This bitch deserves a bullet

This bitch deserves a bullet

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd give her my dick

If you kill her, she wins leaf...

is she anything other than a personality?
does she even practice what she preaches?
I saw a video of a protest and she was chanting USA even though she's a fucking leaf

day of the rake when

Posting in a sageblue thread.

The truth about immigration by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




I'd do both, the order don't matter.

>Supporting (((Civic Nationalists)))

Nice my fellow Amerinigger brother

>being so mad some bitch is getting attention that you want to murder her

Some of you fucking emotionally immature faggots need a bullet if we are honest here. This isn't /r9k/ you fucking raged up losers.


I think cannucks should put her and (((Ezra))) in an oven.

you deserve a rake

>literally gets arrested from stopping a boat from bringing in pakis to europe

and what have you done to save the white race?

literally who?

I'd "fuck" her if you know what i mean

truly the most brazilian post

Leaf faggot

Would you do that or is not halam?

she's at least doing something other than starting threads on Sup Forums

she literally got arrested yesterday because she was blocking a migrant boat

>Gets detained by Italian authorities for excessive carbon emissions.
>Has to do a carbon transfer with Laci Green because of Ontario and California legislation on high-emission contributors.
The Scarborough Industrial Revolution knows no end!

She's just annoying at this point. She need a good backhand, then a good fucking.

this ,based tobago


If you think you're surrounded by intelligent individuals just look at how they fucking worship a bitch just because she gave them a little attention.

(((Lauren Southern))) is taking a vacation overseas and doing more LARPing. She's just doing poses in full makeup carrying around someone elses firearm. You will NEVER, I repeat: NEVER see her actually doing anything. Not one video of her of her actually stopping refugees. It's all just part of her media game.

That is the basis of her popularity. Horny teens like you

Hahahaha fucking agreed

It's give something to her amirite?


so do I. im sick of being shredded and rejected by my own white women. I dont know why I dont bother racemixing when those are the women I connect with

Do it.

So she can load it in her gun and shoot you in the nuts?
There's literally nothing wrong with her...

>she literally got arrested yesterday because she was blocking a migrant boat

I appreciate teh (initial) effort, but you post this all the time. Do you ever make other posts?

She doesn't even have a personality, just rehashes things.

That's what you do when you have shekels to cushion your fall.

Not only that but she's a woman and doesn't really need to work if she just leeches off a desperate beta.

Tbh she's smart for milking losers while she still can.

She just took part in attempting to impead some dirty migrant boats. Seems alright to me. Are you a butthurt regressive?

fuck off.

you can think what you want about her but at least she's going out into the world and standing up for something. Better than what 99.9% of the people on this board do, but then you all cry "KEK MEME MAGIC" and act as if posting frog images is what elected Trump. It's sad. Low energy.

Lauren Southern is a national aryan treasure.

She just spouts Sup Forums memes irl and people listen to her because she's hot. I guess its okay if she redpills some normies, but there's no originality or deep thought in her work.

She's a worthless little cumdumpster being propped up by kikes like virtually everyone on the (((Alt-right))). Nothing would make me happier than watching them all burn alive.

She did more in a day than 50% of Sup Forums together in their lives.

Get out and don't come back, shill.

Same for you. Get the fuck out, shills.

>Lauren Southern
>makes anti-sjw videos and videos showing the true face of the migrant hordes
>takes part in free speech rallies
>actually goes to Italy to try and stop migrant boats

>is a fag
>shitposts on his computer


Yes she does need a bullet, a nice 5.56 mm in her AR-15 to shoot through your head.

Don't forget to rinse your mouth after you've finished licking her asshole.

Stop being mean to Lauren she's a nice girl:(
It's not like we're going to get anyone better to normalise the ""far right""

she was just redirecting the nigger boats from sicily to her vagina

Leave it to a leaf to be an expert in asshole licking etiquette.

Sage Lauren jew threads, hide Lauren Jew threads. Someone please make a Lauren one with this template, I'm uncreative.

>doesn't refute the Juden claim
Confirmed virgin or shill, piss off back to plebbit. Nobody cares about you or your shitty book.

I'd give her a bullet in the form of my dick

>eternally cucked
>day of the rake

Fucking Canadians...

Hi Lauren. Do you actually enjoy the attention whoring? All the (You)'s in the world won't make you American.
