Teen boy imitating anime character arrested for chasing 9-year-old girl

>Sheriff Chris Nocco said video shows Drew Bretnall and another teenager chasing the 9-year-old child as she walked home from school.
>Bretnall told deputies he and his friend were recreating a Japanese anime character as the one teen charged after her.
>“We got 18-year-olds that are leaving to go off to college, 18-year-olds starting their careers, 18-year-olds sacrificing their lives, going overseas to defend our liberty and what America stands for. Then you got this moron standing out there creating a Japanese anime whatever its called,” said the sheriff.

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What anime character?

meanwhile it's legal to riot, loot and destroy property, block traffic (and emergency traffic as a result) and block entrance to colleges and hit people over the head with bike locks



this doesn't change the fact that what he did was absurd and that he should be punished for that.


araragi probably

It is if ruining people's lives and causing thousands of dollars in damages results in niggers getting 20 more dollars on their welfare check.

Sure, but i don't really think anime should be blamed. There's no real reason for that


Weebs really are pathetic

Which one of you was it?

this tbqh senpai

Looks like (((they))) have already started their campaign to tarnish Japan for 2020

nice tinfoil hat

And what were the parents doing while the 9 year old was out in the city alone?

>Blaming anime

If he was black or muslim he would not be in trouble

you don't go outside much do you?

This is ridiculous. They were just playing around. Where's the video?
>going overseas to defend our liberty and what America stands for.
Wow, a sheriff supports the MIC and the sort of faux patriotism it fosters, how surprising.

ruh roh

>run towards girl for 3 seconds
>get put in jail
so progressive

>Autists who can't into social norms
Don't blame it on anime lad. This retard was bound to fuck up somewhere. You don't blame guns when someone goes on a shooting spree, do you?


I'm 99 percent sure he was trying to fulfill his dark shota fantasy with his friend. That or he is just some autistic weeb that doesn't understand it's not okay to chase little girls.

Oops *loli

>>“We got 18-year-olds that are leaving to go off to college, 18-year-olds starting their careers, 18-year-olds sacrificing their lives, going overseas to defend our liberty and what America stands for. Then you got this moron standing out there creating a Japanese anime whatever its called,” said the sheriff.
Sup Forums BTFO!!!


my first thought as well, jej
day of the weeb when

I feel ashamed for humanity for this

>Will people think I'm dumb if I run like Naruto?
>They might, but their opinion doesn't matter if you enjoy doing it.


This. I am genuinely rustled they never specified in this article.

Omg lol saved

Florida is a stand your ground state, someone would have shot them.


bootlucker leaf

>Pasco county

Florida here. Not surprised

>citizen of kekistan

>18-year-olds sacrificing their lives, going overseas to defend our liberty and what America stands for

It's obvious Araragi you normalfags.


based fucking sheriff

If this dude actually looks up to Araragi. Or at least liking the guy's interactions with snail girl enough to imitate it, dude probably is an actual pedo for real.

Gas the weeaboos

I really really like this image

Oh fuck off.

Making it sound like they were chasing her all across the city or some shit.

Can older teens not scare kids and send them running away anymore?

I used to run like naruto/sonic all the time, even in my senior year of high school

Anime was a mistake

How the fuck is it illegal to run up to someone though? That's all he did?

How the fuck is running up to someone illegal this is so bad...What a shit country. You could never get charged for this 20+ years ago people would just laugh at the accuser like they're fucking stupid.


>run like naruto

You mean like Dragonball Goku?

getting jail time for retarded shit like that makes absolutely no sense

Ha, where'd you find that one, user?

Honestly this is probably what happened. They were running like naruto, had nothing to do with the girl who got scared.

Apparently in Japan, it is illegal to talk to children that aren't yours.

Or at least you'd assume so, if you believe that old news story about a guy who commented to a little girl that "it must be cold since your wearing a skirt" which resulted in a massive manhunt for the guy in question.

I'm not sure how far this guy actually went with this, but leaving children to rot because you are scared to be labeled a criminal for being anywhere close to them is a growing problem in the West.

About 25% of Brit men polled had claimed that they would ignore a child in trouble to avoid accusations of child mollestations. That's terrible. The idea that society's desire to protect child could potentially result in a child's death because a potential savior was scared of misunderstandings.

The poll was old, and I hope it isn't as bad anymore, but I'd hate to see the West turn into China, where we ignore the injured and dying out of fear of being responsible for causing the injury.


Why is rankos face so punchable?

typical weeb
all animefags should die. fucking degenerates.

I have a feeling they were doing the ol Naruto run meme and just spooked some kid.

>Going overseas to defend our liberty
>going overseas
wew lad


You know, they should at least be happy people aren't imitating Touman

Eh just watched it, they definately chased her, but I was right about the Naruto.

Watching anime

Say what you will, but that sheriff is a wise man.

first thing that came to mind was bakemonogatari

Man, that show really fell apart in the last few episodes.
Because she isn't Miria

le mayo

Fuck it dude, I don't care about that shit. I'm going to help a child in need regardless, I don't care if they call me something for it, they can go to hell.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking coward.

How does that make OP any less pathetic and white?

Cory in the House.

Anyone got another link that doesn't get stuck buffering on a 15 second ad, like all poxy news sites?

inb4 get a better PC. I know, but I'm too poor


You can be gay but you can't fuck kids, inshallah

Livin' the dream.

How anout you get an adblocker

ash ketchum

It's the other way around kafir.

Why can't he be a normie and lose his life for Israel? That is what america stands for! 18 years is old enough to die.

>that GIF
Where were you in 1987?

Weeb damage control alert. I bet you guys were the autistic kids in high school who ran around wearing a Naruto headband with their arms flailing behind them.

Well my computer-literate friend told me to do that ages ago and I never listened to him so I guess that's what I'll do

Cheers m4

We need to stop anime. Jail time is required

I hope he wins the case. If he didn't touch the little girl then he didn't do anything wrong.

>18-year-olds sacrificing their lives, going overseas to defend our liberty

Chasing children is not okay your dirty pedophile.

Stop watching anime.

Then stop making it. You're the reason all these weeb faggots exist.

Why not? The girl didn't fall, she didn't cut herself, she didn't kill herself, the guys didn't even know the girl so it wasn't stalking the guy didn't even get near enough to touch the little girl so please tell me what exactly was wrong in that situation without talking about your feelings.

A female should not be exposed to such perverted acts at a young age. ALL 'Anime' is pornographic in nature.

Do you have any idea how many men are lynchmobbed or sent to prison under false accusations of pedophilia? Do you know what happens to "pedophiles" in prison? This witch hunt is absurd. Western society has a huge chip on its shoulder towards men and male sexuality. "Protecting children" has been turned into just an excuse to persecute men. I don't know where this toxic hatred of men comes from but I guess it's the abject failure of feminism causing psychological projection. It's terrifying to me that these insane people have so much power and can ruin so many innocent lives with no consequences.


Chasing little girls like a anime and pedophiliac is only allowed for 30+, this boy is mentally ill.

What perverted acts?

Anime and manga are trash. I have never supported nor worked in those industries.

>mimicking a pedophile
>not perverted

That's why I choose to be a /m/an.

You can ONLY be Naruto if you're autistic.

We claim another.

yeah you're the guy who ends up in court when he didn't molest a kid and the news stories cause everyone else to say fuck that

Thanks for joining us tonight, user

Mind if I save this?