The police will protect you, you don't need gu-

>The police will protect you, you don't need gu-

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That's what you get trying to go guns akimbo like a fucking retard.

The dindu dropped the magazine for the first gun while walking at ~4 seconds. That's why he takes out the other gun.

seriously; how are you going to grab the goods if both hands are holding your choppa?

>using one positive example as excuse for selling guns
>ignoring thousands of negative examples

Shut the fuck up.

There is no negative for selling guns. You are using the meme that bad people buy guns legally to commit crimes, which is the lesser number.

Good people buy guns and use them responsibly.

Bad people get guns no matter what.

Please tell me some of these thousands of negative examples of people legally purchasing guns?

Or maybe you are a victim of the media and think people are killing each other all over the place and ignoring 95% of gun deaths are from inner city gang violence.

>life or death situation
>there are tools designed specifically for these situations to defend you
>decide not to use it

He literally tried to load his gun while entering the store instead of before. How far did this specimen make it in school or did it ever attend? I see no logic behind why he didn't load before entering.

>implying the insurance wouldn't payout
>implying it is worth to die for a few thousand dollars

I wish I could feel bad for what happened to her, but she was asking for it.

>when seconds count, the police are only minutes away

i love watching people get gunned down when they try to rob a store

post more

>Morons trying to rob a gun store during business hours

Honestly, I can't think of anything stupider.

What happened to her?

He didn't want to illegally carry a loaded gun lol.
>implying rates aren't raised from all the robbery claims, making everyone's shit more expensive
>implying my business should be an ATM for lowlife thugs
>implying nig won't shoot you anyway

ahahahahahahaha, this made me smile.

I wouldn't give a fuck if the dead guy was fluorescent white, thieving faggot's dead either way.

This. That guy got fucking rocked, and deserved it

steven spielberg lightin em up

Fucked a shitskin and got an acid facial,

>>using one positive example as excuse for selling guns
>>ignoring thousands of negative examples

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

wonder how it feels to kill someone legally

Full story? Holy shit

you pretty much just got the full story. Guy comes to gun store to rob it so his gang could have guns or he could sell them, probably to criminals. Guy gets shot by gun store owner for his trouble.

who said that?

Good ol' Jimmy Groover. He's goes to Valhalla when he dies

Ignoring the fact that most "negative examples" are suicides and nigger chimp outs.

Dat nigga forgot dual wield has longer draw time

Ah mane dis counta strike, lemme spin flipdes berettas!

>The police won't protect you, you need gu--

Gun nuts BTFO