What arguments do you use Sup Forums?
What arguments do you use Sup Forums?
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not politics
not sure. I go for a mix of judo and free range cheetah attacks
ive won over elevnty seven intrnet arguments plz check muh dubblers
shit no gubbs
pls rate anyways thanks this is important politicking.
I've never made a false flagging social media account but I want to.
Twatter? Kikebook? Instagram (lol)?
check hitler doobs and ID:
"good game tar machine learning X"
this is now a retarded screencap thread
smug anime face is objectively the best
>Cucking yourself for 7 years to make the west strong in your absense
im dumpin my quips and qwops ya feel
This is gay
really captivated some cashews
>That gif.
Can't breathe.
running outta the funnies might hafta post the redpills prepare anus
dont know what some of these are. Gonna post em anyways we gonna find out huh
this one is good
nu/pol/ doesn't talk about fnords anymore
meh tier
black pill
lel back to screencapped shitposts
Trips on trips
idk wat this is gonna find out
for some reason i have pictures of way too many black pills. life is suffering, is it not?
The answer to suffering is truth, as Jordy Peterson says.
fuck I need to learn me some economics. Gotta sort myself out first of course, or i'm not gonna follow through
this one is a fun one to read
Pictures of smug anime girls
anyone who thinks globalization is a thought out strategy by the illuminati to bring down labor costs and open markets and not simply new technology allowing natural forces of supply and demand to not be localized is a legit tin-foil hat wearer.
You might not like new technology and you might not agree with a global free market but don't pretend it's a conspiracy. A free market is the natural order of things the pressures it puts on the economy is very real and can only be regulated not stopped. Even good morals can not stand in the way of it's forces.
ok but daily reminder that leftism (individualism) is a scam. The globalization may be "natural" but it is made much worse by the West's failed experiment of individualism. The fundamental unit of society is not the individual; this is where lolbertarians are wrong and will be had for fools.
pic related should be read by many, it is tangentially related.
this was a fun read. idk if its true though hehe
Second to last for me.
Sometime I'm not sure about how to verbally defend an opinion of mine so I come on here, make a post defending the opposition, and you roaches produce 300 posts worth of arguments.
HEY! I know what im gonna do.
I'll post retarded social media comments for rage fuel.
ayo hol up
I'm heading out right now but I promise I'll read that later. Something that we must understand is that individualism and folk identity are opposing forces that ideally keep each other in check for best results. The most depraved acts have been committed as a direct result of collectivism. However, no civilization would exist without it. Individualism is at the base of most decay in society. But no progress would exist without it.
Its the same as liberalism and conservatism. Empathy v self-preservation. One without the other leads to destruction. It's okay to align yourself with any of these four ideologies if you feel society is skewed too far in the other direction. But I do no subscribe to the belief that any position is inherently wrong.
hehe we gonna start out slooowww
call me old fashioned but i just say jews are evil. seems to work pretty well i mean even liberals are like well yea every one knows that but your not suppose to say it
This my favorite piece on arguments
idk why but i just lost it when I read this
That is potentially the best brainmeme. I can relate to all of them
"Humans of New York" Page
Photography + stories from people.
Based Grandma shares reasonable request. Goyim go apeshit.
I just rely on getting d u b s
Still trying to make it work IRL
No one understands and there are no digits anyway
5. End of the line.
If these comments don't make you wanna go on a social media rampage with fake sock puppet accounts and false flags all out the ass, idk what will t-b-h senpai
The grandma doesn't get it. It's the Jews.
>white people did bad thing to natives when they came to america
>therefore we must allow muslims to come to america
really makes u think
False flag my own side so that they think I'm false flagging from their side, and sounding stupid, so they think their own is stupid, thus our side sounds smarter.
every fucking time
>leaf actually has excellent game plans
post twatter account handle lel
another FB trash heap
do ya see this civic nattys? HUH? Why would you help a people that intrinsically hates you? There's literally no point.
I wonder if native americans had SJW retards who wanted to let the whiteys in for the sake of diversity.
>"our country". Whose country? You mean the country stolen from other native tribes, then built up by the kidnapped men of neighbouring tribes?
used to goof off on twatter with a sock pupp
This is an example of me superiorly arguing with a worthy foe pls rate my argument.
I did not emply false flags srry
cant argue with that one
I do this on Sup Forums consolewar threads a lot
top kek pls analyze my performance here folks hehe god i love messing with ppl of social media
more witty bants. laughed hard at this one god bless
pic related
do you want me to send you a tweet or tell you here
I report my own posts just so mods have to read my shit
here u bish i firebombed the twatter account decades ago it no longer exists
ok. thats was the cringiest attempt at shtposting i have ever seen.
t. australian shitposting veteran
Sup Forums is like 70% unironically false flagging as the other side
it's fun in small doses but holy shit it ruins the board