Ok dummies. Stop and think. The border between the U.S. and Mexico is 2000 miles long. 1255 miles of that is the Rio Grande. The river is the marker for 1255 miles of the border. It's only 800 miles in a straight line, but there are drastic natural twists and turns that add about 455 to the actual length of the river. You can not build a wall in the middle of the river. You can't build it on our side, because all the American land owners, many of them farmers and ranchers, would lose access to the river. You can't build it on their side, because they would have the same issue and you would need their permission, which we don't have.
Now let's say that the U.S. government was going to just take the land from the U.S. land owners using Imminent Domain laws. Would we build a wall with thousands of twists and turns? No? So we build a straight wall and forfeit thousands and thousands of acres of land to facilitate the straight line? Or do we spend billions and billions of extra dollars building a wall that is a series of bends and curves?
It doesn't matter how much money you have folks. You can't build this wall. It's not physically possible. And we haven't even addressed the canyons yet.
You fucking Republican morons. You stupid pathetic fucking morons.
What's next? A foot bridge to the fucking moon? You stupid fucking morons.
Ok dummies. Stop and think. The border between the U.S. and Mexico is 2000 miles long...
Other urls found in this thread:
>this copy pasta again
And if you're going to use that lame pathetic excuse that he didn't really mean a wall, just the idea of making it harder to get here and stay here don't bother. That's another fucking lie. He meant a physical, literal wall. It wasn't a metaphor, and stupid redneck moron republifags didn't think it was a metaphor. They expected an impossible wall. Fucking idiots.
I wrote this, and it's the second time I have posted it. Sorry republifag, your redirection isn't good enough. As usual.
It's almost like this was solved before it was even an issue.
Irrigation only works in certain areas. You can't eliminate access to the river, you stupid fucking asshole
Another unrealistic and over simplified"solution" from a retarded republifags
The USA should invade Mexico and create a no-man's land, about 20 miles wide, 2000 miles long, all along the Mexican side. Drive the people out, bulldoze everything, shoot-to-kill order on anyone found crossing. That oughta do it!
You're welcome.
AmeriCAN MFer
He said "in some places." You're saying there's no place anywhere for a wall?
Do you mean agricultural automation driving out the low paying migrant jobs?
I think you mean financially possible. The solution is easy, now listen: we divert the river into the canyon, then build in a straight line. Think outside the box for once!
Cool blog.
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Why does building the wall a ways behind the border mean forfeiting that land? Gates are a thing.
i would settle for a 'wall' of cameras and armed drones.
I'm fairly certain you don't know what you're talking about.
If the wall isn't feasible then why are you mad
The Chinese did it 2000 years ago.
But now it's impossible.
So every land owner gets a gate. Sounds like a Swiss cheese "wall"
And theirs is over mountains, rivers, and 5,500 miles. 16-28 feet high and over 15 feet wide.
Conceivably, you could even bifurcate the river. They do it with bridges.
None of these 'it can't be done' posts are EVER from engineers.
To-do list :
-take power
-create a coalition with Vietnam, Canada, Israel, Russia and Mexico (the latter won't have any choice)
-exterminate your degenerate country
-buy some bread
>Cannot build a wall across a river
Berlin Wall
> So we build a straight wall and forfeit thousands and thousands of acres of land
You did not think this through did you
And that's stopped the Mongols which only had horses and arrows, and the Manchus which had... nothing.