White males are superior!

>white males are superior!
>turns out science reveals white males have the least dynamic and least evolved brains of all classifiable groups and genders

You can't make up pottery this beautiful. Racists BTFO for good, end of discussion.

What that (((study))) written by a woman by any chance?

sources please

what the fuck is an ambiguous task?

Diversity hire jobs

So nonwhite males are like women?
Makes sense actually considering how overly emotional nigger men get.

actually now I think about it, an ambiguous task is probably simply a part of a bigger picture

so effectively they're saying that white males are best at 'big picture' thinking and women and minorities are best at being slaves since they do not require knowledge of the end goal to complete their task

Gossiping, robbing convenience stores, and driving lowriders..

Wow this Norwegian cuck has been doing this for 3 days now. On every board.

Does it mean that in relation to white men racial minorities are like women? So, all PoC males are gay?

Does the energy level intimidate you?

Oh look, the same retard again.
Should I use this as another redpill thread?

Wow, history has shown that white men have no idea what they're doing. This only reinforces that. I mean, what have white men done? Nothing.

Everything of value in this world was created by shitskins or women, right? I mean, surely that's the truth.

Sipping lean being on the DL and chuckin and jivin.


If the "worst" people are the ones responsible for the modern age and the western world... I can live with that.

Probably NGO or government work lol.

>Tolerance for ambiguity.
Basically they can't understand how something works and hey give up.

case in point

Reposted 10 times in the last 4 days/10
Fuck off Norway
Sage goes in every field

White male fragility is real and it's ugly


You played yourself