Why are you not national socialist Sup Forums?
Why are you not national socialist Sup Forums?
I am. Sup Forums is.
Because Strasser wanted to do away with private property and have everything owned by the state, and then divided up into separate "zones" or whatever depending on the type of work there. Youre entire fate would be up to the state to decide and you could have no freedom for yourself.
strasserism is the ultimate form of national socialism
why do you think (((hitler))) purged them
because socialism doesn't work you retard
Because Hitler only cared about power for himself and saw Germany as just a tool to use. He really showed his colors in the final moments when he ordered his army to keep fighting when he KNEW they would lose, causing only more suffering for his people who had sacrificed so much for his vision. He also ordered Berlin to be demolished by Speer as a way to push every german to the breaking point and cause they to either fight or die in a horrible hell scape. Then he shot himself like a coward while offering no real instructions on what to do after he died. He is probably the biggest piece of shit leader in history.
>the government is corrupt, we need more government
t. natsocs
yeah, I always sort of used Hobbes leviathan argument against him. If people in general are shit, then why would you give one absolute power?
any books on strasserism?
Because Strasser was pissing off the old guard of the military and nobility. He could've just waited 10 years or so when things were running smoothly but he had to keep on pissing off the army.
>Strasser wanted to do away with private property
Did some googling and found a Strasser quote:
"Because we want the overthrow of capitalism there can be for us no sanctity of private property"
That I can not agree with. I feel like Uncle A had the correct solution of socialism in that you can retain private property
because they were revolutionaries. They didnt want to cuck out to the Prussian aristocracy
yes, Hitler had the right idea when he did away with that aspect of Strasserism (and Strasser himself)
It went too far left, NatSoc was a very good middle ground.
Yeah no shit but after just barely getting power you're going to go after a beloved institution and a formidable power in their own right? Should have just been patient and waited a few years for national socialism to really take hold.
Because I'm not a gigantic faggot
not really. It makes sense in their ideology and worldview though. It would be like Hitler striking a deal with jewish leaders, or Lenin making a deal with the Tsar.
Because the state is a joke.
Because I have red Mein Kampf AND Nietzsche
I like George Lincoln Rockwells spin on national socialsm.
Essentially he is describing a Scandinavian model with protected borders etc.
ITT: leftist kike subverts who would have been long knived
Uncle Adolf did nothing wrong.
Wrong. National Socialism doesn't do away with private property or personal efficiency
He wasn't a national socialist.
try reading literally anything on Strasser LARPer.
>I like George Lincoln Rockwells spin on national socialsm.
all he was was racist. No interesting political changes or even remotely socialist. Neo-Nazism (including neo-nazis who claim they arent neo-nazis) is just that. boring racism and nothing more.
Youre a shill. He invented National Socialism with people like Drexler. Some of us aren't larping, and you're going to seriously regret this bullshit one day.
Hitler's version doesn't.
Anton Drexler invented national socialism. Hitler did not.
Nothing wrong with capitalism or internationalism desu
I'm not saying Strasser, I'm saying National Socialism. Read you retarded r*dditor
>its a Canadian shitpost
>I'm not saying Strasser
I clearly did though in my post. you need to learn how to read nu/pol/ faggot. Im done with you
That's why the Strasser brothers split with Uncle Adolf. They didn't want a single Furhrer.
Corporatism > Communism > dogshit > Capitalism
Gibsmedat for white people
There's a reason all national socialists IRL are rednecks
>On April 13, 1928, Adolf Hitler clarified section seventeen in the programme in order to stop political mischaracterizations: "Because of the mendacious interpretations on the part of our opponents of Point 17 of the programme of the NSDAP, the following explanation is necessary.: Since the NSDAP is fundamentally based on the principle of private property, it is obvious that the expression "confiscation without compensation" refers merely to the creation of possible legal means of confiscating when necessary, land illegally acquired, or not administered in accordance with the national welfare. It is therefore directed in the first instance against the Jewish companies which speculate in land.
The leftist faggots got cut, and everyone was better off for it. Hitler was right, Hitler did nothing wrong, National Socialism is the answer to our problems. Sup Forums was once a hivemind, people who are real Sup Forumsacks know what the real Sup Forumsack official position is for everything. All this horseshit about Strasser and Nazbol etc comes from actual kikes, and marxist lefty/pol/ race traitor raiders, and maybe a few aut-kikers or something, although they dont even read so I doubt it.
There is no swaying the movement. National Socialism is needed to stop white genocide, and Sup Forumsacks are either National Socialists, or sympathetic lolbertarians. Anyone else is a shill, or Reddit cancer etc.
Because you'll look like this.
Mussolini is cool.
The 25 points of the NSDAP Program were composed by Adolf Hitler and Anton Drexler. They were publically presented on 24 February 1920 "to a crowd of almost two thousand and every single point was accepted amid jubilant approval." (Mein Kampf, Volume II, Chapter I) Hitler explained their purpose in the fifth chapter of the second volume of Mein Kampf:
[T]he program of the new movement was summed up in a few guiding principles, twenty-five in all. They were devised to give, primarily to the man of the people, a rough picture of the movement's aims. They are in a sense a political creed, which on the one hand recruits for the movement and on the other is suited to unite and weld together by a commonly recognized obligation those who have been recruited.
Hitler was intent on having a community of mutual interest that desired mutual success instead of one that was divided over the control of money or differing values.
In these straightforward statements of intent, Hitler translated his ideology into a plan of action which would prove its popularity with the German people throughout the coming years. For many, the abruptness of its departure from the tradition of politics as practiced in the western world was as much of a shock as its liberal nature and foresight of the emerging problems of western democracy.
You are a shill.
I clearly wasn't implying anything about Strasser and yet your reply seemed to assume that I was.
That r*ddit spacing of yours gives you away, newfag. Caling others nu Sup Forums for damage control only makes it look that more pathetic.
Because I understand how economics works.
And yet he betrayed his own manifesto.
>hurdurr this socialism will work guys
suck some sock burger. (This isnt a typo)
Because I believe extremes of anything isn't good, and that the best hope is a careful balance of left and right ideologies
Not to mention, Drexler was the original founder of the party and Hitlers mentor. Drexler founded the party. Not Hitler.
autistic dogshit like this is why no one like you stormfags btw.
Nice meme.
>muh argument to moderation
There is nothing inherently wrong with an "extremist" view. All positions must be assessed on their own merits, not simply dismissed because of their position on an arbitrary spectrum.
Strasserism =/= national socialism idiot
Hitler made sure to pure the economical commies from his party because he wasn't an idiot.
Capitalism without Jews is fine, strasserists need to understand this.
>hehe WNs masturbate all the time and are disheveled in appearance
Kill yourself schlomo
Because my nation sued to be a Nationalist Socialist nation a mere 30 years ago and all it achieved was destroying the nation.
>ID is XPKurq
That's like saying Judaism without Jews is fine. It doesn't make sense.
Autistic screeching like this is why many National Socialists detest non-whites in general. We know youre a shitskin anti-white kike lover. Youre not a white person concerned with white genocide. Also, this board is National Socialist, by majority and always has been.. despite subhuman trash like you filling it up. Also, more people than ever are waking up to white genocide, far right groups are postering towns all over the US with signs saying "We have a right to exist" and more people than ever are waking up to what Jews have done, and are doing. You cant stop it, all the shilling in the world wont stop it. Until white genocide is stopped, this movement will only gain momentup.
>"no one likes you stormfags"
No, no one likes you fucking filthy kikes, not very many people. They dont like you marxist scumbag antifa pieces of shit. Almost no one does. Youre in for a rough ride, princess. Larp times almost over. Maybe read a few books on civil wars, you might last 30 seconds.
And as a reminder.
>no jews
Sounds perfect m8
Do you think that jews arre evil?
I didnt read one word of your post stormfag. No one likes you retards, you are making an ass out of yourself, and more and more people on Sup Forums realize how retarded you are each day. Im done wasting my time on you
I'm not a fan of them or their materialistic ways. I don't think they're all evil but I don't want them in my country.
Obvious astroturfing kike is obvious.
because its socialist and authoritarian
I am Sup Forums i am
Natsoc is my Religion
Europe is my Church
my Race is my family.
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer
Sieg Heil
Get out
>national socialism
I didn't even know gypsies had the capacity of using the internet let alone know english
Generally its a sound ideology that will benefit its people greatly.
However theres always the question of undesirables and lebensraum. This is a core hurdle for any nationalist ideology - that war is inevitable.
>this board is National Socialist, by majority and always has been
Haha, no. Sup Forums has never had a clear majority ideology. Historically the biggest factions were the fascists and libertarians, followed by neocons, centrist casuals, and then everyone else.
>I'm not a fan of them or their materialistic ways
Thats the point, you hate the ways that made them succesfull.
Its idiotic to complain about someones "virtue" or "morality" when he enslaves you or kills you.
You will stay a slave this way.
You have to drop dogmaticism and accept that things that might seem evil to you are usefull and there arent evil things at all.
Now this doesnt mean that you have to kill your mother or whatever... (There are good reasons not to do that)
Obviously this aproach allowes faggotry, 1000 genders etc. But this aproach also tells you to destroy your enemys in any thinkiable way.
The jews understand this and this is why they are so succesfull.
The "honour, hostility, kindness, trust" virtues that manifested itself in Europe made us vulnerable to the jews.
Its essential to modify European virtues for the sake of our survival.
Shill. This was taken in 2015, long after several waves of Reddit garbage invaded. It was almost entirely Natsoc before, as I said, with a large sympathetic group of Lolbertarians/Ron Paul types. Anyone else is cancer, came from Reddit after several waves of censorship. Moderate meme cucks got banned and flooded the board. Theres also plenty of actual shills, entire groups of people do it as part of university classes, feminist groups who change wikipedia as a daily job etc etc. They all attack us. Cant forge the good ol JIDF. Youre obviously new, relatively new. 2013 is not an oldfag Sup Forumsack.
>We must take from left socialism without internationalism
shows they are just socialists but "mah white people" which is just as moronic as the anti white SJWs going around today.
Social justice for everyone who isn't white and Social justice for white people are the same flawed root ideology.
Because your retarded socalism is, was, and will forever be a pipe dream. I'm terribly sorry to have to point this out to all the children that grew up watching Star Trek TNG, but that paradise of never having to work if you don't want to CANNOT exist without the support of the machine that can literally make anything you want.
Sorry son, you're going to have to produce something in order to have a home, food and clothing. Workers owning the means of their own production is crap. It dosen't work. Because it is literally imposible for one person to harvest the raw materials to make the tools that they need to make and maintain their own home and their own clothing all while tending to a field of crops and or livestock so they do not starve to death.
THAT is why people have skillsets in the first place. That's why you have the guy whose job is to make tools, the guy whose job is to get the raw matirials, the guy whose job it is to make clothes the guy who raises the sheep so that the guy who makes clothes can have wool.
20 some odd people can all just say well we need this or that and work together for their immediate survival. But even that large a group is sometimes a stretch, and if it breaks down, everyone is fucked.
You cannot have a large society without some means of tracking who has produced, and how much they have produced so that they can trade the value of their production with another person for their production. It's that fucking simple And for that you have two choices. One is currency, the other is a government overseer with a checklist. Every type of socialism is going to hit that exact same speed bump, just like they always have. And no matter how long they fake it, it's always going to break down the exact same way.
Because it's not the be-all-end-all of ideas and we shouldn't be going backwards for whole ideas either.
>Its essential to modify European virtues for the sake of our survival
This tbqh. Evolve or die. So goes the laws of nature since the beginning.
>Real Sup Forumsacks
>implying real Sup Forumsacks aren't aware that stormweenies were mocked here mercilessly and were a minority even in the days of /new/ and /n/
>implying Sup Forums or any board on Sup Forums for that matter was ever a hivemind.
Lurk the fuck moar, LARPer.
You can always modify the idea for the modern world.
>posts one poll that refutes his own claims
>b-b-but it was entirely natsoc, believe me guise
The minorities where in their place the jews and bankers where gone the economy was nationalized and there where no banks.
What's the fucking difference then?
Exactly, remove the socialist part.
cuz im not an insecure white boy
natsocs don't care about other races as long as they stick to their own countries. white countries for white people, black countries for black people, etc.
Not a very coherent ideology in practice though.
The nazi aryan is mostly a fabrication
We'll be shipping potato niggers back to Ireland pretty soon, including Obama.
>Having to resort to fiction to prove a point
This is my favorite shortcoming of leftists and Jews in general
Strasserists are just edgy commies. An interesting and obscure heresy, but a heresy nonetheless. Nothing in comparison to the genius that is National Socialism as enacted by Adolf Hitler.
Not sure if you're a shill, or you're just misguided, but it seems like you're interpreting socialism in the Marxist context when approaching National Socialist Doctrine. Your clever image macro is all very entertaining if it wasn't for the fact that we ARE NOT commies, and National Socialist Doctrine as prescribed by Adolf Hitler has nothing to do with Marxism or Communism of any stripe, rather, it's the opposite. Spiritually, at least.
>he doesn't know Hitler was working with zionistic freemasons
>Hitler was a pawn of the central banks and global finance capitalism. That is why he overthrew central banks and global finance capitalism.
Fake news.
because national capitalism is god tier