Harvard study finds that Serbia is the LEAST racist country in Europe.
Source: metro.co.uk
Serbia least racist country in Europe
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This is what happens when you don't remove kebab.
The funny thing is that in reality this is false.
Or maybe i just meet really good people.
we are just pretending so we dont get bombed again,chill out,we are the same old barbarians
wtf we're multicultural now
fuck you serbs
It's because people in the Balkans were raised on old movies from the 80s and 90s where a wise cracking but friendly nigger always played second fiddle to a white antagonist therefore they consider niggers a harmless novelty.
>actually attempting to quantify racism
These social science majors are delusional if they think they can really act like scientists
>BS Harvard Study
>under 300 sample size
the guy that posted this research on fb is a serb, so it must be unbiased
You're one to talk, how's Londonistan doing?
the fook you say to me bloody cheeky old cunty chap
Based truth.
Well it is true, they are not racist, but when it comes to religion...
The only black person i remember was from this movie, where the Serbs says: "Look at what these Swedes (the black UN officers) are driving!"
dillon you summabitch
Where was Serbia again?
North of the kebab country that succumbed to Putin's pipeline cock. What was It's name again? Chi-chicken? no...
>In Europe?
Well they have this teeny tiny part of their territory on Europe's soil, making them think they are eligible to enter the EU somehow, strange...
I can confirm, this country is racist as fuck.
I live in Prague, which is supposed to be the most degenerated/leftist city here and the majority of people I am in touch with are xenophobic and racist.
And pretty much all of them have STEM degrees.
Serbian women I meet here are the least racist. Russian women seem a little more xenophobic.
Your women really like non whites.
WTF I love Finland and Estonia now
Serbs are trolling HARD. There is NO way Serbia comes in as the least racist. We literally segregate our gypsies into alleys called cigamala's because they are so fucking loathed.
same here
Ultimate chart of redpilled and bluepilled countries
diaspora reporting in. Most serbs are not hateful pieces of shit, I can definitely see how this graph is true. However, if you asked the same question about gypsies or albanians you would get a fully crimson red-colored country.
there was a study in my town over euro integration
50% wanted to join the commonwealth
That's strange to me that a country with very little contact with shitskins would be the most racist European country, is there a historical reason for that?
Who the fuck asked you, Ahmed ?
Isn't that form of stupidity part of the bosnian cliché?
A bosnian guy is ironing his clothes when the phone rings.
Instead of picking up the phone he places the iron on his cheek.
In the hospital he arrives with 2 burns on his face on each cheek. When they ask him how he got the 2nd one he replies: "Thats when i called the ambulance."
>sells country to sandniggers
>mock the bosnians
>become sandniggers
>least racist
>attributed to us probably because we let all those niggers and muslims through towards Europe without a hitch because we want to see the Europe that bombed us for attempting to wipe out the same filth, get raped by it
Karma works in mysterious ways.
>Think their shithole won't
this map is complete bullshit, if you actually read the article you'd know its based off of that retarded implicit bias test that certain (((researchers))) have been pushing for years now.
Imagine being a small but proud country constantly getting fucked over by its neighbors. I think that's why they're so "racist".
We should dig some tunnels for them beneath the borders so they can enter EU even faster.
My family being from CZ never felt better haha
Sorry Serbs, I'm not saying this as a Croat and this test probably is shit, but the conclusion is not far from truth.
Serbs are indeed good Kebab removers, but the motivation is probably lost on most Sup Forumsacks and partly on Serbs themselves. It is not because kebab is of another race, but because Kebab is Muslim, and more importantly, because Kebab doesn't consider itself to be Serb.
Let me give you an example: Out of it's neighbors, Serbs are most likely to want control over large chunks territory populated by another ethnic group, even in totality surpassing their own numbers. Saying "Srbija do Tokija" ("Serbia (is) to Tokyo") is a good illustration of this mindset. But the issue is that it does not take blood into account, only influence and spread of Serb identity, as it will gladly adopt people without total ethnic cleansing. This last bit is the most important. Serbs say (often jokingly, but there is a great degree of seriousness in their consideration) that Croat is nothing but a Serb of Catholic faith, and things in this context. You will never ever hear such a claim from Croat about Serbs (at most you will hear about similar origin, but never in context of one being subset of the other). Which leads me to conclusion that somewhere deep in Serbian psyche, Serb is not a gene but a identity.
Luckily for Serbian genepool, Orthodoxy is a great part of this identity and will prevent mixing with other groups, to some extent at least. But by God, if nigger put on a šajkača and converted to Orthodoxy only few Serbs (which are actually racially conscious) would consider him not to be Serbian. Others would accept him, through jokes mostly, but accept still. Let alone someone genetically more similar to them.
tl;dr - for most Serbs, "Serbian" is an identity, not a racial category.
Germans will still be on muslim side, they will even eat their cucks dinéer .
[spoiler]SPIKE DIES![/spoiler]).
That's the same in all of Europe, but you don't see germans or french questioning their own ethnicity, or being questioned by no one else.
Denmark less rascist than germany. barely more than sweden. well i guess that means we can tighten things a bit more. we are really getting full
We also have the lowest IQ. Coincidence?
>this pseudoscience
what other race is there in serbia?
>Serbs say (often jokingly, but there is a great degree of seriousness in their consideration) that Croat is nothing but a Serb of Catholic faith, and things in this context.
m8 we consider you and those who betrayed their ancestors (bosniaks) as brothers, we always will. that's why we say such thing.
on the other side we would never say such thing about bulgarians, albos or any other ethnic group.
but i get your point, we're currently after slovenians the most liberal yugoslav nation here as we accept everyone, including a few thousand of bosniaks who fled in yugo wars and settled here.
Young people love niggers here. Us and American niggers have the same cultures basically. We are more cucked than Sweden. Everyone feels sorry for refugees as well. Serbia is the most cucked country in Europe. It's just that shitskins don't wanna live here because we are too poor for them.
okay so this is what shilling is
albanian and croatian shills
also retarded liberal belgrade people
Shilling? We do have the lowest IQ in Europe. Don't tell me you're suprised? iq-research.info
you post the same link as albos do
really makes me think
>That's the same in all of Europe
I just gave you the opposite example, where it is not so. There is more complexity to this, so I should have been more explicit.
A Serb has (or at least had in recent history) the need to spread his identity. Yes, Swede for example might accept a Norwegian newcomer as a Swede, should he declare himself as one. But a Swede would never say that any Norwegian is just a Swede living a bit north, and (by logical extension of this conclusion) spread his influence in order to adopt new northern populace under Swedish banner.
>m8 we consider you and those who betrayed their ancestors (bosniaks) as brothers, we always will. that's why we say such thing.
The difference in my opinion is that I do not see most bosniaks as traitors, but completely separate group of people. They did not merely adopt the faith of invaders, they (mostly) ARE the invaders by blood (or at least in part).
When I see their ugly mouse faces, hooked noses and hear their accents I feel repulsion I simply cannot feel towards a Serb. If they simply converted to Catholicism tomorrow, I still wouldn't want them.
>They did not merely adopt the faith of invaders, they (mostly) ARE the invaders by blood (or at least in part).
>m8 we consider you and those who betrayed their ancestors (bosniaks) as brothers, we always will. that's why we say such thing.
The difference in my opinion is that I do not see most bosniaks as traitors, but completely separate group of people. They did not merely adopt the faith of invaders, they (mostly) ARE the invaders by blood (or at least in part).
When I see their ugly mouse faces, hooked noses and hear their accents I feel repulsion I simply cannot feel towards a Serb. If they simply converted to Catholicism tomorrow, I still wouldn't want them.
i don't share such opinion about them so i don't agree with you
sure there may be a few undercover turks or some mongrels between them, but vast majority of them has the same blood as us. remember that they just converted to islam to avoid paying taxes and it was easy for them to do so because they were bogomils (a christian sect) before that so they weren't liked by anyone.
On that note, it would be interesting to see what are predominant haplogroups among Bosnian Muslims. I think you'd be surprised.
they have very similar haplogroups compared to both of us
It's literally the most prominent research done on the topic.
((((sure)))) it is
Oh for fuck's sake
I don't doubt that they have "similar" as haplogroups as us (mostly I2b/Eu7 and some R1a/slavic), I'm worried about the other part. That part has taken a toll on Serbian population, among Muslim Bosnian population I bet you it's much much worse since we didn't bother to assimilate them at all.
why are you proxyfagging though, you think changing your ID would credit the legitimacy of your dumb claims?
How are the voices in your head bro? Been telling you that da J0OZ are out to get ya?
At least post the 2012 map where Albanians are niggers.
look on "Genetics" section: en.wikipedia.org
but yeah they behave dumb because of their stupid religion and culture which they whole-handedly accepted from turks. we actually did bother to assimilate them in the past when they're bogomils but they resisted, unfortunately
fuck off shilling moron
Stfu you catholic Serb, you can continue to pretend you are not Serbs, make up new words just to be different bu we all know you are a Serb and we accept you as our brother in denial. You people even have Serbian last names and still pretend you are something else.
don't start this shitstorm again. they have their own identity and you retards keep imposing on them something which they don't want to identify with. just shut the fuck up.
We don't invent new words, we are merely remembering what was stolen from us from days of King Zvonimir. So go drive your međunožno guralo, and forget about this clay.
luckily only a few morons here in serbia think they can make you believe you're a catholic serb, which is ridiculous as every person which doesn't have a peanut brain thinks.
Transgender people dont want to identify with gender they are, they can pretend they are opposite sex, mutilate their genitals, etc.. but the fact is they are not.
Same with Croats, they know who they are but the long term brain washing from west made them go nuts a bit.
When will you install Croat toilettes?
>we are merely remembering
Pick only one
Started seeing a Czech girl from Prague on a working holiday here. Expected her to be like everyone else.
We're out on a date and we both start ripping on Indians. She puts on an Indian accent, with her Czech accent, laughing saying how shit Indians are, while we're sat about 5 metres from an Indian couple. Just makes us laugh even more when we realised how loud we were.
10/10, will date again.
As a Czech, I'm proud
Trying to use metro as a credible source with no mention of methodology.
Nice try m23
>mfw italy and portugal
god damn i love being mediterranean
It was the Harvard IAT test. How bad has reading comprehension become in Britanistan?
>You will never never hear a claim from Croat about Serbs
This meme was started by the Croats kek.Remember those Crooats of "eastern" faith and Mountain "Croats"?
>Srbija do Tokija
Was a football meme,not an expansionist meme,though i have no idea in what context do the today's generations use it.
You are however right about that,but no Orthodox Christianity did not save the Serbs.While the Serbs where a minority in theri own "empire" there where indeed laws that forbade intermarrigies between other nationalities.However once the Ottomans abolished the church it became a disaster,and Serbs having no governmental unit,seeked Orthodoxy as a resolution.There is even a famous book about Serbs on the Millitary frontier,and the protagonist's wife is Greek,because of "Muh Orthodoxy".
These blue pilled fucks would probably marry Ethopian Orthodox Christians(Yes,Ethopia, is mostly orthodox).
And since i already see Serbs shilling how this would never happen,i do not care that you lie to the Croat,but why do you lie to thy self?
God fucking damn it, not you please.
Can you explain what's behind the IAT or are you just going to throw around the name harvard and think it gives you any sort of credibility.
Btw as opposed to your inbred cesspool of a country people actually move around in Europe. I'm dutch you filthy bogan.
My next roommate might be Serbian, should I be worried?
wtf are you babbling about nigger, you literally present marginal cases
we don't care about the religion overall, there are many more marriages between serbs and croats than it is between serbs and any other ethnicity which is predominantly orthodox like us.
mixing with any other ethnicity than that is really, a rare thing to see, even in south serbia, where the most marriages between ethnicities occur between serbs and bulgarians, with which we do share a part of culture and they're also orthodox, so it's one job less.
I posted the FAQ, you can try reading that and figuring out the methodology, or even try doing one of the tests yourself. The questions are terribly loaded.
>As opposed to our inbred cesspool
The majority of Australia is made up of legal migrants from Europe over the past 150 years. I hold a dual citizenship and have lived all over Europe. So, enough of your poorly thought-out ad-hominem, Daan.
"legal immigrants" you mean the criminals that were shipped off by the UK.
>Most of inter marriages are between Croats and Serbs
That's funny because Croats only live in the Northern part of the country,and most intermarriages there happen between Magyars and Serbs,not Croats.
>You only present marginal cases
As opposed to your evidence,none?Very funny.Also there you go.There should not be ANY intermarriages,yet you try to find """"""""Better"""""" ones.No such thing,you are throwing your bloodline away.So the only thing your post really did is prove my point more,by adding one more "marginal" case.
No, I mean legal migrants.You really are finding this reading thing terribly difficult, aren't you?
you're literally retarded if you think what you and i'm talking about occurs on a daily basis
people on the videos you presented are 30+ years old virgins and are from some remote villages where there's literally not a single girl living there, so their only solution is to seek for agencies which will find them something to marry. and they picked up the agency which brings them women who also can't find someone to marry, from north albania. that is of course a rare thing to see because almost no one lives in villages today as that lifestyle is dying off, everyone moves to city to situate himself there.
NDH, while from Croatian standpoint legitimate, was definitely a landgrab. The issue is that some Muslims are indeed of Croat and/or Serbian blood and Croats do not care about Catholicism that much in the first place (as a measure to determine who is Croat). The question with religions of conquered peoples/mixed marriages is the percentage of foreign blood you are willing to accept, and in my opinion it ought to be very low. If today some Croat converted to Islam, Orthodoxy or paganism, he would still be a Croat. This is where we somewhat differ from Serbs (at least in my mental archetypes) and from that standpoint Starčević and others were viewing the Croats of "eastern faiths" etc. as Croats indeed. About Slovenes I think he was wrong more than about the others.
But because at that time there was an opportunity for a land-grab (and definitely axis-friendly country being bigger was to their benefit), there was less differentiation than required and thus everyone without coherent identity and his mother became a Croat, along with those who's new position was justified. If axis had won, this would become an issue for the Croats unless a program of "racial hygiene" was heavily exercised through few generations. And I assure you, the new "Croat" would be on receiving end of it.
[spolier]which would be a good thing[/spoiler]
>you're literally retarded if you think what you and i'm talking about occurs on a daily basis
Oh i never said otherwise,i just noted that you guys started the meme.
>Croats only live in the Northern part of the country,and most intermarriages there happen between Magyars and Serbs,not Croats.
you really are retarded
first, that wasn't my point. i was talking about a serb marrying someone from croatia and vice-versa, so not only within our country as croats are a small minority here, just like magyars and everyone else.
second, magyars in 95% cases don't want to integrate, they have their own schools, they stay within their own communities here, so they marry between themselves.
you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Maybe because your city is full of niggers. Never understood how you let it happen.
20% of Australians descended straight from convicts. And that's not including the racial bias. It's a bit like playing criminal roulette with your ancestry. Was one of your ancestors a rapist, paedophile or a murderer? My guess is you have the trifecta of fucked up genes.
>If today some Croat converted to Islam, Orthodoxy or paganism, he would still be a Croat. This is where we somewhat differ from Serbs (at least in my mental archetypes)
we literally have a muslim part in our own country called sanjak, and there are muslim serbs living there which we do consider as such
No, both of my parents are from the same part of the Mediterranean, hence the dual-citizenship.
And that 5% is still enough the number of marriges with Croats IN Serbia.I do not give a fuck what "Serbs" outside of Serbia do(Unless they are shooting other peoples princes,that would be quite troublesome),as they do not affect me at all.In fact if all the "Serbs" outside of Serbia disappeared tommorow i would not even notice.
>They have their own schools
Maybe if you live in a Magyar majority area you cuck.
>You have no idea what you are talking about
You suuuure have proven this,with your magnificent posts.