do you think blacks should be exterminated ?
Do you think blacks should be exterminated ?
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If not exterminated, then at least deported. They're too dumb to cause any mischief for us if we just don't let them into our first world countries.
That's like asking /vp/ whether they like Pokémon
That's the reason we're here
No. Banished to Africa and left to their own devices to develop a unique African culture? Yes. They will never feel like part of greater humanity until they make it on their own for a while. Sub-Saharan Africa has been cucked by every outside civilization that touched it. First the Arabs, then the Europeans, now the Chinese. Blacks need to be left alone, and they need to leave us alone too.
shipped to Africa and enslaved and ruled by white masters !
that's what i wanted to hear !!!!
Also blacks should be all cucks!
Here you go OP.
dude seriously this cunt ? he is a dumb peace of shit ! he fucked with DP not coll man not cool
All blacks in Africa, without the white men medicine.roblem solved
of course my horse
No. Sending them back to Afreakqa should be sufficient.
Killing them would create dormant guilt, and fuel the future libshits. Not worth it.
No, just segregated and/or deported (if not native born).
Blacks are too feral to live in white society.
That hair tho
only 90%-95 %
>be me, blonde hair blue eyes aryan
>have half black best friend that was adopted and raised by whites
>white in everyway except his skin
>excepts that half of his is genetically inferior and knows hes lower on IQ scale so he become mechanic
>basically a white man in a half black body raised by whites
is he counted as white
>le ebil whyte maaaaan
niggers should be exterminated and the african continent should be raped and exploited for resources
fucking commie
you're hopping in the chamber with him
Elon Musk is working on brain implants for niggers and muslims. It modulates the part of the brain responsible for violence and makes them harmless. When they have all been treated, he's going to put them on spaceships and send them to Mars.
if you say so m80
Yes. They needed gassing a long time ago. Nothing of value would be lost.
If it could bring back the Six Million, exterminating America's 30 million-odd niggers would be a very small price to pay.
Rock and roll was not worth their shit.
All they do is kill each other and others at a rate far disproportionate compared to every other race except possibly sand niggers. 13% of the population here is comitting half of all murders in the entire country. And these are the blacks with the highest standard of living in the world. In Africa and other majority black places the murder and rape rates are sky high. They're basically just orcs. If you divorce the matter from feelings and just look at it plainly you can see that it would be a net positive to wipe them out entirely. The sand niggers need to go as well.
Our forefathers made the mistake of letting them stay and breed here. I say just wipe them all out. We really can't afford to let any of them live. There are good black people (most in the 40's-50's were good) but eventually down the line there are criminals. Who will care in 100 years when our civilization has advanced hugely?
Who will care in 1,000 years if they get nuked now? Who cares about 1,000 years ago today?
After the jews
A white dog and black dog make a brown puppy.
Is the brown dog white? No he isn't white.
No they should've been killed after or during slavery and the remaining nignogs in africa left alone so they can build their mud huts in peace.
Got stabbed by one Thursday night.
nah but they should not live among other races
More like this. And yes, I think you should be exterminated.
Jews are the problem, blacks can be managed without Jews around. Even Mandela had kikes behind him.
I just think they should be confined and isolated in Africa.
No imports, no exports, no diplomacy.
Just let them sit there for a few centuries.
We'll keep track of them through satellites and see what they'd be up to.
Should their inferior brains somehow come up with a moderatly functional, modern society... well, good on them.
Better that than invite them to spread Nigger-AIDS and rape and subsist on gibmedats, which my government seems to think is a great idea.
Nah. Just deported and contained in their native habitat. There they can be free to live according to their own morals and traditions.
It would be like one massive nature reserve that actual humans could observe from afar.
Nah, you white folk need to chill out though.
I'm black myself, AMA
Saged. Racist piece of garbage.
only those in europe and in non black countries
global rule 7
I think blacks are widely inferior, if not for that one black guy out of 100 that is alright.
However, I do think people talking about extermining anybody should be the first ones exterminated.
Deportation is also completely retarded.
exterminated whats the fun in that...dump them all on some small remote island, "they are to stupid to build boats" and watch them do what they do best act like animals and kill each other! set up cams would make for good tv!
Comical amounts of edge, lel.
Yes blacks are a useless race
kys nigger
What's with all these goddamn 'lel should we gas blacks?' posts? They are all shit.
Segregate them / send back to Africa.
Leave alone.
True nigger culture in this video
Life fir niggers in africa around other niggers
No but niggers should.
Including the white ones.
Is this some islam tradition?
Public gangbang murder. Just imagine this video with nazis or whites. World would go crazy.
Fucking niggers, man. Whew. They smell like thunder.
the fuck is going on there?