I'm in downtown Toronto right now and there's a huge protest going on, and a huge counter protest...

I'm in downtown Toronto right now and there's a huge protest going on, and a huge counter protest. One side are Muslims and others who support Palestine and are protesting against Israel, and the other side is Jews protesting against Muslims. The Jews are saying some Sup Forums reminiscent things about Mohammed and Allah, it's actually kinda fucked up lmao. And the crazy part is on the Jewish side, they are actually bunch of guys send and decked out in military gear?

Anyone else in Toronto seeing this?

Livestream it faggot

It's just people screaming and shouting at eachother with megaphones with police in between.



Help muslims nuke kikes. Problem solved

You should go on the Israel side and hold a poster that says "ALL ARE WELCOME IN ISRAEL" and "ISRAEL IS FOR EVERYONE!" and have someone film from the other side. Would drive the khazars crazy.

>assisting objective degeneracy with fundamentally radical and impractical tactics
Kys retard

Both are our enemies, I wonder how this is hard to understand

No, that's actually a good idea.

Your country is the biggest Jew in the world.

Next world war you are gone.

Periscope faggot.

get a bullhorn and instigate

fuck em both

So I'm sitting in my living room, minding my own business, when all of a sudden these two retards break into my house and start fighting in front of me.

>leftist kike shills vs zionist kike shills

Gas 'em all.

As an amercian Christian I honestly feel we owe Osrael for giving us Jesus and through him w
Eternal salvation.
Why shoildnt the jews have a tiny piece of Arab land for their homeland? As far as I am concerned an attack on Israel is an attack on Trump and america
Pic related, Trump himself loves Israel

Yeah, was actually invited by Proud Boys to go to this, but I didn't want to side with the kikes any more than I have to.

I think I saw a show quite similar; it was Curb you enthusiasm with Larry David and his favorite chicken place

Why are either of them here? Get the fuck out of our country.

Yet when you point out that the muslim refugees, at least in Europe, are anti-semite scum you are called fake news and a biggot racist.

I side with the jews.

Here's that thing ya wanted

Wherever the Muslims go, they take their stupid Middle East conflict with them. Here as well. Palis are scum and need to be domesticated.