Soo... ummm, why isn't she in jail for raping a 15 year old?


Other urls found in this thread:

Nic-, oh my God, what the hell was he thinking?

They are French, they welcome all sorts of degenerate kinky shit.


I stand corrected.

>being a statutory cuck

She was possibly hot as fuck 20 years ago. Still, what she did was obviously fucked up. Even if she says she waited for him to graduate (does she?) we all know it didn't happen.



my father would have fucking killed me

and he would be right

don't you ever fuck a nigger

Tits or GTFO cunt

That's a father whose law I could follow.

Good man.

that same man who would have killed me for cavorting with black boys would also kill me for sending you pics of my tits. so you can go right on ahead and do without.

Heil your father

kek. medipack on suicide watch


No, she wasn't. I've got a magazine in my room, i'll scan it and upload the picture.

She was painfully average.

>He fell in love at 16 when she was 40

I don't even know how that shit wasn't fired to the tribunal for corruption of minor.

My (((local newspaper))) had an article called

Macron, the lover president

Are you fucking kidding me?

I would put a bullet in that degenerate cunt's head. Fucking whore.


that's still about 15 years older than when she seduced him. He looks about 30 on that page.

The age of consent there is 15. Glorious french.

Massive oedipus complex

Just imagine being one of his parents. I'd give a hundred interviews in which I call her a disgusting pedophile.

Le Pen 2022

On the above pictures, he's 15 and she's 39 (with the microphone in her hand).

>The 1810 penal code promulgated by Napoleon I and adopted throughout most of Europe abolished incest laws in France,[41] Belgium and Luxembourg. On 27 January 2010, France reinstated laws against incest. The new law, however, defines incest as rape or sexual abuse on a minor "by a relative or any other person having lawful or de facto authority over the victim".[42] Incest between consenting adults is not prohibited.