How will Sup Forums mentally gymnastic themselves out of this?
How will Sup Forums mentally gymnastic themselves out of this?
It's almost like the white leftists are the rich ones and the nonwhite ones are on the gibs.
also i think we just call the media liberal, and hollywood liberal
your average liberal is making less than your average trump voter
Its almost like Trumps right and left hand mans are Jews
The Conservatard Dilemma: a philosophical paradox describing how conservatives are simultaneously illiterate hillbillies and the "capitalist oppressors"
Libtatds are rich pompous honkies.
We call the poor ones niggers.
a majority of leftists are on the gibs
poor ones on welfare
richer ones in government or academia
neither pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits or salary so ultimately both are a drain on the taxes from the private sector
make no mistake - none of these leftists are truly "liberals"
the elite desire a dependant welfare state to make controllable society. They are less likely to bite the hand that feeds them and keeps corrupt shit bags in power
Did it ever occur to this genius that maybe more than one group makes up the demonic abortion that is American leftism?
Libtards are controlled by elite fgts like Hilary while the low-tier ones are either on welfare/extremely rich(if they are white).
Republicans make up the majority of the middle class, that is why Trump won.
>Implying a 17 word tweet will explain the paradox that is the liberal mind
Good luck with that.
media and wealthy are pro liberal because stupid welfare monkeys are easy consumers and easy wallets to control
Well, it's really quite simple. A friend of mine is a liberal and he collects food from the food bank. He plays guitar in a shitty band with a trust fund millionaire that is also a leftist.
The ones who aren't welfare recipients are elite.
>groups are not entirely homogeneous
Wew lad I'm working up a sweat here
White liberals: middle class+
welfare: the illegals and niggers
99% of Silicon Valley and 99% of MIT voted for Hillary.
Niggers aren't people.
>Tfw black, making over 100k, liberals
We must get the blacks to turn on their Jewish handlers. Jews despised MLK because he wanted blacks to give up their culture and assimilate into American culture like every other group of people that have come here. The Black Lives Matter people resegregating themselves is evidence of a racial divide perpetuated by the same kikes that disagreed with MLK, MLK has been turning over in his grave since the (((hip-hop movement))) of the early 90s.
One the exploiter the other the exploitee
The "liberal elite" are often not as liberal in their actions, only in what they are willing to push.