buy my poster go-- I mean fellow keks
Buy my poster go-- I mean fellow keks
Other urls found in this thread:
Pajamas watson is so cringeworthy
Who is the older chick in the bottom right?
fuck off op, just put in my order
only coulter and blumpf are worthy of being on that poster
shitty choice of pepe too
pjw on top? who does this faggot think he is?
(((drudge))) is a zionist puppetmaster
AJ is whatever
>two token nigger whores
>roger "it's happening TOMORROW I promise this time" stone
nobody buy this
conway I think
whats wrong with pjw?
>PJW right next to trump at the top
Someone in the UK please neck this faggot
This is some disgusting self-indulgence and aggrandizement.
I could do a better poster than this.
Good lord that's so fucking gay
God damn this is gay as fuck. If I was a fan I'd rather just give fat boy a $20 and not receive that poster.
get out
Paul 'I'm off the Trump Train' Joseph Watson everybody.
that doesnt answer my question, im being serious thought he has the same mindset as Sup Forums
Why are there two trump?
Posting in a sageblue thread.
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
hahaha not in a milion years nigger
shill your shit somewhere else
PJW punches right. Hates NATSEEES more than the radical left.
Basically making him a libertarian. Libertarians are delusional scumbags who will either convert to natsoc or face the rope.
I picked 2 up fellow centipedes
mfw few people buy them and in 50 years the only remaining examples fetch 6 figures
already put an order for mines
Only poster I want is a 2 meter x 2 meter print of this photo above my bed
wow so gay
a disgrace placing pepe the frog in there with a bunch of lolbertarian jokes
>Not $14.88
my god PJW is the ultimate cringe lord
can he just shoot himself already?! it is so fucking digusting
what the fuck is this guy doing?! the worst part is that he constantly name drops pol as if we like this fucking tool
He does
Sup Forums just doesn't like looking at itself
>trump on it twice
shit design
He's a fair weather friend who had a Twitter meltdown when Trump bombed Syria.
~24 hours later~
>I didn't REALLY mean I was off the Trump Train.
What does Coulter even do?
She recently skipped her speech at Berkeley even though supporters of hers still went. She claimed she'd go out with a megaphone if she needed to, yet didn't because the group sponsoring her backed out, even though they were doing so because of being threatened.
She could have gone, had her private security with her and done the speech.
She only acts big when she can latch onto someone else.
why was he against bombing syria?
TWO Trumps? As if two scoops wasn't bad enough.
wtf I hate self-reflection now
She taps her foot expecting the Wall to go up overnight. Also goes on Fox News to shit on immigrants sometimes.
He wants Trump to be a non interventionist.
Actually just ordered because of this thread.
Bill Clinton is a rapist.
Cringe the poster.
Fucking cringe. When the ironic memes get used unironically by normalfags it's pure cancer.
>Pepe looks sad instead of smug
>No Molymeme
>Only one person from Trump's team
>MAGA looks like MAG from a distance
>Drew Trump right but forgot the iconic beard of John Miller
>Trump is a Clyntuhn plahnt
>Trump is a hero
>Trump is a neocon
>Buy this Trump print with my face on it
He was a lot of help but fuck
Its always weird to see a Brit fag talking "muh 1776".
t. the so-called tolerant left