Refute this. Oh wait, you can't cause you're uneducated.
Refute this. Oh wait, you can't cause you're uneducated
Other urls found in this thread:
states rights
Um, no sweetie. Why do black people ALWAYS have to educate your white asses on your own history?
You ever wondered why the civil war even happened? Not a lot of people ask that. You know, if Andrew Jackson who I've been told I'm a lot like, if he had still been alive, the war never would have happened.
> cause you're uneducated
Learn to write properly. Saged.
Education is so important.
states wanted the right to have slavery. there's nothing more to this.
If slavery is so bad, why do people in Africa still use it?
stop shitposting leaf. everyone knows the civil war was about states rights not slavery
sage goes in the options field
the civil war was unnecessary as industrial automation was on track to set the slaves free. The north, knowing this, pushed for war anyway
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>the destruction of the existing relations between the two races would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding states
Looks like Texas was right about that.
because niggers are stupid and they forever have the wrong ideas which is why they kill eachother en masse
Yes it was about slavery, but it was also about many other things
Name one thing the confederacy did that the founding fathers didint
For the southern elite that started the war, yes, it was about slavery. For the North it was about preserving the union. For the lower class it was about their right to secede.
I'm fine with people saying the civil war was about slavery as long as they admit that that's not why the North fought it. The fantasy that the North waged some moralistic crusade to end slavery is laughable and needs to die a quick miserable death.
And ww2 was about freeing the poor, wonderful jewish people from evil nazis, and Iraq was about bringing freedom to Iraq
Im a historian
>Refute this
Okay, the civil war was fought over sectional tensions that go back to the Jeffersonian vs Federalist debates from the founding of the US, which is why the government of the South was a Confederacy. It's was fought over States Rights, Property rights (slavery included), and cultural differences.
Most people, to seem smart, will cite a small portion of a the declarations of session coming from certain states citing slavery as a key factor, as though it were he only factor. This makes people think they're smart because they had to Google search something.
It was about the Souths economic reliance on slavery and was sold to the poor white southerners by the elites that it was about their rights rather than about keeping the elite plantation owners' status quo. Union fought to preserve the union and later abolished slavery since it was contradictory to not have slavery officially abolished if they were looking to bring back the revelling south who allowed slavery. It comes down to money more than rights. If the south thought they could have made more money by industrializing theyd have abolished slavery in an instant and ship the blacks to cuba or something.
lincoln owned slaves.
civil war was about the south saying fuck this we dont want to pay taxes to washington. they had all the plantations and farms and didnt want to be taxed.
guess who didnt like that and pretty much invaded the south while taking over 13,000 political prisoners and closing down any newspaper or radio that objected him.
Good Ole' Honest Abe Lincoln.
The civil war was about the future of America, reunification of the states, and the order of the future
No one in power cared about niggers, not then, not now.
States right... to own slaves
>I hate niggers but the Civil War wasn't about slavery.
money = economics
slavery = economic system
therefor slavery, which is an economic system, was totally about money.
people wanted to keep owning slaves to keep making money.
it was 100% about money.
As if slavery wasn't about money.
>March 9, 1861, Confederacy issues its own currency
>April 12, 1861, Civil War breaks out
It was about state vs federal powers. the hot button issue was slavery.
Emancipation proclamation only affected slaves in states "under confederate control"
6 slaves states under union control kept their slaves.
West Virginia was admitted to the northern union as a slave state, DURING the civil war.
Lincoln offered a deal to the south, don't seceed and you can keep slaves forever- the south refused because slavery was a minor issue, not their main concern.
The civil war about freeing the labour market so everyone was free to be exploited.
>muh states right to violate another perons rights
The true meaning of the Civil war summed upin this video
This is the only answer. Jefferson predicted the civil war when he saw what the federalists were doing, particularly with the treasury. Bank of england 2.0.
>No one in power cared about niggers, not then, not now.
Sure they did, and the Democrats sure do today because without that voting base they'd be useless.
The Southern States relied on slavery because they believed that was the only way to keep their economy going, and in many cases it was. The South was never going to be able to adapt to the North's industrial innovations because plantation owners didn't have the capital to actually create a manufacturing sector and hired help.
So Louisiana speaks for all the South?
"Secession belongs to a different class of remedies. It is to be justified upon the basis that the States are Sovereign. There was a time when none denied it. I hope the time may come again, when a better comprehension of the theory of our Government, and the inalienable rights of the people of the States, will prevent any one from denying that each State is a Sovereign, and thus may reclaim the grants which it has made to any agent whomsoever."-Jefferson Davis
Yes slavery was part of it, but it was mostly about state's rights.
>Six states in the Union still had legal slavery
>Slavery only abolished in the Union 3 years into the War
>Less than 10% of Southerners owned slaves
>Commander of the confederate army was against slavery. Freed those he inherited;
set up an illegal school to teach other people's slaves to read; proposed drafting
blacks into the army in exchange for their freedom
i hate you fucking faggots that show tweets from way fucking forever ago. how the fuck am i supposed to reply to a tweet that old? kys
>lincoln owned slaves.
You lot really are uneducated
The Iraq War was about Osama.
World War I was about the assasination of Franz.
The Revolutionary War was about taxes.
>Yes slavery was part of it, but it was mostly about state's rights.
To own slaves.
Who's this pretentious asshole and why should anyone cares what he's tweeting?
Texas is always right. It's weird...
the civil war was about slavery in the same way 9/11 was about planes hitting two towers
>slavery was legal in the union
>the union would let a non slave state leave
fly it loud and proud
Ah, I see, so the state's owned slaves?
they have mexicans now and are already moving on to fawning over muslims
source: The American Nation
Author: Mark C. Carnes, John A. Garraty
Columbia university professors. fairly liberal and aren't going full fuckboi
stop shitposting with tweets from uneducated racists
So? What if it was the the right to own slaves?
Even better if it was about slavery. Niggers are subhuman trash who aren't even self aware. Best option would be to go full genocide on them but if that's not possible than slavery would be the best option.
The Union Army's most known General (Ulysses S. Grant) did own slaves.
Funny, Grant owned slaves, was a drunkard and one of the worst Presidents in U.S. history, and he gets to be on the $50, while Robert E. Lee was a great man who didn't own slaves, and he gets his statues removed by Leftist city councils.
This is actually the correct way to answer this. No one thing caused the Civil War, just like no one thing caused the world wars, or Rome to fall, or any of the other paradigm shifts throughout history.
Honestly, the Civil War could well have been avoided if Fillmore, Pierce, or Buchanan had proposed even a few changes that could have ultimately benefited both the South and the North.
Slavery is a big part of it but not because the South hated blacks or wanted to keep blacks as slaves for some demonic reason.
North: Few slaves. Few farms. Economy not reliant on slavery. More industrial. Higher population.
South: Many slaves. Many farms. Economy reliant on slavery. Less industrial. Smaller population.
What does the North gain from ending slavery? Support of blacks, joining international community in ridding slavery.
What does the North lose? Nothing.
What does the South gain? Nothing.
What does the South lose? Everything.
That's why it's called a slave state, yes.
You have to consider America's sense of nationality back then. Most people felt loyal to their state and not the
country as a whole.
In the mid 1800s, there was no such thing as the Washington Monument, the Capitol building wasnt finished,
and proper flag had yet to be decided upon. American nationality was just an idea.
A lot of people dont realize slavery was already deeply debated among the fathers
In the end, a slave has the mind of a slave. They are more oft than not doomed without their masters. Thus it is cruelty. Much like when peta realeased a bunch of deceased lab animals into the woods.
Where is that right granted in the Constitution? Which amendment?
Slavery is why the South LEFT
Preserving the Union is why the North fought the war.
can you faggot mods just ban leafs already
ah yes, the less than 4% of people who owned slaves convinced the entirety of the south to fight a war over "states rights" but it was all about slave really right? would you fight a war with the other half of your country over your 4000 guys on your side losing their corvette when you are poor as fuck and despise the rich corvette owners?
gtfo outta here you fucking Leaf
The civil war started from part of the country wanting a bigger centralized government, yet the south wanted to continue having a small centralized government, and bigger state government and stick the the Articles of the Confederation
Fucking learn this shit before you say something you fuccing faggots
The American Civil War was about changing the form of government in the US.
Before the Civil War it was a state superior system with the District of Columbia being subservient to the states. After the Civil War the states became subservient to the District of Columbia. Before the Civil War you were a citizen of a state. After the Civil War you became a citizen of the US and only a resident of a state.
This is the real redpill of the US Civil War.
The one your teachers will not mention, even if they knew.
The South was right to fight.
They were property.
All of politics is about money though. Slavery was just a means to an end. Historians really are fucking retarded.
So being a slave IN Louisiana is the same as being a slave OF Louisiana?
Is it called a slave state because the state it owns slaves or the allow the ownership of slaves?
Then it was fought against tyranny as much as it was for slavery. No true liberal can defend the civil war from a political standpoint.
Slaves are a property. You have ultimate domain over property and niggers(slaves) didnt have rights. Thus you as a master of your domain have the right to own your slaves. Also keep in mind the slaves were here before we got independence. They knew better than to release the shackles of a people who not only evolved dependant on them but kept them but were feral to their core.
All these state the reason for secession, not the war.
There would have been no war had Lincoln let them go. Many Northern politicians even advocated just letting the South simply leave.
Even Harper Lee admitted the Civil War wasn't about slavery.
I disagree. The idea of Americanism was already firmly in the minds of many citizens that went beyond mere state loyalty. The idea of "The Union" is repeatedly spoken by various leaders of that time like Seward, Webster, and Calhoun. Then you had the already mounting tension against foreign "invaders" like the Italians, Germans, Poles, and of course the Irish.
It's really not that simple, though. This sounds ridiculous at first, but a large part of why they didn't want to immediately abolish slavery was out of compassion for the slaves. Southern lawmakers didn't want to release into the general population a bunch uneducated, unskilled blacks who knew nothing about life outside the plantation, and who would assuredly have a very hard time finding their way. They also didn't want to inflict this burden on whites. Their idea was that slavery would abolish itself naturally in due time, and that slaves receive a rudimentary education at home.
There's no doubt in my mind that the current state of affairs for blacks in America is largely the result of the way the issue of slavery was handled. Southern whites were right when they said blacks would turn to a life of crime to get by, and that they would create labor competition and cause racial friction within communities. It's precisely what happened in my hometown of Cincinnati.
>jews send 600,000 gentiles to die so they can keep their free labor
>200 years later whiteys hail the flag of the treasonous jews
I'm laughing my ass off
Yeah, because it's the poorfags that call the shots. The wealthy elite have never gotten poorfags massacred in retarded wars before.
Did the Union soldiers know they were only fighting to free a bunch of niggers?
Nice try Clint.
Now fuck off back to twitter nigger.
The people give agency to the state, thus making the state an entity. The state owns slaves because the people are the state.
So it isn't a right.
>americans literally don't know what their own civil war was about
Slavery was a component of the economic conflict between the North and South. Economics supersedes slavery in this case.
Thus, the war was about economics.
The implication being that the Union fought to end slavery. Which isn't true.
Slavery was obviously a part of it but a huge part of it was the north made laws and trade deals that fucked the south over. The north and south were(and still are) culturally different and shouldn't really be part of the same country.
It was about slavery you fucking leaf but it wasn't about the human rights aspects. The ending of slavery was intended to hinder the production of the south. Slaves and of tools that accelerated processes of gathering materials allowed southern trade especially with Europe flourish. They were growing to powerful economically so the north had to stagnate southern economy. It was also a political thing the northerners knew the expansion of slavery would also allow the south to become a political powerhouse especially with the expansion westward.
But all that matters is what we're willing to fight you for today...
Fifth Amendment states clearly that private property can't be taken away. It is a right to own your private property.
Just read the letters and speeches of the Unionists and northerners during the war. They weren't fighting to free the slaves, the very thought was repulsive to everyone.
it was about money and that cunt lincoln implemented income tax, fuck him
That's some mental gymnastic there. The people empower the state, but ownership of property is a direct relationship between the owner of the property and the property itself as recognized by law. So, did the entity of Louisiana own slaves?
Unless you're an actual faggot, stop saying sweetie
Youre slow.
You have the right to own and do as you please with property. Slaves werent citizens. They were property.
It was argued releasing a people who know nothing of the then modern world pitsode of plantation life was cruel and slavery would naturally abolish itself as the slaves became more educated/replaced.
Slavery was the cornerstone of southern economics.
Removing slavery was like going to a farm and making all the tractors vanish.
Tensions against invaders was localised mainly to New England and California. The South was far more homogeneous.
Americanism definitely wasnt as firmly established as nationalism in other countries such as in Europe. This is one of the reasons why so many immigrant groups retained their own cultures for generations after coming to America.
I love how he talks representing all historians.
He can only speak for him.
The north couldn't economically compete with the south because of slavery.
They did fight to end slavery but not because they thought it was mortally bad, but because it was economically bad for them.
It makes for a better romanticized for both Lincoln and the U.S. government's position though.
>Those evil, white slave-owning Southerners left the United States, but the freedom-loving Union Army quickly rose up to free the poor black slaves, and that's all you need to know.