Does this prove that Serbians really are the lesser people?
We all know that Polish are the master race, especially when they are the poles that moved to America, but the Serbs and Croats still are vying for a second to last place among the slavs
Does this prove that Serbians really are the lesser people?
We all know that Polish are the master race, especially when they are the poles that moved to America, but the Serbs and Croats still are vying for a second to last place among the slavs
Is that a compact? Good first CC gun? I was looking at the Springfield XDS or a glock.
I own a Xd-9.
I hear so many people bad mouthing it or saying it's a poorly made gun, can't cycle properly and breaks early.
I've fired well over 3000 rounds through it, i've owned it for about 3 months now. I have not had a single bullet jam, misfire or ANY problem what so ever. The gun seems well machined as well as the parts inside.
My one and only dislike is, it's hard to aim compared to other guns. Took me about 800 rounds to get used to it and my groupings down to less than 1 1/2 inch @ 15 yards.
I enjoy the gun quite a bit, but for plinking, I want to get a different gun due to how hard it is to aim. I get mentally exhausted after about 300 rounds focusing on aiming, but I am a bullseye nut now. I want a glock 17L for plinking :)
Good gun otherwise
The gun community is one of the WORST communities when it comes to brand loyalty. Worse than people who like a specific NFL team. They tend to ignore any positive things about brands they dont like and shit talk it relentlessly just because they are a fan of another brand name. I think it's because the age factor, too many older people talking on forums who haven't learned that most things you hear online is propaganda for sales.
I have the xd mod 2 subcompact and absolutely love it. Having a 13 round and 16 round mag is awesome.
I do agree that you have to get used to aiming it.
Also I hate that it says grip zone it's kind of ugly but it does grip really well.
Great first cc fun for me.
>highest bore axis of any polymer framed pistol
Wew fuck lad
>striker fired Browning tilting barrel knock off, like all of them
why would you want to own any bootleg glock striker fire
Glocks are shit too.
They work, but so does a Browning HP, and the latter looks and feels a million times better, and it was the first.
Thats a fine toy. But if you ever tire of being a faggot with a purse gun and want a real weapon - buy a Serbian gun from world renown Zastava manufacturer, praised for its great kebab removing capabilities.
I have one these. I also have the tactical version, with the longer barrel. They're great firearms. The subcompact without the extended magazine easily fits in my pants pockets.
>this gun
pick one
even block 17 is godlike compared to untermensch technology
Also, I have owned and used Glocks. I prefer the Springfields.
Nope. I've owned Glocks. Side by side, the Springfields are more accurate. I sold my Glocks and upgraded.
>edgy design
fuck these guns
i prefer the XD series. I've owned two glocks, hated them both. Switched to the XDM .45 and loved it so much I bought the 9mm XDS subcompact for my wife.
Fuck Springfield. They sold out gun owners to pass gun control all to maintain exemption from the law.
yes. Eastern Europe is the best. It's so great everyone should stay there and not go anywhere else, especially towards the west. Just stay there, it's the best ever.
it has more to do with the trigger pull offsetting your sight picture than barrel accuracy
I unironically have an xds9. Sights are cool, trigger is pretty good, but grip feels too skinny and it's such an ugly gun. Wish I had gotten a Shield instead to be honest.
>Can't cycle properly
This is true though, especially with hollow points.
Try putting some hollows in a mag and kinda half assedly rack the slide to load the first round, 9/10 when I do this there's a failure to feed. This doesn't happen with my Glock.
Another problem is a lot of the times the slide doesn't lock back after the last round (with FMJs too) on mine.
Gun is shit desu. Fuck Croats.
The trigger pull on Glocks sucks, in my opinion. Unless you have it modified. But a Glock is a great weapon. And certainly better than no weapon.
>the latter looks and feels a million times better
Looks are objective but your noguns is showing when you say they feel better than Glocks.
but i personnaly prefer the ppq or the p226
that's god tier in term of accuracy
I don't know a single thing about guns but it looks ugly.
Why is it so tall, the upper part idk how you call it?
>this arab thinks whites want to migrate to him
>grip safety
fucking dropped
Bore axis. It really is ugly, in person too. I have one so I'm allowed to talk shit about it.