How do we psychologically hurt Muslims the most?
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sexulize and feminize their women
We should air drop phones with porn on them into the rural areas of their countries and watch their values collapse.
Pretend that you really hate muslims then run for president and win. A few days later pretend you dont know the limits of your authority and make a law restricting all muslim immigration to your country to make them feel unwanted. Then when a judge blocks you, act pissed off
Insult their mothers
The black box and its rock.
Switch from oil to electro
How many deaths do you think with just one bomb?
Tell them Aisha and all other wifes never came
>he doesn't realize this has already happened and that radical islam is the manifestation of a culture's agony in the face of globalist american values
This would do the trick.
When did this become such a pro-Jewish board.
By sterilizing them, taking away their children and raising them as Christians. Bonus points for sending them back to their homelands as soldiers fighting for Christian causes.
Turn muslim women to feminists
Radical islam it's the manifetation of the west killing every decent secular leader they had.
"psychologically" implies a false dichotomy, kill them
Obligatory memeposting
Dump pig blood on that satanic fucking cube like it's name is Carrie.
Give them feminism. The women will become screechy cunts that the males will stone to death and blink cowishly when they realize there are no more women to have sex with. Western feminists can shut their fucking mouths when the muslims come to get 'replacement wives' and they can finally be finished off. Give them all the jew proaganda, make them crave the bbc and bwc. Arabs are disgustingly inbred as it is.
Nuke Mecca.
>implying feminist women have enough conviction in their beliefs to keep pushing the issue after the first round of stonings
Call them fags
Why simply psychologically hurt them? First we make them exterminate jews (or at least the minimum plan - jewish women and rabbis), then we kindly ask them to return to their now terror free countries, and only if they won't leave white countries there is any basis to hurt perfectly good cat's paw.
This we have to pull off.
if you destroy the black box in mecha, every muslim will shut down like battle droids in star wars
Secretly feed them all bacon
All mudslimes in western countries will have 24 hours to rennounce their faith or be subject to immediate deportation to Saudi Arabia. All those who rennounce the faith will have to publicly eat pork as proof. No exeptions.
Blow out Mecca.
Blow out Qaaba.
Hit on their daughters. I did this about ten years ago - a far right mate of mine suggested it. One girl got beat the fuck by her brothers and ended up all being jailed ( I nearly took out a family - lol ). The other one went missing - she just vanished and nothing was ever said. She's either in a ditch or back in Pakistan or whatever lifeless shithole she comes from.
Also - agree with Islam when it suits you to stir things up. It's funny as fuck when they think they have an ally - and then all you do is bring up the killing faggots stuff and raping kids etc in the name of glorious Allah - they soon twig and have it all to do to shut you up.
Plenty of places in Oxford to troll the cunts.
i didn't know satan was allowed to create threads at Sup Forums.
I'm fapping to this every night for the rest of my life
Send our jews.
It didn't, they're both hated
defile there bodys so they will never know peace!
Put pig shit in their water, desecrate their temples and holy books
Seed books by Dawkins or Rushdie; atheism is exploding (Kek) among Saudi youth, they get the books off torrent sites.
>How do we psychologically hurt Muslims the most?
Shoot them through the brain
make bleached porn with the women
Nice shot!
Islam is the problem plebbit, not radical islam. radical islam kills more mussies then anything else on the planet. All while painting a huge public target on there head.
This post best post...
destroy their places of worship and priceless historical sites. Give them a taste of their own medicine.
>Shoot them through the brain
Won't do any damage.
We need to defile their holiest places.
Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem
I suggest we somehow defile the Black box in Mecce and the Golden dome in Jerusalem
How I dont know
We airdrop pigheads on the blackbox during Hadj. Nearly impossible I know just saying.
>Build MacDonald's, Walmarts, and Starbucks everywhere so they have dead end, hopeless jobs.
>Pay them little so that they can afford iced coffee and doughnuts but not rent or dental insurance.
>Destroy the nuclear family so there's no cohesion to their basic unit of society.
I could keep going on but I'm sure this is already posted on a liberal topics forum in a better format. You get the idea.
It will give them a sore neck.
Drop a nuke on meccah, its the only way to be sure.
They'll probably run out of goats and things to fuck if you do that.
Walmart offers dental
Advertise new Jewish embassies for Mecca.
Just organize a few thousand people around the country, go get to the local butcher and store a few liters of pigs blood in cannisters. Over time, put the bloods into small, thin glass bottles to be thrown at things, mosques, muslims etc...
This will terrorize them because anywhere, anywhen, somebody might come and deny them their "heaven" after death. I'd also say that taking a big planes used for putting out forest fires, fill that with pigs blood and release it over mecca.
it was defiled and catapulted, stolen and broken into fragments
countless times
you're such noobs who just joined civilization club
Make them succumb to the jew.
things that never happened episode 40000
Split up Islam into smaller groups by inserting different interpretations of the Koran into their religion
Sunni and Shiite already tear each other apart
Imagine 1000 thousand different interpretations duking it out constantly
Insult Mohammad and his ridiculous life. A lot of Muslims have doubts about him but it's taboo to criticize him. Point out what a piece of shit he is, it's the religion's Achilles' heel.
For starters we could stop sucking Saudi dick
Suicide bomber in a crowd near the black box during Hadj. Bomber needs to be a Israeli Jew.
The kikes and muslim destroy each other.
Europe wont help Israel because they will be busy facing muslim uprising in Europe after the attack.
Israel will be attacked. US embassies will be attacked. US armies locked down in Afganistan and Iraq due to Muslim uprising.
US wont have their soldiers ready to fight in Israeli front
Israel fends off a muslim invasion
Driven back into the sea
Israeli point of no return. There is an Israeli final option in the face of destruction they nuke every major Islamic city in the middle east. (Real plan, google it faggots)
Europe after a struggle drive out all muslims
Middle east a wasteland
What a glorious time.
Divide and conquer niggers
>Imagine 1000 thousand different interpretations
i don't need to imagine, they already exist
i swear this board has an average of 44 iq
>Repeating what Jews pulled on Christians
>That image attached, unironically
I don't dislike you heretics, time to time you guys give me good chuckles.
I know it was you mesopotamian rape baby.
I needs to be defiled in modern times as well.
Internet and tv will spread the news to the entire islamic world you dumb fuck so they can rabble rouse at the same time.
Samson option. Google it faggot. Europe will be destroyed too
Nuke Mecca
airdrop a bunch of niggers to tear up their citys
i have a couple of suggestions
>drone multiple muslim countries for decades killing families and children
>support a parasitic tumor of a country that will bring the destruction of the world in the middle of the muslim world by trillions upon trillions of dollars
>invade muslim countries killing millions upon millions of women and children
oh wait..
israel sure is mighty fine.
You fucking queer.
The ghettos that the muslims live in may be ruined but they will be contained by European armys and militia's. There might me a struggle and some damage done to cities but not enough that we wont just easly rebuild.
While the middle east on the other hand will be a nuclear wasteland.
And I did google it thats why I brought it up faggot.
idiot doesn't know muslim states also have nukes.
some official, others underground.
>I needs to be defiled in modern times as well.
>Internet and tv will spread the news to the entire islamic world you dumb fuck so they can rabble rouse at the same time.
the deliberate starving and murder of half a million iraqi children got only a few muslims to bring down a tower and do some attacks
you think they'll give a shit about stone
spray vaporized pig fat over muslim countries from the airplane
>make Qrans with pictures of mahoma in every page
>Muslims can't destroy the Qran
>also make a very small label saying: "MADE COMPLETELY WITH PIG SKIN"
>absolutely haram
>islam BTFO for all eternity
>and its rock.
this especially. the box has bean completely destroyed before and they just rebuild it. The rock is what must be destroyed or taken as a trophy.
ever since r_d migrated and kept /ptg/ alive
LOL, we can spam their emails and websites with copies of Koran, they wont be able to delete it
Crucify them, cover with pork fat and burn
make this a regular practice in middle east
t. Muslim fighting pros
>le clown nuke
Steal and commercialise their religion. Create our own new schism branch and declare them all infidels. Invade Mecca in the name of Allah for ultimate lulz. Force them to create a new religion cos we trended them so hard. That's what we did to Christfags when they threatened the empire.
Then you would know Europe would be reduced to a nuclear wasteland by israelli nukes. Exactly how will that secure the existence of the white race..?
All kinds of people worship Allah. What connect all these cultures and ethnicities together.
Their FAITH. And what is most holy to their FAITH. THAT FUCKING BOX.
You cant compare Iraqi children to the Holiest of Holy to these fucking idiots.
Jesus Christ you people are some sarcastic beta-male cancer.
I know the kike is evil enough to nuke Europe I know BUT if they are driven into the sea their first route of escape will be via Europe. So Maybe they wont nuke Europe.
Even if they go to America they have to ship their fleeing people to Europe first right?
Mohammed : "to break down each and every stone of the Kaaba to pebbles is better in front of Allah than drawing a Muslim's blood"
i would say mass immigrate to their countries and not assimilate, but their countries suck ass and smell like shit
Interesting point you raise there. Is it haram to delete a digital copy of the koran?
>find two gay muslims
>fly them to mecca
>make a pornographic film with stills and scenes featuring holy sites and things like lifting a man's robe during prayers to perform oral sex
>meme it
You must blow up Mecca. If Mecca falls, Islam falls
Sure why not. But do you think that these 'educated' muslims will stay calm and wont do anything when that box is destroyed?
You fucks got mad when a Dane made some Insulting pictures of Mohammed, what will happen when a kike bombs the Ka'ba?
Put estrogen in the water supply
Nuke Mecca with a neutron bomb. So it's more radioactive than Chernobyl for a few thousand years.
inform them that we know sheiks are faggy muslims and not bro tier. saudis enforce sharia law. so they dont have any way of integrating into the west
And shit in open Koran, close book smoosh poo poo inside.
But that is what the samson option is. If the state of israel looks likely to fall they will take the middle east and europe with it if not the world if they have the capability. There is no plan for an exodus across the sea just complete anihilation for all like samson did in the old testament. Fucking psychos
Great move. You are right. We knew it couldn't stand but we did get the message to Islam they are not welcome. We should have a referendum vote on
1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Weed
You would have to be a stinking Muzzlim to not want a ban of Travel. They, you, have one goal. Bring on WW3 so the faggot 12th Imam can crawl out of the well in Baghdad.
I took a shit in every well I came across.
It wont destroy them you dumb burger.
''Im an American and we blow shit up hurr durr MURRICA''
Yeah that helped allot in Vietnam, Korea, Afganistan and Iraq.
Just throw bomb and hope they suddenly surrender.
And then what?
They still have Medina and Jerusalem.
Jerusalem was the first place they prayed to before Mecca. They will just switch back.
Those need to be removed as well. But the kikes will still be around they need to go also
make atheism anti-muslim
Wont they try to save any of their people before trying the full retard samson option?
Also they have an estimated 200 nukes. Dont they need more to destroy Middle east AND Europe?
Lol. Mecca is surrounded 24/7. Good luck filming a sex scene at a holy site without getting caught and executed.
Bring up the campaign of Arab girls doing porn with white men (BWC) again. little arab boys cant compete