God makes you because he loves you

>God makes you because he loves you
>God makes Satan to fuck with you
>God punishes you for letting Satan fuck with you
>God curses you and all humans
>God wants to save you from his curse
>God turns himself into Jesus to help you
>God Jesus needs you to thank Him for saving you
>God will send you to Hell for all eternity if you don't thank him for saving you from the curse he put on you

Is God a fucking asshole?

Or are the Jews just the worst storytellers of all time?

Also, why do you condemn the Jew and it's lies, yet you refuse to give up the biggest Jew lie ever: Jesus.

What's it gonna be /pol? Let's put this to rest already.

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=EcsQknxV-xQC&pg=PA124&dq="Proto gospels" "sources by the canonical Gospels" proto-Gospels "some point"&hl=en&sa=X&ei=uJIlT62FHYL64QSx2LT6DA&redir_esc=y#v=snippet&q="Formation of the gospels"&f=false


my favorite one

>god is all-knowing
>there is free will
no CIDF, if god knows if i'll end up being a good person or a bad person there cannot be free will since my future is already predetermined and will not change no matter what.

Just be a Calvinist brah.
>God knows everything
>The is no free will
>We are just puppets in God's hands
>Pretend not to be a puppet and try to be virtuous
>If everything goes bad and you cant change it it means it's God's will and accept it.

Jesus was not a Jew. The serpent killed the first humans. Christ was tree of life. Ushered Him by their own actions. Refuse Him and die in a pit of sulfer

God created evil by allowing free will, is that a bad thing?

>Sup Forums is red pilled
>Sup Forums is a Christian board
Choose one.

>hint: Sup Forums is fucking retarded, so what do you expect these neckbeard autists to say?

>he doesn't know what compatibilism is

sauce me, lad

>I'm a little whiny bitch
>So here's a tl;dr about why I'm such a bitch

>a shitposter on a Mongolian image board thinks he can understand God

>God is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, omni-everything
>humans can only process things as they happen, one at a time
>hurr durr i dungeddit it dun make sense god is retarded lel
—Geralt of Rivia.

>God knew all of these things would happen, since God created everything/exists outside of time.
>Still decides to make them happen in such a retarded manner.
>God is a retard?

>God comes to earth as Jesus.
>Jesus can resurrect the dead.
>Jesus can turn water into wine and create food out of thin air.
>Jesus can resurrect himself.
>Jesus can't write His teachings in the most important book of all time.
>Jesus can't find 12 people who could write His teachings in the most important book of all time.
>People who never met Jesus write what they think he said 30 to 120 years AFTER His death.
>A couple of hundred years later, priests decide what chapters they "think" belong in the most important book of all time.
>The writers of the king james version, do the same kind of culling, and translate the passages how they "think" Jesus/God would want them to.
>People today believe that the bible is the literal word of God or divinely inspired by God.

>rocks are 5 billion years old because we said so
>the earth is a pear
>we landed on the moon
>nookes are real

So if I rape, kill and steal, its because God wanted me to? SAWEEEET!

>Doesn't know anything about the Early Church except for atheist memes he read on the internet
>Has the exegesis skills of a four-year old Catholic child in Sunday School.
>Would get btfo by any First Communion 10-year old
>Reveals his ignorance on the internet
>Too ignorant and stupid to know how embarrassed we all are for him.

that's a social axiom, it's not actually proof that free will does work with determinism, it's just assumed because society functions better when you do.

Down with the Jewish stories!

When you watch a movie you've seen before, you know what the characters are going to do.

Did you make them do it?

how am i wrong, dipshit? go through my points one by one, or shut the fuck up.

>followers of a religion are better at rationalizing their religion than a non-follower
You don't say.

If you wrote the fucking movie, yes, you absolute retard.

*when you direct a movie

This board? OP? Yourself?

Are you part of the 52% or part of the 48%?

>Thinks Christ came to Earth to write a book.
>Doesn't realize all the Gospels were written by eye-witnesses
>Doesn't know shit about the Early Church or their Councils
>Doesn't know shit about the Protestant Reformation

>But wants me to educate him in bite-size pieces instead of doing it himself.
>Because he's a little child that never grew out of his "MOMMY! WIPE MY TOOSHIE!!!!" phase.

Reincarnation progress...

Caveman -> Barbarians -> Fundamentalist -> Conservatives -> Centrist -> Democrats -> Liberals -> Godlike (next plateau).
It takes approximately 1,500 re-incarnations to reach the next plateau.

>Pretend not to be a puppet and try to be virtuous
>So if I rape, kill and steal, its because God wanted me to? SAWEEEET!

Jesus was the Jew that jewed the Jew at their own Jew games. Anybody who can do that basically is God. Satan also fucked with God, some angels have free will. Satan also cucked Adam, and Cain is a bastard.

Yes goyim, worship a jew on a stick

I didn't ask you that. You said perfect knowledge destroys free-will. That is incorrect.

You're moving too quickly and that's why you're confused. Slow down and answer my question. Then we'll move on to the solid foods.

Believing in the (((Judeo)))-Christian God causes a lot of cognitive dissonance exactly like what you are describing.

Whether or not he is an entity that "exists" in one way or another, he is not all loving and merciful like the (((church))) will tell you.

Unless you are Arabic (because Christianity is native to Arabia) you should turn to your native religion or take up agnosticism, atheism, etc or form your own philosophical ideology to live by.

no, you're a social axiom

>>Doesn't realize all the Gospels were written by eye-witnesses
Most of the books were authored anonymously you fucking moron.

Everything makes less sense when you generalize it this poorly

Stop being such a tool. Think for yourself, silly man.

>not understanding what unrighteousness is and that he doesnt love everybody

>blaming everything on god instead of admitting youre a piece of shit

What gave you that idea?

That's fucking rich coming from a christcuck.

Who wrote the Gospel of Matthew? Luke?

this is the problem with monothestic religions, the only possible explanation is that the one God is like those kids who buy an antfarm just to torture the ants

polytheistic religions actually make sense because there are multipul different god's with different agendas which explains all the drama on earth humans experience

>All I can do is cast childish insults
Grow up.

>Think for yourself
If there is one good thing I can say about them... Christians are good at making me lulz

attempting to create a sexual monopoly
its an abuse cult

So being a tool is a compliment amonst christians? Makes sense.

Most likely it was Matthew, or possibly one of his disciples.

>Who wrote Luke?

>Thinks Christ came to Earth to write a book.
he didn't come to earth to write a book, he was sent here by god(himself) to die on the cross for the sins of the human race, then be resurrected and therefor make his sacrifice utterly meaningless.

>Doesn't realize all the Gospels were written by eye-witnesses
Given this history, it is almost certain that none of the four gospels were written by eye-witnesses.[23][24]

who woulda thought

>implying god exists
>impling that if god exists he would give two fucks about a bunch of monkeys on a floating wet ball in space

There is literally no evidence of this.

I didn't compliment you, but I also didn't ONLY throw out insults. I can insult you and argue with you. You, on the other hand, can only insult.

>Haha! I'm a follower!
>I have an open mind because my professor told me so.

>Doesn't realize that the Resurrection was the most important part.
You wanna know how I know you've never read the Bible?

>Wikipedia as a source
You haven't even read the Bible, or most likely the Gospels, but you feel qualified to criticize them. Typical millennial entitlement.

I argue that there is no evidence that eye witnesses to Jesus wrote the Gospels.

books.google.com/books?id=EcsQknxV-xQC&pg=PA124&dq="Proto gospels" "sources by the canonical Gospels" proto-Gospels "some point"&hl=en&sa=X&ei=uJIlT62FHYL64QSx2LT6DA&redir_esc=y#v=snippet&q="Formation of the gospels"&f=false

(((Modern scholars)))

Plenty of evidence, just not evidence you happen to like.

ive always thought of the bible as an instruction manual. you dont buy a microwave and try to nuke the instruction manual.
a direct communication with God is the primary force of christianity. The bible is a recording of other peoples direct experience with God. When you understand this aspect the themes are remarkably fluent.


Jews tried to tell the truth.

It was just an account of history.

First the void then the light. The garden of Eden. Kane and Abel. Abraham. Jacob and Esau. Noah. Egypt. Babylon. Sumer. Jesus. Rome.

The new bible should talk of the conquest of the Americas. China. Cambodia.

The new Empire. USA v Russia/China.

I'll await your evidence on the authorship of the Gospels.

I like to think that it takes of it's own to realize the cancer and make change.
Jesus realized jews were fucking evil rats and parted ways with his people.

>for example
When the first humans were in Africa some niggers just wanted to gather berries and do nothing all day
but it took one other nigger to just look into the sea and look for something better
to summarize.Niggers didn't evolve and are still in africa doing fuck all while the white man is planning on visiting Mars

I wanted to read some interesting Christian answers but there's too many underage "atheists" in this thread..

>Doesn't realize all the Gospels were written by eye-witnesses

Biblical scholars say otherwise.

>Doesn't know shit about the Early Church or their Councils

Yeah, about that.



>Doesn't know shit about the Protestant Reformation

>That shit doesnt matter because its all made up hero's journey shit based on mitris, zoroaster, apollo, and osiris grafted on to illterate sand nigger folk tales.

>Jesus was an illiterate God. That literally is nonsensical.
>That's like saying there could be a God with downs.
>Jesus decided the best way to spread His message of redemption to ALL OF HUMANITY is to NOT WRITE in the most important book of all time. A book, that Jesus being God, would know would still be read by a couple of billion people today.
>Jesus, being God, decides to be born a sand nigger in an inhospitable dessert, to make it as hard as possible to get His message to spread as far and wide in pre-internet times.

>Doesn't realize that the Resurrection was the most important part.
what, that it confirmed jesus was the son of god? or that god promised not to fuck up humanity too bad anymore? Eastern philosophy is way better than kike on a stick

>You haven't even read the Bible, or most likely the Gospels, but you feel qualified to criticize them. Typical millennial entitlement.
I've probably read more of the bible than you, which is hilarious because once you actually read it you can see how much of it is bullshit like laws regarding cattle, or in the case of the old testament killing people for not following hebrew laws properly.

Why don't you just link us directly to the atheist website?

Sup Forums being christian is a counter-culture meme. This board was a neckbeard leftist atheist board 8-9 years ago.

the words of jesus were written down in some other source before they were put officially into the new testament so it was exactly the same

then god supernaturally put exactly which books into the bible that were supposed to be there through the various men

they didnt fuck with "chapters"

king james is an exact word for word 1:1 copy from the original hebrew and you can verify it yourself by learning hebrew

atheists 2000 years later pretend like its a jangled mess re-translated 500 times cuz they hate jesus

>God makes Satan to fuck with you

Here's where your autism kicked in, user

>interesting Christian answers


>there's too many underage "atheists" in this thread



the 15 year olds who come here think the ironic christposting is serious and actually try to go to church lmao

1900 years of scholarship vs 100 years of atheist, nu-science "Let's disprove Christianity" (((scholarship)))

Which Biblical scholars?

>Wikipedia as a source

>Jesus was an illiterate God. That literally is nonsensical.

>Jesus decided the best way to spread His message of redemption to ALL OF HUMANITY is to NOT WRITE in the most important book of all time.
Jesus did not come to spread his message.

>Jesus, being God, decides to be born a sand nigger in an inhospitable dessert, to make it as hard as possible to get His message to spread as far and wide in pre-internet times.
Do you want to know how I know you've never read the Bible?

Do you realize how cringe-inducing you are?

>8-9 years ago.
thats funny because Sup Forums didnt exist 8 or 9 years ago LMAO

Sup Forums has always had some unironic christians

athiests dont want to believe anyone is serious about christianity because then they become informed theyre going to hell and dont have christ

There is potential for answers more interesting than your autistic screeching. Why do you care so much about something you don't believe in? What are you afraid of? Serious answers only please.

I'm not atheist, friendo. Do you have any ACTUAL FUCKING ARGUMENT against anything I've said are are you a MUH ATHEIST.

>thats funny because Sup Forums didnt exist 8 or 9 years ago LMAO
>doesn't remember /new/
kill yourself

I just want to see the website.

>I've probably read more of the bible than you
No you haven't. I doubt you've ever read more than a few sentences, and those were probably all online.

>you can see how much of it is bullshit like laws regarding cattle
Do you want to know how I know you've never read the Bible?

>or in the case of the old testament
You mean the part where all of the "laws" are given that you're talking about? Most of which are given in one book out of 73?


who is the girl?

>believe in the religion that has preserved the white race for hundreds of years and is at the heart of most of the right wing and has shaped western civilisation
>believe in viking/celtic euro-niggery and (((atheism)))
hard choice schlomo. which do I pick?

Good Taeyeon. Best SNSD hands down.

So you don't have any acutal evidence to the authorship of the gospels do you? Who actually wrote down the words of Matthew?

your future is the record of your free voluntary actions
"you will do X" is compatible with "you are free not to do X"--you just won't exercise that freedom
logical determinism is compatible with free will
>don't worry

Most likely a disciple of Matthew, though the original source was probably Matthew himself or PERHAPS (big perhaps here) John Mark.

>No you haven't. I doubt you've ever read more than a few sentences, and those were probably all online.

>Do you want to know how I know you've never read the Bible?
there are more laws regarding cattle in the bible than laws regarding rape, yes.

>You mean the part where all of the "laws" are given that you're talking about? Most of which are given in one book out of 73?
there is no novel wisdom in the bible that hadn't come from earlier sources, it's like a re-read of earlier historical texts. Including jesus and the resurrection.

Nope. The argument is irrefutable because it supports atheism. Therefore your thinking is flawed.

>god promised not to fuck up humanity too bad anymore

every post on Sup Forums is garbage today. Our mods are shit and I don't give a fuck if they ban me! If this is the kind of shit they think is Sup Forums I don't belong here anymore.

God didn't make Satan.
Satan was an angel that didn't agree with god's plan.

Also how can it be a jewish inventions when jews consider Jesus worse than the devil himself and Jesus kicked and slapped the jews out of the temple (the (((merchant))) ffs)

>there are more laws regarding cattle in the bible than laws regarding rape, yes.

>there is no novel wisdom in the bible that hadn't come from earlier sources, it's like a re-read of earlier historical texts. Including jesus and the resurrection.
Do you want to know how I know you've never read the Bible?

Gods wrote long before the Jews. Regardless Jews do not deserve another shoah. Only the liberals.

what argument?
free will and compatibilism about logical determinism are not atheistic

I mean you literally believe god is all powerful, which gives him a direct hand in all the problems of humanity

do I need to explain how rape and slavery are worse than rowdy cows fucking up other people's livestock

>Garden of Eden = Nature
>Adam Eve= pre-sentient humans
>God's curse= loss of innocence
>Expelled from garden= humans stop being like other animals
>"Work with the sweat of your brow" =human's new reliance on agriculture for survival
>"Pain in childbirth" = consequence of increased cranial capacity in humans

It's a story borrowed from the Babylonians, reminiscing on the "good old days"
This is the gist of the Creation story.
Also, who's the rib in the pic?

>the words of jesus were written down in some other source before they were put officially into the new testament so it was exactly the same

Why didn't Jesus, God on earth, do that?

>then god supernaturally put exactly which books into the bible that were supposed to be there through the various men

Why didn't Jesus, God on earth, do that?

Jesus/God didn't write His own autobiography/worldview down while on earth.

How did the authors know what Christ said while alone, or while hanging with Satan?

Either Jesus wasn't intelligent enough to put words on papyrus, or learn how to write to put put words on papyrus. Or since He had God-like powers, didn't just will the New Testament into being, like he willed the wine, fishes, loafs of bread, etc., shows that He either wasn't the Messiah or that He was just an average guy living at that time in the middle east.

Read anslem's "fall of the devil"

>do I need to explain how rape and slavery are worse than rowdy cows fucking up other people's livestock
No, but I am wondering how the number of regulations and laws concerning these things are in any way relevant to your original assertion that a vast part of the Bible was these laws, most of which had a spiritual component anyway.

Or did you think the scapegoat was just a law concerning the treatment of goats?

posts like this make me thankful that I've managed to introduce my innocent sheltered little 18-year-old girlfriend to Sup Forums
she is going to have her fucking mind blown gradually over time
maybe she will even get into esoteric interpretations of christianity

I hate this meme

You've been on Sup Forums for 8-9 years? Jesus fuck dude, get a job.

>Complete bullshit
>But hey, it sounds smart!

>Jesus did not come to spread his message.

He came to save humanity from sin, the only way to do this is to know Him and accept Him as your savior, the only way to know him was for him to spread his message. If he could save the world from sin without spreading his message he wouldn't have needed his disciples, moron.

>Why didn't Jesus, God on earth, do that?
Do you want to know how I know you've never read the Bible?

>How did the authors know what Christ said while alone, or while hanging with Satan?
What is Inspiration?

>Either Jesus wasn't intelligent enough to put words on papyrus, or learn how to write to put put words on papyrus. Or since He had God-like powers, didn't just will the New Testament into being, like he willed the wine, fishes, loafs of bread, etc., shows that He either wasn't the Messiah or that He was just an average guy living at that time in the middle east.
Jesus did not come to "spread his message" if you'd read the Bible then you'd know that. But you won't read the Bible because you're lazy and pretending like you have is easier.