Nine Concentration camps. Nine!!!!!

Sup Forums BTFO.

eat shit anti-semites. He's a 95 year-old Jew, why would he lie?

Other urls found in this thread:

Holocaust survivor, 95, who endured NINE concentration camps and selection by Josef Mengele shares his apartment with a 31-year-old granddaughter of a Nazi

whats your point nigger?

>He's a 95 year-old Jew, why would he lie?
>Jew, why would he lie?
OP you want to take a minute to think about your question?

Fucking Germans... They couldn't holocaust a single kike in 9 tries, how the fuck could they ever hope to conquer Europe?

Why would a Jew lie?
Is that what you're asking?

so like, no death camps huh?

So pathological liar hooks up with pathological altruist?
Sex between them is probably pretty hot...

>He's a 95 year-old Jew, why would he lie?
we bigots should just listen and believe

No one can survive 9 KZ's ... You work until you're dead or get rescued.
I call bs on that Guy.

Maybe he was one of the resistant kikes. Or he could have passed away while waiting to be gassed and the krauts wanted to nurse him back to health before gassing him

>jew claims to have been in 9 concentration camps
>"oy vey i saw at least a gorillion killed"
>he isn't dead
how do people consider survivors the evidence of the holocaust? it doesn't make any sense.

Obviously hans, we are being ironic

>Holocaust survivor


Oy! Stop being antisemitic, goy, i will shut it down


The truth about immigration by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




>Ben Stern, who survived two ghettos, nine concentration camps, selection by the notorious Nazi physician Josef Mengele, two death marches, and the notorious conflict in Skokie, Illinois, remained gracious to his charge even in the face of this realization.

>'I didn’t see bread for 35 days,' he said, recalling one the marches where few survived.

>During World War II, the Nazis killed both of Ben Stern’s parents during World War II, along with his seven brothers and one sister.

Is he the luckiest guy alive? Nine death camps before he just had to live in Illinois when there was a Nazi demonstration

You haven't seen anything yet burgerbro

shieeet, this

was for this

Dirty kid kept getting lice again and again. Had to take six showers, damn.

his dad was cool though. was a baptist that thought he was on a misson from god, one of the greatest capitalist who ever lived.

Coincidences are the kikes' bread and butter, my goatfucking friend

Are you being sarcastic, goy? This is text-book antisemitism ya know

Delete This!!!!

from the article:
"When 95-year-old Holocaust survivor Ben Stern's wife, Helen, moved out of their home and in to an assisted care facility, Lea Heitfeld,
31, granddaughter of an unrepentant Nazi, took up the spare bedroom in Berkeley, California"

>granddaughter of an unrepentant Nazi
>unrepentant Nazi
So, not just the granddaughter of a Nazi, but an "unrepentant" Nazi. What are the odds?

Damn straight, goy

>He's a 95 year-old Jew, why would he lie?

Because he's a fucking cultist like all Jews

So, they were going to kill her in the gas chamber, but she collapses from hunger and they decide to hospitalize her to treat her. O.K., makes sense.


check the file name m8, the kikes need to be perfectly healthy before getting gassed

Considering they call them "death camps", there sure are a lot of survivors...

Considering literally billions of them were killed, there sure are a lot of Jews around

He couldn't kill the nazis but he sure will pound that German pucci

>selection by Josef Mengele
Every single jew that claims to have been a victim of the holocaust says they were seen by Mengele. It's so obviously false.

>Holocaust survivor, 95, who endured NINE concentration camps and selection by Josef Mengele shares his apartment with a 31-year-old granddaughter of a Nazi

You now realize they are making this into a news story, so they can set up a precedent for suing descendants of nazis

>Oy vey, when I found out she was a Nazi I couldnt sleep at night. I need reparations

He was hiding behind 9 proxies