Was Franco the last great Western leader?

Was Franco the last great Western leader?

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Sure as hell made the Anarchists and Communists bawl like little girls. Kept Spain out of WW2, or as it's also know, (The war to save Joe Stalin)

He was alright, shame it wasn't this man instead however.

If you think about it. He really was the LAST great leader in the west.
After 1975 there was no truly based leader in the west, only cuckservative fucks who started all immigration bullshit.

And now spanish political faggots try to exhume his body from Spanish Civil War Memorial. Thank God Spanish government doesn't allow it.

Arriba España!

Too bad he didn't went full fascist/phalangist
He failed in turning the spanish people in a fascist,warrior people
So his legacy is shit much like Salazár

Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera would have been better desu

Hivemind ?


Rivera was a rich playboy who attached himself to a fashionable, but unsustainable ideology. Franco had the benefit of being pragmatic, but also an anti-modernist. Rivera would have gotten Spain involved in the war, which ultimatly would have crippled it just like Germany and Italy.

Most importantly, Franco understood that Catholicism was a fundamental part of Spanish identity, where as Rivera saw it as just a tool.

Well Franco was never really a Fascist to begin with, just a charismatic leader with traditionalist views.

True Falangism would have been more effective in achieving national rejuvenation. Though you're probably right about the war.

Yes. Even Pinochet was in complete awe of this guy. That's how based he was.

>True Falangism would have been more effective in achieving national rejuvenation.

Falangism, like Fascism, is ultimatly futire because it is a modernist ideology. It fails to address the fundamental causes of the problem.

Franco failed to change the spanish society.
Rivera wasn't a poser,he was a revolutionnary whereas Franco was a conservative

How ?

>the fundamental causes of the problem

Which are?

That's what you fail to understand. Franco was based precisely because he wasn't a revolutionary, and managed to preserve, if only for a little while longer, the traditional Spanish society. Primo de Rivera would have foolishly aligned with Germany and Spain would have been destroyed beyond repair.

>Was Franco the last great Western leader?

>he was a revolutionnary

And "revolution" is the cause of civallization's ills.

The causes of Western decline are fundamentally spiritual. A secular ideology like Fascism, no matter how well-intentioned, is inadaquate.

>A secular ideology like Fascism

This isn't true however, fascism can also be deeply spiritual. Take Codreanu's Iron Guard for example.

Yeah so he failed because just after his death they demolished what remained from his regime.
Look the state of Spain nowadays: poor,regionally and socially divided.

Society is clay and he failed to model it in a durable way

And Rivera wasn't dumb.
Spain was an agrarian state at the time, poorly industrialized.
(less powerful than Italy)
He probably wouldn't have intervened in the war.
And also,Franco wanted to intervene on the axis side but it was Salazar that managed to keep Iberia neutral.

>And also,Franco wanted to intervene on the axis side but it was Salazar that managed to keep Iberia neutral.
>source : my ass
Look up the Hendaye meeting. Franco literally did everything he could to avoid getting pulled into the war and loathed Hitler.

>Revolution is the cause of society ills

No society is the cause of revolutions
Also,was german society better under Weimar republic or under the Reich (before war) that the National Socialist revolution created ?

>Fascism is secular

Fascism is the most spiritual system compared to communism(murder of god) and capitalism(corruption of god)

See "The doctrine of Fascism" by Benito

Yeah because Salazar convinced him to do so