ITT we give our harshest criticism of ourselves.
What does Sup Forums think of Sup Forums?
It's a place for potentially dangerous people to vent out their frustration before they act it out.
Leafs and t*rks should be banned.
Racism is a surge and we should be more tolerant.
We should support black lives matter
The far-far right white nationalism is to exclusive to be powerful.
Must be: white, protestant, pro-life, anti all forms of feminism, too quick to dismiss assets, very paranoid, authoritarian, anti all forms of degeneracy (which creates a complex that makes for some dark and strange sexual fetishes)
Nonstop shilling.
Also actual stormfaggots are retarded.
Echo chamber of pathetic betas
At first I thought Sup Forums was racist for valid reasons (such as hating chinks for destroying ecosystems)
Now I've realized that Sup Forums is only racist because they can't get any white girlfriends so they blame darkie male competition
its basically Sup Forums with flags ie total shit
forced to constantly come up with new content/posts so useless bullshit is paraded around like it's important.
Everyone here is gay and/or masturbating.
too many shills, and like any board on Sup Forums, lots of retards and scum of the earth happen to use this site as well. But there are some good goys on Sup Forums
Autists and Putin shills
Except theres no porn dumbass, which seperates it from Sup Forums by far
>putin shills
found the shareblue
then why are you here m8
I think that if I ever met one decent black man then i wouldn't wish all of them to disappear. I also miss the space lift threads.
get the fuck out nigger
>constructing an elaborate strawman so i can hold on to my false world views
you should probably kys tbqh famalamarino
Its a combination of memes, redpills, shills, propaganda and shitposts. I like it though.
>legs bowed in
>back hyperextended
>bar resting on spine and not shoulders/trap
Fucking hell, women can't do anything right
>call people nigger
>from fyrom
my sides are in orbit
Hitler worshippers really get on my nerves, and I'm a fascist. I mean for fuck's sake, read something other than the first five pages of Mein Kampf you fucking idiots.
Jews aren't behind everything. They are over-represented, but the main reason for degeneracy is that people are hedonists and want a sense of purpose in their life, which is the same reason why all the societal rejects LARP here. I'd rather spend time with your average smart Jew who can discuss the relation between heat and information entropy and musical composition than with some IQ 100 white loser.
Fuck the white race, I looked with contempt at more than 90% of white people who are lazy, needlessly rude, hedonistic, dumb and have no sense of ambition, always wallowing in self-pity. I'll support ring-wing movements to get rid of the even dumber non-whites though.
Pol is completely inconsistent. You are always feigning outrage over the immoral behaviour of other, but half of you laugh at the misfortune of others if given the opportunity. You are against degeneracy but of course exclude what ever degeneracy you yourself believe in.
>echo chamber meme
>fat virgins
>white women want black cock
You only got like 3/5 of them fām
Try harder next time
We're the right-wing equivalent of SJWs.
>racemixing should be illegal!!
>we shouldn't let gays have sex!!!
>we should kill niggers!!!
>gas all trannies!!!
>waaah black people have bigger cocks than me!!!
People at varying levels of redpilled constantly bickering over the same issues, converting one another until they reach the zenith of the redpill thus expelling themselves from the cycle and leaving Sup Forums
it'll happen to all you retards
pols closed sorry
people here are too easy to bait. even the most obvious falseflag will get 20 (you)s calling "shill"
top kek m8
a couple of days ago my uni had a student exchange type of thing where frenchies came over here and you literally couldn't tell if they came from Algeria or france
your country is a total joke please kys
even shithole algeria has better standards that the fake nation you live in
and i'm not even from france
You can't stop us
I feel sorry for the losers here whose only social interaction in life is "baiting trolling bantz" etc. it's sort of heartbreaking.
Sup Forums -> (((their))) site to seed hatred to the heart of everybody about everybody.
you answer who will benefit.
m8 even muzzies here are whiter than the french
stop being a diaspora faggot and kys
Reddit detected
it's okay sometimes. really depends on the time of day.
a lot of Sup Forums users are reddit spies that steal our memes and intel
some Sup Forums users are reasonable guys
some Sup Forums users are moronic zealots
some Sup Forums users are religicucks
some Sup Forums users think that only jews get circumcised
me? i just come here to laugh at the dumb left or to celebrate those that attempt to truly make a difference in this world
Good eggs, too many shills.
White Identity politics: I'm all for it as a way to highlight how silly identity politics is to the left, aka, satire.
But a lot of folks are literal about it. They literally want Social Justice but for whites.
SJW could work either way, Social Justice Warrior or Social Justice White
Too much "nazism" and nostalgia shit about "muh 1933"
There's no way a nazi state would survive/keep a long run stable economy with today's standards.
Also, jews are gonna jew, but you have to beat the jew at their own game.
A genocide won't happen anytime soon.
case in point
Sup Forums is the low roar of a dieing lion.
i don't bait people. i saw a thread the other day where op posted a wojak with the filename SHAREBLUE PIC #1 (rename before posting) or something he feasted on (you)s for many moons.
Everyone but me is an autistic faggot and should kill themselves
>t. Edgy dutch faggot larping as a nazi
The shareblue trick is very old, I wonder how people are so retarded and feed them with many (you)s.
The CTR memes were just the same, maybe there are many newfags flooding in there.
HAHAHA they're so pissed about Putin
90% of Sup Forums are closeted homosexuals
None. Sup Forums is always right.
must be true
where do i start
I'm not racist. My wife is Anglo Indian and we have kids.
Sup Forums probably hates me for race mixing, but I don't care.
I am a hardcore libtard, have been coming to this place for years solely to larp as a nazifag and I don't even know why
Go back to the_donald
Embrace your true side, Nigel.
just kys scum
It's fun to play pretend sometimes.
When I want to play pretend I put a blindfold on and wait in the bathroom of the local gay bar with my pants at my ankles. For all I know it could be a woman who cums in my ass.
>no porn
how long have you been on this board?
Sup Forums tends to have a stupid view on women, setting them lower than animals
not that men and women are equal or anything though
and even though it's mostly memes, traps are gay, people disagreeing are retards
The Jewish conspiracy isn't real.
Coming here has made me a larping nazi, yet at the same time it made me appreciate freedom and now in many aspects of life freedom always comes first
Im an ancap and I know perfectly that egoism can fuck the entire society and is fucking cancer, but I don't care because i'm edgy. Also capitalism is cancer because there are not enough resources forever... Unless this a planet is limited for some time and the go to another and do it again. But I love freedom so fuck it worth it
Bunch of illiterate and dishonest larpers.
if you can't distinguish the difference between a couple of porn images and 80 simultaneous trap threads then you need to kys
Nah, have as many as you want, I'd probably consider them white.
I unironically think it is mostly as bad as Reddit. At this point, I've come to accept that there is no right or wrong; that all outlooks in life, political or otherwise, are based on nothing but gut feeling.
Sup Forums has drastic opinions on women, but overall it's true.
The average woman is retarded and overly sensitive, they usually make bad mistakes in their lives if left unchecked.
Obviously I found many exemptions at the rule above in my life, but 80% of women perfectly fit the description above.
I don't like being racist. It's exhausting. I wish I could go back to thinking it doesn't matter.
I don't believe you
My gf is technically hispanic but her dad is an immigrant from Spain, so that's still European
It's not a conspiracy because it's reality, gotcha.
Hey cool, a Chinese style psychological warfare thread.
Can you admit one thing hillary clinton did that caused her to lose the election?
"Why am I not 50 points ahead?"
Sleep tight, sir.
then you are objectively wrong because that argument stems from the assumption that pol/ is a hive mind with identical ideas and beliefs
an assumption based on feelings therefore you are a retard and should kys
maybe it's because the only few women I seriously got to know were all on the intelligent side, but I can't really believe that they're as stupid as people here say
that doesn't mean I would refute everything Sup Forums says, but I feel like it's either too extreme or, and that's another issue I have, they see no middle ground, it tends to be black or white and if something doesn't fit that, they're usually trying to explain it somehow, rather than just admitting that it's not always black and white
Why isn't there any green on that flag?
OP is always a faggot
>A lot of gays and traps broswer Sup Forums and love IR porn and cuck things.
>LARPing virgins fashy/templar knights
The white people are finisih, only the libertarians of Sup Forums have hope.
One of the proposed designs was the Danish flag painted green, but at the point there was a movement focused on Inuit culture so we got this flag instead, a red sun setting low on the horizon amids the ice.
Yeah, I agree, Hans.
Many people here are just ranting virgins who are probably shit people IRL.
>wants the general public to be right wing have more people on media to be right wing
>If there not 1488 gtkrwn there there alt light reddit
>Talks about saving Europe and stop being a keyboard warrior
>Call people cringy when people protest irl
>Complains about shill's yet still replies
image not loading bro
a thread by a shill, for shills.
you guys are too transparent.
I think you should keep your goddam anti-Semitic Tourrete's the fuck out of /k/ and concentrate on what you are actually good at -- crawling all over and analyzing current events.
The final redpill pol/ refuses to swallow is that there isn't a group of (((people))) that conspire to demolish our western values, it's only a byproduct of the egoism present in capitalistic society, which the jews have exploited because of their cultural beliefs and higher iq. This causes the system to go through various stages in a cycle that repeats itself
The cycle of these periods will always exist and society will always stray further from our values, culminating in some sort of happening and then repeating
This is why national socialism is the only system that doesn't have a logical conclusion ending in degeneracy because the egoism is a byproduct of human individualism something that is pushed back in light of the progress of the race something that can only happen in a ethnostate where everyone is truly equal
Heil Victory
Heil Europa
degenerate with a flawed ideology sucking his own dick
literally nothing to see here m8s
Ok, little greek.
>Can you admit one thing hillary clinton did that caused her to lose the election?
Her entire political career.
Bitch never won a contested election in her life and thinks she's gonna be President?
Think about her political career:
First Lady of Arkansas(not elected)
First Lady of The US(not elected)
US Senator(elected in a riding that is ALWAYS blue, which she's not from, which was handpicked for her by the DNC, who then funded and ran her campaign, therefor virtually uncontested and given to her on a silver platter)
08' Campaign for Democratic Nomination (BTFO by a Black guy no one ever heard of)
US Secratary of State(Not elected; Bureaucratic position; confirmed shit-tier performance)
16' Campaign for Democratic Nomination (BTFO by literal Socialist Jew, DNC colludes to give it to her anyway, not elected)
16' Campaign for President (BTFO by old man with literally NO political experience, wins pop. vote by 3 million, yet, STILL manages to lose electorate by like 100pts, unparalleled incompetence)
She got checked, FINALLY, and I feel vindicated.
So user, was that an adequate answer?
that's not even a retort m8
If you ban all bots and shills there are 5 people here including you and me.
Ok, ok.
Your thread just set off my shill radar.
You understand that the "give one criticism of X" threads are shill opposition research and/or divide and conquer bullshit.
Too many virgins.
That's interesting.
It looks more like a corporate logo than a flag.
Too many Christfags
Too many niggers.
Abortion controls the nigger population and eliminates the genetically unfit, leaf. A lot of us are pro-abortion.
Also Christianity is a Jewish cuck religion. A lot of us are pagans.
I always notice with fags like you that you freak our when people make fun of your pet niggers, but then you go ahead and say that Chinks are shit. Really fucking hypocritical.
And this isn't just on the internet, my own brother flipped out on me for letting my powerlevel slip, and then later on he said he didn't like asians very much. It's some real Jew shit they do at those universities