Really prompts further pondering...
Really prompts further pondering...
Other urls found in this thread:
>18 yr old mother
burn the coal
toll status: paid
she is all paid up.
They pay the toll. They always pay.
Nice trips btw.
At least he did the right thing at the end. Overall it's a net gain. One mudshark dead and one nig dead. B A S E D black man!
what happened to the son? Also is it their son?
Property of a happy lesbian couple
What a shame.
He had a chance to end his bloodline forever, but now this nation is going to have to raise yet another negro on our dime.
Toll status: paid in full
from a 30 yo incel point of view, how do people actually make a girl friend. I would never leave my girlfriend if I ever had one, let alone shoot her after she becomes a mother. I know they want the nigger dick or a chad dick, but I simply can't comprehend what goes on in these peoples minds. How can you not see the consequences of your actions? If reflects poorly on your family, your nation, your religion, not to mention your own conscience.
and to top it all, I am the kind of person the world hates right now, a nazi traditionalist. How the fuck did the world ever come to this?
Confirmed for jealous beta cuck. Do something about it.
>Nigger Chimps Out, Killing 18 Year Old Mother
And the msm claims there are no black Trump supporters
Burn the Coal, Pay the Toll
>mother of his child
>high school graduation
The world has a way of righting itself.
>Nigger Chimps Out,
Behold the American Negro. Less mentally developed than others in society, yet no less confident for the lack of intelligence.
Proud beyond hubris of its sexual prowess, yet choosing no permanent pairbond, despites its many offspring.
It is so common that it is a meme, anons.
>18 year old mother
These stories warm my heart: we must live in the future for trash to take itself out.
Oh noes
>18 year old mother
brenn die kohle
bezahl die Maut
this is a non-story. Nothing of value was lost.
Look into the eyes of these child-killers.
2 feral negroes killed a little girl and her 21 year old uncle.
The whites let them in the house to use the bathroom because THE WHITE FAMILY HAD TAKEN IN ONE OF THE BLACK MAN WHEN HE WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL. The whites had fed him and given him a place to stay, when he needed it. So the nigger brings in another nigger who kills them to rob them. The white family was targeted because they had been charitable to a black teen.
Brutally murder the 21 year old AND the little girl by killing them execution style by making them lay on the floor and shooting them in the back of their heads.
>Jeremy Crane, 21, and his niece Kyleigh Crane were shot as they lay on the ground during a robbery turned violent, according to the formal filing of murder charges, the Indianapolis Star reports.
>Prosecutors say that Michael Bell Jr, 22, offered to give tattoo artist Jeremy Priel, 25, a Playstation 3 in exchange for tattoo work. Bell told police that he and Priel went to the home of Crane, a former co-worker, and asked to use the bathroom. As planned, Priel pulled a gun on Crane and his niece ordering them and Bell to the ground, according to his statement.
>Bell told police that Priel then shot Crane twice, first wounding him and then killing him with a shot to the head. Bell said he then stepped over the bodies to grab a PlayStation 3 and an Xbox. He said he ran out of the house with the consoles before the girl was shot.
>white woman dies
So what?
Fuck off Johnny
they din du nuffin.. so fuck off
whites run the most disgusting and brutal child trafficking networks in the US and whine when one incident like this happens. You're ok with white people raping and sacrificing kids for snuff films? fuck off.
Citation needed.
>18 year old mother
Toll paid.
>18 year old mother
I couldn't care less
>muh pizza place illuminnati LARP!
was she his mother?
OH SNAAAAP!!!! #racistjoke #oogaboogacomedy #blacktwitter
u got PWNED NEGRO!!!
it's funny because they get pregnant very early in life and they are violent since the day they are born
Can't pay the tall if they're both niggers.
GF was a dirty Mexican like you. Stop invading our country.
Multi Cults.
Friendly reminder that murica is Mexican clay. and she is a nigger.
>murica is Mexican clay
You wish, spic-o.
She fucked random guys and didn't abort, ok then.
>I would never leave my girlfriend if I ever had one
That's your biggest problem right there.
Sure thing buddy.
>Jeff Epstein
Nothing wrong with 18 year old mothers.
15 is the prime breeding age for women.
Her crime was fucking and procreating with a nigger, I am glad that the problem solved itself.
pay the toll
>burn the coal
if we had reparations this wouldn't happen.