Why are niggers always terrible employees?


It seems like no matter the restaurant or side of town if a place is majority nigger it fucking sucks.
Take today for example.
I got a hankering for a Egg McMuffin from McDonalds. So I go to the closest one (about 5 minutes away). Now this is one that I typically avoid because even though the area is upper-middle class, the McDonalds is 95% niggers.
It was actually interesting. They got 1 nigger manager and then the niggers in the place spread like wildfire.
Anyway, I go up to the counter and I'm greeted with "What you want?"
I give the order and she fucks it up. It was a fucking egg mcmuffin!
So I'm waiting, when from the back I hear a loud nigger yell followed by, "Hahahaha! Dat nigga crazy! Nigga you crazy!"
Followed by 10 minutes of waiting before I finally just said, "Fuck it", got my money back and left.
I've experienced something similar in any place run by niggers.
I mean, when I worked at Sonic (years ago) we had a little timer that showed when food was out. And you know, we white employees damn sure tried to get it out under 5 minutes. The 1 nigger employee (in charge of the fryers) typically was always late getting food out. It makes no sense. You have a job to do. Fucking do it!

TL;DR - Shitty experiences with niggers make me wonder why niggers suck at everything.

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Once there was a nigger at arbys or something, and she wouldn't make eye contact, had an attitude, and when I said thanks she just goes "mmmmmhmmmm" all nigger like.

eh, at least they're attempting to work. if you want to have a nigger hate thread, don't do it to those with jobs.

When you have no empathy acting like a unhinged sociopath is normal because you have no idea how your behavior makes others feel. Niggers dont realize they are being rude to you at all.

>nigger rapes your mom
>but he had a job

Nice try schlomo.

Because they're low IQ niggers who don't belong in Western Civilization.

You are the idiot for going to McDolan's you fat fuck

Sorry she messed up your tendies, at least she has a job, unlike you faggot OP

Nigger, it isn't that hard to make an egg mcmuffin, do your job correctly.

>niggers are lazy, low IQ fucks who get by on the work of others
Tell me something I don't already know.

I have a different observation. Blacks can do very well as individuals, but in groups they destroy everything they touch. The world of professional services, office jobs, white collar professionals, etc... have plenty of blacks working in those careers and fields. As individuals they do well but the white bosses know to keep their numbers down.


Fuck that. They don't get credit for doing shit you're supposed to do

Niggers and nigger lovers like you will always give the filthy apes the benefit of the doubt. kys ape

There's a food court type thing on my college campus that has like a subway, chick fil a, chipotle sort of shit and they're all staffed entirely by black people. They are the meanest motherfuckers and are blatantly rude as shit to everyone, and you often find most of the places practically unstaffed because they're all fucking around in the back or having a conversation and ignoring you. And if you try to get their attention, they act like *you're* the asshole because you interrupted them. These retards never last more than a month or two before they get fired and the university staff brings in a new batch to make the place a continuous hell. 95% of my bad experiences at places like these are with black people.

I have another interesting observation: When there are no niggers around everything goes smoothly. Bizarre, ain't it?

This actually.
Take 1 black guy and have him assigned to a team of 5 and that he'll conform to that team.

If there are 3 or more black guys in that team, they'll break away to talk shit or to try to cover each other when they skip out of work.

If the whole team is black, no work will be complete unless the work is requested by a friend or family member. Even then the quality of work is decreased to the bare minimum.

If its anything like over here it's because they're used to getting away with it. I had 2 poc's giving me shit due to normiebook posts I had made (I know). Both of the where lazy, entitled and used to getting away with shit because "das raciss".
Thankfully the environment work in is monitored closely, which led to them losing their jobs. As for the fb posts all I had actually done was point out hypocrisy, the management pretty much said

>If I was allowed to say I agreed with you I would

Fuck them, vote with your feet OP, that McD's will go under eventually , even quicker if you report them to an area manager.

The same reason blacks like to walk on the street and not the sidewalk, same reason they think talking "white" is gay. They believe being responsible and doing a good job makes them an uncle tom. They are a "culture" driven by pure hatred and laziness. Despite Sup Forums hating the based blacks meme, there are plenty that break the mold. What you'll find is they usually had fathers that worked for a living and stuck around to raise them.

Popeyes is an exception though


>walking in the street

This shit drives me crazy. They even do this shit in winter when the roads are slush and ice because they don't want to walk in snow

Shockingly, IQ correlates.




Today i went to a shop on the beach.
A groid greeted me with, "you wanna buy a shirt?"
I said no. He then asked if i wanted to buy ganja. I said no again.
Then i went to a police kiosk and said there was a man in black shorts and a red shirt with dreads selling drugs.

Blacks and hispanics are more laid back. This is why white faggots all over the US are committing suicide and overdosing on oppiates.

>Black or Hispanic gets fired from the post office reaction: fuck off, fuck this place

>White guy gets fired from the post office reaction: come back with a gun and shoots the whole place.

Why are whites so fucking neurotic?

Blacks are actually pretty good at working at McDonalds desu.

We gotta keep them J's clean nigga!

I don't know exactly what you were expecting. The fast food industry only has a sustainable workforce because society is structured to always have a permanent underclass. If you buy a product that is consistently produced by the dregs of society who only work there because they have no other option, then of course it will be consistently shitty.

Well, you either believe in evolution or you don't.

Liberals claim to believe in evolution, and yet believe we are all equal.


I worked as a manager of a jewbucks for a few years a little while back and hired approximately 5 nigger employees over the course because of MUH DIVERSITY.

Anyone care to guess how many of them I had to fire for theft?

because we care




The best is when I used to do landscaping for a sizable landscape installation company over the Summer.

The blacks had their own crew, the easiest job of all which was driving around a crane truck that picked up and lowered heavy trees. The Mexicans and Central/South Americans all worked hard as fuck all day long, never complained and took short as fuck lunches. They worked well with the Whites who had similar work ethic and the Whites and Spics intermixed and got the job done.

The Spics fucking hated the shit out of the black guys. We'd be digging holes for these big ass trees to be planted in and the Blacks would drive up 25 minutes late with the trees all loaded lazy as fuck. The Whites would shake their heads and a White foreman might go tell them they need to get their shit together. The Spics, who rarely spoke a word of English, would all the sudden become fluent and start calling them a truck full of lazy niggers and that all niggers should die. The Blacks would then start arguing with the Spics and they Spics would tell them to get their nigger asses out of the truck and start lowering the trees, because we were being paid to do a job.

It gave me some hope that as much as the Spics might be growing, at least they hate the Blacks as much as we do.

So glad my mickey d's just has a bunch of mojados.

You white devils are not hiding your discrimination anymore


I was travelling for work a couple weeks ago and ended up in a McDonalds to grab a quick shitty breakfast before heading to the airport. All hispanics working there. Was the cleanest, friendliest, fastest and legitimately tastiest McDonalds experience I've ever had. The closest I've seen one of their breakfast sandwiches resemble the ones you see in a commercial.

had once a niggress as a cashier, wish is very rare to see here in switzerland, and that woman was such a lazy and arrogant slut. Almost left my grocery on the counter and left the shop.

Blacks in construction are terrible.

My old man once ran a small construction company that just started. Since he was new to the business, he wasn't particularly picky when it came to hiring.
So one day, he made the mistake of hiring one black guy for roofing work.

On the first day, he injured himself because of his own incompetence (probably even faked it) and placed the blame entirely on my old man and his company. He then tried to sue him for over 500 thousand in liabilities.

The whole incident never made it to court, thankfully. Despite the hassle, it's fair to say that my family got a bit red-pilled after that incident and never really hired another nig.

I went to a fast food joint for the first time in a while. It wasn't busy at all. It took me 10+ mins to get my order, it was wrong, and it was slapped together in a way that it completely fell apart when I unwrapped it. There were a bunch of sheboons in the back talking loudly an excitedly the entire time.

After 10 mins of waiting I asked the guy at the register if he knew how much longer it'd be as I was in a rush (whole point of getting fast food) and he gave me a look like I was an annoyance and was bothering him by asking a question. I didn't even ask in a rude tone or anything.

Pissed me off that these fucks expect $15/hr

>Campus restaurants
Holy shit this.
>Go to campus Chick-fil-A
>Full of fat sheneequas
>The food is subpar
>The staff is rude and lazy
>(Often do shit like lie about the milkshake machine being broken so they don't have to make you one)
>The place is always a mess
>Walk 5 minutes to the actual Chick-fil-A
>Staffed by young, clean, polite white people
>Everything is great

Despicable "human beings" aren't they? Laziest, stupidest, most arrogant and abrasive pieces of filth this Earth has ever produced.

niggers wont be a problem for long

I live near detroit and I feel you op

What the fuck can you even steal from a jewbucks
>Hey rick looks like D'shawn has been stealing coffee grounds again.

>wanting to be a good little wageslave

You haven't lived until you have been to a fast food place staffed by the elderly.

I normally would never eat at an Arbys but there is this one where its strictly retirees.

You could eat off of the floor, the food is consistently perfect, and the staff are glad to be there because its more of a hobby/social activity than anything.

Its surreal.

I own 8 restaurants and they are some of the best employees I have.
I wish /pol wasn't so fucking ignorant.

Ib4 normie, ib4 Redditfag, been a lurker for years. Fuck off. Grow up.
No offense.

Probably register money, because they are too dumb to think ahead and realize that they are on camera and each shift ends with the money being counted and compared to sales for the day. Then again, niggers will steal anything that's worth more than $2 to sell. Wouldn't surprise me if the fucking apes were taking those $10-$20 mugs out every shift.

We caught a nigger stealing from a small restaurant I was a line cook at in my younger days as a part-time gig. He had the nerve to act mad when he got caught and fired and started to fight the manager on duty. The kitchen staff beat the piss out of that nigger and threw him out the back.

It's not slavery. Don't take the job if you're not going to apply yourself you worthless nigger piece of shit.

Checked and you're damn right. Niggers need to go extinct. We should only study them in history books as sub-humans.


Here are a couple of fun games to play over time. You know how a new restaurant is when it first opens? It's nice and clean, good servings of food, polite staff, just overall pretty pleasant. Try and guess the amount of time that will pass until it becomes a complete shithole. As more and more of the initial employees begin to get sick of working with and serving food to niggers, they quit, leaving only other nigs to work there (usually right around the time a black is first hired as manager). Fast food places are especially quick with their transition from good to shit.

The other one is when a place is already niggified and you see a young white person get hired there. When you first see them they will be super polite and nice, glad to have a job and, generally speaking (unless they are already a wigger), an excellent employee. Watch their decline over the next month or so as they become a grizzled, scowling realist. I wish that all liberals would be forced to work in a ghetto gas station or McD's for a year after graduating college just to get some real world experience.

In summation, I hate niggers.

Nigger detected. Trap houses aren't restaurants.

No you don't and no they aren't. Not fooling anyone here you stupid nigger.

They can steal from the cash register.

>having worth
>working at mcdonalds

good goy

by best you mean cheapest, you greedy cunt.

>You white devils
Burn in hell you lazy, worthless fucking self-entitled nigger. Act like decent human beings and get treated as such. No one owes you shit.

If not taking cash from the register, probably treating themselves to free coffee/food. A lot of restaurants treat that kind of thing as theft.

Go get your tendies out of the microwave you unemployed neckbeard. A job is a job, and if it's a shitty one, you do it well and use it as motivation to move to bigger and better things. Lazy, entitled nigger.

Hahahaha, desegregating the schools and making job discrimination illegal had NO EFFECT on nigger incomes and nigger unemployment.

If you can drastically change variable X and it has no influence on variable Y, then variable X does not cause variable Y.

Segregation and discrimination do not cause niggers to be poor.

Being a nigger is what causes that.

haha, i love how it says matt furie in the corner

The whites on the team will cover for the black because empathy. When there's more than one black, covering the black's fuckups becomes more difficult.

I don't love niggers

I just hate McDonald's

Because niggers only aporeciate tire necklacing

>it's day culsha

No, it's genetic.

Egg mcmuffins aren't tendies. I avoid McDonald's like the plague unless I want coffee or a breakfast sandwich.

My name is one of the books of the bible, but it's not so common. Only four letters though.

"kay, sir, can I have a nayme for th' order?"
"you said Ay on?"
>no, user
>a n o n
"okay, a n ... here's your receipt"

>look at recept

>yous just a whitey what yo want fucken whitey me to b yo slave o summin?

used to go to one mcdonalds all the time for some dank mcgriddle action on sundays

one little old white lady used to work the first window of the drive through

never fucked up my order once despite being senile and was always friendly and smiled and said things clearly

at some point she left/died/changeshifts and its some yooth on that shift now

literally everytime i tried to go since then they fuck up my order, take forever, are rude, or just generally show a general disdain towards me

i don't go there anymore

>Take 1 black guy and have him assigned to a team of 5 and that he'll conform to that team.
You obviously have minimal experience dealing with niggers.

I've lived around Mexicans pretty much all my life and while I think some of them are shit I would gladly take them over niggers anyday. Mexicans at least have some work ethic and a family structure. Nigs have been here far longer and can't do it.

Literally the only nigs I've seen who do mediocre work are half-breeds.


My black counterpart at work, recently fired, called in constantly, did virtually no work after I left (and got me lectured constantly for things she lied about doing), and after three months never managed to learn to do the little pile of data-entry paperwork we had to do each day. The one time I tried to walk her through it, she took 12 smoke breaks, needed two snacks, and took 6 hours to finish. It only takes two fucking hours max, useless cunt.

A clueless restaurant owner who has no idea what's happening in his restaurants.

15 years ago, most of the franchises around here were staffed by white people. Efficient, polite, and knew what a job is. Now it's all mexicans and blacks, and they treat you like they're doing YOU a favor. Sometimes they don't even look at you, one time a cunt dropped my card and didn't even flinch, just turned around and kept yapping to her coworkers like they're on a school project team together.

The attitudes of these people are disgusting, like they're barely civilized.

Don't hate. Is not good for your health.

My 1st job was at a McDonalds. Full of single mothers who abused welfare. They couldn't afford healthcare, housing, food, or any other necessities but they could always afford the liquor they'd swig on during break, the pot they'd smoke near the dumpsters, and nicest clothes to club in.

This 100%. It is because they are lazy as fuck. Sorry most work just for drug/pussy hookups and get their money from selling drugs and the gubermint.

is it Acts? I bet it's Acts. Axe

You guys are doing it wrong. Whenever I get fast food, they're always really nice to me, Usually the girls serving me give me extra stuff I didn't order. I've never had to wait more than 5 minutes for a large order.

>there are plenty that break the mold
You're so full of shit.

when was the last time that happened again?
also when was the last time a black person chimped out and shot people in the states? (it's likely happening riiight now)

This behavior stems from low IQ and poor impulse control, which is all genetic.

I mean, they kind of should.

You say "things they're supposed to do," but working and maintaining civilization is something white people are supposed to do. Not nogs. They get credit for going above and beyond simply by contributing more than they take from society.

Due to the welfare state and their low IQs the Mexicans are getting just as bad.

they have no concept of time or its importance, its one important characteristic of african languages (there is no past or future tenses)

Your country still has welfare benefits to keep your shitskins out of the workplace. Once the taxes dry up, either because the whites get sick of being taxed, or because the nogs grow too numerous, your shitskins will be forced into the workplace.

I'm not though. Believe me, I hate niggers. Given the chance to export none or export all, I choose all every single fucking time. I have known some rational, intelligent, productive and responsible black folk though. Like I said, they have pretty much always had a father who worked hard for a living and instilled in them some values. The type of Dad who would kick their ass for acting like a typical nigger and made them get a job from the time they were 15 and older. They are the minority.

Totally bruh. In the past, lowering our standards for inferior races may have led to increased racial tensions and dystopian third-world invasions of previously nice white communities, but if we just keep doing it, maybe everything will turn out okay! Seems super duper fucking legit senpai.

Most of those guys that get fired and come back to shoot everybody have been niggers.
I'm sire you forgot that because of your low IQ.
Poor nigger.

Apparently, they don't understand the concept of scale or gradience either. It's either 'all' or 'nothing' in their languages.

>is stupid enough to eat at mcshit
>complains about low quality service
I think you're the problem faggot

>At least they're attempting to work

No, they're doing the bare minimum required to not get fired and still receive a paycheck.

Wrong. Back when it was white high school students working those jobs things ran great.
Nice try commie.

its because of exactly what you described. as soon as one nigger gets into a position of power, all they do is hire other niggers. everyone else working there is then subjected to their nigger shenanigans, lazy work ethic, and otherwise non stop immersion in ebonics and ghetto street talk. other workers soon find the place uncomfortable, if not dangerous, and realize they have no one to talk to ot relate to. what's worse is that if nigger employees are caught doing stupid shit, you will find the nigger managers will always protect them like a mother hen and shit on every other race of employee for the slightest issue. these businesses get run into the ground and then upper management usually has to step in to fire everyone, get some decent people in there, and the process tends to start all over again. niggers are lazy parasitic pieces of shit who do the least amount of work possible at all times and only look to expand their dominance, control, and numbers in any area, whether it's street territory or the workplace.

a penny saved is a nigger fired.