderthal because of his own feelings, he doesn't want to come from Africa no matter what.
Tbf it wasn't a random guy. It was a guy who'd made credible threats against his life. Also these were early pioneers of Norwegian black metal. If you know anything about that time, they were basically snow niggers.
>Reconstruction from Germany
>Taking research from Germany serious
The picture here is from the Netherlands where freedom is allowed And pic related as well
Varg misses the mark on a lot of things, but he's right to be skeptical of (((science))).
>misses the mark
>you think you're on the right course by being skeptical of cold, hard facts
He is totally right with this one. The speculations are still speculations.
>image file saved as "botmaterial"
your cover has been blown, shill.
Can anyone tell what his actual beliefs are? Like, what is his end game? Does he think Europeans should just go back be being savages/vikings and expect every other nation to just leave us alone?
Also he seems to understand the principle of natural selection, but he thinks we should go back to being pagans.
In the course of history monotheism has triumphed over polytheism every single time. Monotheism is just superior to polytheism because polytheism will eventually cause division between the followers of the religion.
Is Varg an anarcho-primitivist?
must be hard to live a life and hate exactly everything and every one, life must be hard for nazis
Stop murdering people and living off welfare.
Bone material in Dutch