Why is it framed like individualism is always inherently good and collectivism is axiomatically bad?
What's wrong with collectivism?
>Alina Li
I'm getting really tired of these commie threads. Sage
Only parasites and below-average truly benefit from collectivism.
Are you
>below average in every aspect of the word
>mad that better people are better and have better stuff like jobs and cars and homes?
Then collectivism is just for you! Bring everyone who's better than you down to your level! After all, if you can't be happy and successful nobody should be!
Because colectivists cant seem to leave individuals alone.
Be like us be like us. No fuck of.
Because materialist Jews have brainwashed the minds of western man.
imagine everyone in the group puts a little bit of effort into collectivism, the combine achievement on this collective is greater than anything they could do alone. the trick is finding the right balance between collectivism and individualism
traditional collectivism is superior to both individualism and leftist collectivism
If you are going to post a woman next time make sure she is attractive
You might like this guy OP:
The new rightwing individualism is just as bad as libetar snowflakes
Japan is a good example of collectivism. They have a harmonious society. During times of crisis the people work together rather then start rioting like the rest of the western world end up doing.
You have to be talking a really small group. And even in individualist world, these kinds of cooperation happen.
You model doesn't work in larger scale. It's not always in people's interest to cooperate, because the
Communists advocate for forced, artificial collectivism.
Ethno-nationalists advocate for unconscious, biological collectivism.
That's the difference.
because individualists are good goyim and we need them to buy our shit :^)
fuck, didn't finish the post
It's not always in people's interest to cooperate, because even if they won't, others will do their part and the gap will hardly be noticeable. Nothing motivates you to give it your best, nothing motivates you to move up the social ladder. Everyone is average and any possible talent is lost.
Wew, now I got the yellow fever
>like the rest of the western world end up doing.
You are confusing 'rest of the western world' with niggers.
During Katrina, it was only really niggers that were looting. I was also in Baltimore when the riots broke out and, surprise surprise, it was the niggers looting once again.
Giving blacks citizenship was a mistake.
I don't agree that collectivisim only works in small groups. Japans culture proves that collectivism made the best of a bad situation because people pulled together and took care of each other.
Ok fair on the nigger point, but I think the reason the people who banded together instead of rioting and looting are examples of collectivist though even in an individualistic biased country.
Nothing at all so long as it's voluntary and those choosing to be a part of such a system commit fully and don't mooch off others outside their own system of choice.
It works in culturally homogenous groups. Look at China. Huge country with a strong sense of collectivism
She's great at riding cock.
The main issue with communism is the lack of incentives to work.
Who wants communism? It's the lazy shitheads who want free handouts. Guaranteeing everybody has the same wealth, quality of life/standards of living means that we create a free rider problem (Google it) where people are incentived to be lazy. Therefore the country as a while has less output, GDP, less economic growth, lower standards for all citizens.
Well, I agree that it's better to work together to solve a big nation-wide issue. I think we didn't understand each other. Collectivist ideas can be useful if applied to the right tasks.
But if we are talking strictly collectivist ideologies such as communism. I'm against it with all my might.
Collectivism =/= communism
Collectivism can be as simple as a strong sense of community or cultural identity. 1950s America was collectivist compared to modern day right or left wing policies
Because individualism vs collectivism is a false paradigm with impotent rhetoric and worthless political solutions.
You mean, you've watched her do it to other men so many times, that you have come to the conclusion she is probably good at it, but you will never know first hand.
Collectivism =/= communism
Collectivism is more about recognizing that your all in this together. Everyone has some responsibility to make a certain amount of effort to get along as a society. Even though you could steal from your neighbour for example you know that if everyone did this, it would make for a shitty society to live in. So knowing this right from wrong, you don't do it, and if everyone doesn't do it, then things are better for everyone.
Individualism - is stealing from your neighbour if you can get away with it because fuck your neighbour.
When your on a team and everyone is thinking to help the other team mates this is a form of collectivism. Its exists in all functional societies, not just socialist systems.
The only true individualism would be a single person living in the woods solely producing for their own survival. When humans get together you're then a group of collectivists. Everything else is way to play with language deciding who gets priority and convincing the rest that its what's best for society.
because it's the truth
>When humans get together you're then a group
How autistic are you?
He made a good point desu.
Japan seems to be VERY happy with their collectivism, well.
I don't want to share my shit with anyone and there is no reason I should
Well there is no point to so many of the same thing.
It does not add to the quality of the thing, which is all that matters.
Superfluous people.
Coming together ad-hoc to fulfill a purpose is one thing.
Setting that mentality into society is another.
>using ancient stereotypical Nip behavior to criticize based Nips and their beautiful cultural unity
Typical ancap burger mongrel faggot desu.
Here I'll skip the foreplay
I love some me some nip and Korean culture (best friend is Japanese man, gf is Korean) but nips have age old custom of hiding their emotions and individuality for the sake of the community. That precise custom pressures nips to give up on life and happiness.
Obviously a generalization, but a truth nonetheless.
Even a collective needs an individual to lead it.
It's an inherent contradiction.
Depends on the group surely, what about the creation of an intentional community devoted to a singular or similar causes ?
>1 post by this ID
sage goes in all fields newfriends
>Individualism = No morals
Nice meme
then the lazy get ostracized, they can die in the cold instead of working towards the warmth.
>but nips have age old custom of hiding their emotions and individuality for the sake of the community.
Because sacrifice is essential. Without sacrifice, you get a declining 60% demographic with a rising 3rd world tier mentality and normalized degeneracy.
>Why is it framed like individualism is always inherently good and collectivism is axiomatically bad?
Ruling class always projecting their ruling ideas on the entire population. I.e. what is good and bad for (((them))) claimed to be universally good and bad.
>imagine everyone in the group puts a little bit of effort into collectivism
Then it's no longer collectivism.
Collectivism is the attempt by the masses to leach off of the productive individuals, by definition.
A group of high achieving individuals is individualism on a large scale, not collectivism.
When guns and gov't come into play fighting for individual rights is better than fighting for group rights because we are all individuals. So once we achieve individual rights everyone benefits. Collectivism leads to group vs group fighting for rights and dominance.
In a voluntary social environment it doesn't really matter.
>Collectivism is the attempt by the masses to leach off of the productive individuals, by definition.
Are you, by any chance, retarded?
Where does that fucked up logic comes from?
The most basic unit of any society is the individual. When your basic principle is that some shpuld be forcefully sacrificed for the sake of others, you undermine the basic unit of the society. You cannot maintain modern living standards with such a principle.
Any and all aid to others should be voluntary.
The strength of the wolf is the pack. The strength of the pack is the wolf.
There is no reason for them to be opposed. Belonging to a collective does not mean you are not an individual. Collective strategies out perform individual ones so why weaken ourselves by denying ourselves collective politics?
>live in a house builded by society
>be raised eating food raised by society
>go to school and learn knowledge created bo society
>use producs created by society every day
>literally depends on society every fucking minute of your life
>somehow believe that society and collectivism is less important than indiviudal who has literally zero value
This kills the ancap
>society did X, society did Y
"Society" has literally never done a single thing, and it never will. Individuals are responsible for all of those things. "Society" is in your head.
society=people there should be a heathy zone where neither the society nor the individual are oppressed too much
When one wolf die, pack will continue to live.
When pack of wolves disbands, all wovles will de
*posts from ethno-state*
Because you and the other authoritarian types don't own me you fucking retard
> The most basic unit of any society is the individual.
I'd argue that the most basic unit of any society is the family, which is a collective.
hangover from cold war propaganda
We gooks and japs do have a very strict version of Buddhist ideals. The pressure to conform is immense in both societies, but I'm not a fan of the over-sexualization that's occurring in Korea due to repression.
Its not a dichotomy but a balancing act my dude
wow that bitch has literally no hips
looks like a fucking dude
>clickbait thumbnail