What is Sup Forumss opinion on Ben Shapiro?
What is Sup Forumss opinion on Ben Shapiro?
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Ben pls stop :J
i agree with tay ai, you have to go back to Israel
the only good kike is a dead kike
He's useful but ultimately still a kike.
Also, fuck off Ben.
t. nu-nu/pol/
A "Buy My Book, Goyim" conservative
filthy kike deserves the gas chambers
>what's Sup Forums's position on (insert jewish name here)
Oh i fucking wonder, what could it POSSIBLY BE?!
fuck off with your slide thread bullshit.
>stop photoshopping my family in ovens
He's a no fun allowed cry baby.
> but ultimately still a kike
How is this an argument?
jew kike manlet
Jewish dickhead cunt.
zionist war mongering jew hates syria hates iran hates Nork is a total puppt alt light pos
pol doesn't like jews because they are hypocrites. extreme ethno-nationalists who want to impose global multiculturalism. radical left wing ideologues who practice the most rapacious of right wing ideologies (usury, naked capitalism, intellectual and corporate piracy).
ben fits the criteria of idealogue. he simply says what will make him the most money. his principles are like anything else in his life, wallpaper on the outside of his house.
chomsky understood this was the role of intellectuals in all societies, to serve as a buffer between the wealthy in control and the idiot masses below who might riot at any moment. in a sense, just like politicians are all friends and part of an elite class, shapiro (an up and commer, he wants to style himself as an edgier very visibly jewish limbaugh) and say another talking head like maher have a lot more in common than you and shapiro do.
he should be disregarded, since he only serves the interests of a class of people who oppose your own, and is a propagandist and actor, fully committed to a lifetime role, in return for being handsomely rewarded for his betrayal. if you want right thinkers you can start with jonathan bowden and work your way down the rabbit hole from there.
Eh hes an ok jew.
He can be the last to be gassed
He should run for office
>Ben "Did I mention I went to Harvard?" Shapiro
>neocon a la "muh Israel is our greatest ally goys, now lets get back to bombing shitholistan"
>differences exist hehe but Western civilization can definitely be maintained by Tyrone and Trayvon :) :)
>diversity is great :)
>muh free market fetishism, fuck any social fallout from globalist neoliberal policies hehe
>"but goy, with free trade this chicken will be 30 cents less per pound! See the free market benefits everyone :)"
He's another fucking insular merchant
It's a shorthand for saying that he will ultimately prioritize the interests of ethnic Jews, Zionists, and Israel over the interests of his white host country.
This pattern of tribal loyalty has been demonstrated time and again in countries which the Jews occupy.
My opinion is every one of these fucking threads needs to be saged, hidden, and ignored.
"What's Sup Forums's opinion on _____?" YOU ASKED A FEW HOURS AGO, GO CHECK THAT THREAD.
Does tribalism exists? Yes. Is it so overwhelming that it's the only lens you need to use to explore anything in this world? No.
You sound pretty retarded if you think you can dismiss any idea by pointing out that a person is a jew.
smart guy.... but... there is no god, brah.
Fuck off you kike your betrayal will never be forgotten
you can say he's based and everything, but i really can't trust someone who bases their moral compass on judaism and is preoccupied protecting jews over anyone else
This town rapist is right
If you think he's smart you should grow the fuck up and read/think more.
This sums him up nicely.
He is your typical kike.
>this coming from some inbred chimp living in a third world shithole
Not an argument
Most intelligent Sup Forumslocks love him. Most retarded Sup Forumslocks hate him for being a jewish manlet.
Sorry Ben, it's true. You're just a mediocre lawyer who has a huge ego but a weak intellect.
Friendly reminder
isn't this manlet like 5'7?
OP here.
I guess I should have expected the jewish hate on pol.
I was raised left wing as fuck but have been challenging those beliefs and have all but cast them off at this point, some of this guys talking points really articulated the evils of the left to me.
I definitely don't agree on all points whatsoever though.
The people who like him are just former leftists who haven't heard coherent right-wing arguments before. 90% of the time Ben faces off against someone who isn't even trying to have a proper debate and just repeats , with a fast pace, some argument that he has previously written in a book or a column. He fucking believes in an anthropomorphic sky daddy (literally) for God's sake. He skirts around difficult issues like race, why he thinks gay marriage is wrong, etc. He wants the US to be multicultural and civic nationalist but wants a homeland for the Jews. He is a fourth rate intellectual who is successful mainly because he functions as an apologist for both the Jews and the ring-wing Christians.