Opinions on this guy?
I need a quick run down.
He seems pretty based.
Opinions on this guy?
I need a quick run down.
He seems pretty based.
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The more I learn about him, the more I think he is under-appreciated.
Too smart for his own good
He was a good president.
too paranoid for his own good
he was a big meaty crook
Trump's alpha release
War criminal
Yeah what's up with the guy? all I know is that people hate him because he lied about some shit
Great at international politics, but awful at home.
Would have been a better secretary of state IMO.
Redpilled president
He was an agent of the same people that got Kennedy killed, but he got uppity, bit the hand of his masters and paid the price.
One of the most intelligent presidents ever tbqh
He had to resign be cause he got caught lying to cover up for some fucks who illegally broke in to some DNC office for dirty politics reasons.
Does anyone know how to find out the identity of a person from their Twitter account? I'm being stalked by @trackresponse. contacting my employers with slanderous remarks about me. Please help if you can!!
That's it? wow was expecting some blowjobs or something
He carpet bombed Cambodia, which led to the Khmer Rouge, he took us off the gold standard, he started the War on Drugs, he expanded affirmative action, and there's evidence he sabotaged South Vietnamese peace talks to harm the Democrat ticket.
I like who Nixon was before he became president, a badass cold warrior.
Killed the space program because "muh war" and "fuck JFK". Intentionally set us back for decades in manned spaceflight.
he was a libcuck
>muh EPA
he's top 10
Super genius when it came to foreign affairs
As a presidential candidate in 1968 he scuttled Johnson's Vietnam peace talks.
I don't know why, but I find it so odd that foreigners know so much/have opinions about our presidents.
Was waiting for this totally unexpected americlap reply hehe
Why is that odd? it's the superpower of the world and it's also the most culturally influential country here in the west.
starts 1:30
The idea of foreign political personalities, let alone from several decades in the past, being familiar in my country is just odd to me.
I just have a hard time imagining it since its not reciprocated.
well yeah Americans don't usually know anything about the world. No offense. Just my personal observation
Tried to establish a system of basic income. Pretty cool to me.
he wanted to disclose UFO and ayylmao thats why he had to go
America is most of a continent though. I wonder how much the average chinese or indian knows
Hunter S. Thompson would have written his finest work if he were alive during the Trump's presidency.
China and India are non-western socities that are nowhere near as educated as the US. I don't see how the comparison makes sense
Your presidents have a hand in our countries polices.
(((Henry Kissinger))) recorded him. Look up KGB code name Bor.
History treated him unfairly, the press fucking HATED him and smeared him all of the way to his grave. The break-in sounds shocking today, but that's the kind of shit Presidents used to do - I remember most people thinking "so what?" about Watergate.
The (((MSM))) hated him about as much as they revile Trump, caution to the unwary!
He was a patriot
>I need a quick run down.
He stole the presidency in 1972 by destroying Eugene Mc Carthy's presidential campaign.
Forget Watergate - that was his biggest crime against democracy.
2/10 would impeach again
So insightful.
>destroying Eugene Mc Carthy's presidential campaign.
Great president who fumbled at the end zone.
A lot of libshits and Republicans don't realize a lot of the policies they advocate for were his doing.
Nixon's crimes were 1/10 on the Obama scale, but he was not adored by the press. for comparison, school yourself on LBJ to understand the abuses of Executive power at the time
> Hint: see Gulf of Tonkin and the attack on the USS Liberty to see how little he valued human life in pursuit of political gain.
he is the creator of 'gate' faggotry
>biggest crime against democracy.
Hillary, obama, bush had a bigger scheme working for them.
last progressive president since trump
everyone in between was a conservative
Nixon's problems started after his administration negotiated the Vietnam cease-fire. The anti-war "protest" movement lost it's reason for existing and was morphed into radical activism that turned it's sights on Nixon himself.
The #Resist and antifa movements are an updated and rebranded version of the same groups, with the same masters.
>When you read most anti-nixon posts, you understand the mentality that you are dealing with.
Not knowing how the Nixon Campaign sabotaged the Vietnam peace talks, which were almost concluded after they unilaterally contacted the South Vietnam government and told them to abandon the talks because they would help them get a better deal after the election when they won, in order to make it an election issue.
Silly BR, don't you know about how Republicans always have had a tendency to commit treason? It was Vietnam for Nixon. The Iranians for Reagan (Made a deal with the government to sell them arms and have them hold the hostages until after the election even though a president who's platform was to release the hostages was elected.) And now Trump with the Russians?
B-b-b-b-b-but mum e-mails!
You are new here, aren't you?
Well my head isn't up my ass like yours and I know the facts, so I guess I'm new by your standards.
But to be nice BR, you do have fun police chases to watch.
If you want to say you're right, do a little effort, I'll not lose time in random youtube videos because you are lazy.
Dan Carlin did a podcast on him.
Series is called 10 American Presidents
You could look up the facts regarding the Nixon campaign contacting the South Vietnamese government and history repeats itself because Johnson was fully aware of the fact that Nixon was committing treason, because the government kept track of all communications to Vietnam, but like Obama, he sat on it because he feared that if it came out, it would destroy the people's faith in the presidency.
Also you're missing out on a video of ROCAM in action. Although I'm sure if you live in Sao Paulo these videos are what you call Tuesday.
Here's an objective truth:
>He helped end the disastrous and extremely unpopular war in Vietnam. He pulled all US troops out of Vietnam similar to how Obama pulled out all troops from Afghanistan. South vietnam forces fell to the Communist NVA and Viet Cong several months later making US's decade long intervention all for nothing and all US soldiers dying in vain
>Started War on Drugs that you see today
>Eased relations with the Soviet Union and agreed to do nuclear reduction pacts
>Made diplomacy with Communist China that you see today
>Created EPA (Environmental Protective Agency)
>Lied about hiring goons to breaking into the DNC Center to see if he won the upcoming election because of his paranoia and anxiety problems that led to him to being impeached and pardoned by President Gerald Ford. The event was called Watergate.
>He was half Liberal and Half Conservative
>He lost to JFK in the election of 1960 due to JFK being more charismatic on television
> He was VP to Eisenhower in the 50s
He went to the beach with a suit.
I think he's pretty based.
Jews do that all the time. Don't compare Nixon to a Jew.
Nixon didn't commit treason for Vietnam
Reagan sold arms to Iran to negotiate the release of American hostages being ransomed by Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon, a country that relies on the aid of Iran. I don't see how saving Americans is treason.
We need to wait until the Russian-Trump Investigation finds something sufficient enough to indict Trump on.
Didn't know that. Why are they doing that though?
Based and redpilled
I don't know maybe because people like to know who had been bombing them for the last hundred years or so?
Orthodox Jews are weird.
There's a magic perimeter in my city made of telephone poles and other such every day objects that got Jew magic cast on them that lets the Orthodox Jews carry things on the Sabbath and things like that without breaking the "no work" rule as long as they are within the magic perimeter.
>great at international
>forgeting the kitchens debate
He also created OSHA