What the fuck is wrong with right wingers in the US?
What the fuck is wrong with right wingers in the US?
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the kekistani shit is cringe af but what the fuck are you doing to stomp out antifa in your country, OP?
>when board memes leak out
That's literally what happened to ruski part of the internet and now look at them. It's better to start making fun of autistics irl so others wouldn't think it's cool.
These people should shoot themselves
Reddit was a mistake
I don't see the issue.
Knowing I share this board with pic related really takes my noggin for a joggin.
Agreed. A bunch of faggots with no true principles just trying to be fucking edgy.
The superior master race, everyone.
My theory is Sup Forums culture is vibrant and works perfectly on the internet, but is always going to be as cringey and laughable if you act it out in real life. Kind of like how leftist memes are always cringey no matter how hard they try to not be
Just don't shit up the boa-
>Knowing I share this board with pic related really takes my noggin for a joggin.
This is who I picture now when I see the US flag. Good job 'meritards
why do people self sabotage like this?
This was Milo's ultimate plan.
to make the right look just as autistic as the left.
this is what jews do.
I don't think it's reddit really, the kek religion meme started on Sup Forums. I think by nature of acting this shit out in real life it's going to be cringe whether its legit Sup Forums tards or le donald
Anyone that stands up against ANTIFA is worthy of respect.
What is Kekistan?
It just showed up one day and I ignored it. Why is it everywhere now?
This is why I didn't go. If you aren't going to take this shit seriously then at least try not to be so autistic, you aren't helping our side
I'm imagining the amount of shit the ABC groups are getting right now for this sudden outburst of liquified autism.
"Stevenson, step into my office real quick.
Now every since we assigned you to mointor the website Sup Forums.org, we've seen a stark uprising in a physical manifestation of their activities. What can you tell us about this 'Kek' and 'POL'. What does it stand for and what are their goals?"
What does the lad say to his director?
Different from when?
Cringey counterculture has always exisited. I look back on my life and quedtion what my motives where when i was younger. This is the boys will be boys shit they'll bring up with eachother in a decade to embarass eachother.
We need to start memeing with actual NatSoc material, so no matter what the redditors who appropriate it will be helping.
Heil Hitler
The kekistani flag is cool as fuck, why do these people insist on ruining it??? Fuck
Theres gotta be a way to weed out the undesirables.
You realize -istan is islamic for land right
Anyone willing to act this shit out IRL frequents reddit. A Sup Forumsack would meme more subtlety in public.
lol the hearth is flat hahhaha
as long as the anti-nwo movement is a joke-filled circlejerk on Sup Forums it will attract more fucktards and slide into nothingness
I'm not sure what the problem is here.
Normies unironically should get out.
Please tell me these people are paid and this is a Soros sponsored assembly
This is literally autistic.
My boys will be boys was fighting and bundling and doing stupid shit in school, not waving a flag about kek about when I am 23 and a picture of an autistic octopus.
Glad to know you're a high school drop out
It definitely has to be done right. I mean the guy who screamed "Pepe"at the Hillary rally understood timing. Anyone who literally screams "reeee" is cringe af.
I think some leftards & liberals want to co-opt the right, ESPECIALLY Sup Forums.
That's why they take to the streets with their faggoty kekistan flags. They want to be Sup Forumss 'leaders' and under their fantastic leadership they scrub away the racisim.
>Hurr Durr, now Sup Forums is accessible to normie faggots like me!
Basically they are normie idiots, most of who browsed for only 48 hours then frantically ordered a kekistan flag from e-bay because they now 'knew the truth'.
has pol become the normies
>antifa training for violent democratic coup
>right wing side shouting normies out
might as well be
They're probably pretty nervous.
Given Sup Forums's history there is not telling if this is going to turn into the much vaunted Beta Uprising (Columbine Boogaloo), Oklahoma 2.0, or literally just spaghetti dropping autists embarrassing themselves in public.
it's called IRL trolling by autistics
Found you, why did you run away?
t. user from the Sup Forums thread
Imagine the 20 something year old techies who are tasked to browse this website for info gathering.
THey shit post all day, imagine their faces when they see this.,
You know they are reddit faghots because no Sup Forumsack would do this cringey shit. Like holy shit I'm autistic when I debate politics but what kind of literal regard would go out in public.
He puts a crunched up piece of paper on the desk then shoots himself in the head.
The director opens it up to the words
"i don't know, i just don't know"
"You see boss, it's pretty simple...."
>Burger points out the obvious
this is what happens when you get a bunch of whimpy feminized males together who have never so much as been in a fist fight
We complain about it all the time, but it's kind of our fault
Kekistani faggots are just LARPers who don't understand politics at all and just want to be seen as contrarian trolls. I got into a conversation with one a few weeks ago when I got into an argument about trannies and an entire group of nu-male liberals started calling me this horrible troll. One of them started saying "I wasn't even a good troll like his KEKistani brothers" and when I pressed him on it he admitted he voted for Hillary, supports multiculturalism and gay marriage and all that shit and is essentially just a teenage liberal looking for attention.
>sent by prosebiac
>lurk moar faggot
Back to plebbit cunt
A meme pushed by (((alt-right))) youtube channels like (((Sargon))), it's basically the flag all the "liberals are the real racists" types are united under.
>self sabotage
>implying these people aren't shills/under control of a shil narrative
Nvm I read that as talking about reddit
>these are the people you socialize over the net with
He must've failed Islamic prefixes/suffixes 101
This country is fucking retarded
It's a bunch of jews subverting idiots from identifying as Nazis and figuring out the JQ.
This kekistan, normie and Pepe bullshit made the movement look like it's a bunch of 12 year olds protesting.
Memes should stay on internet
>sir, that is cringeworthy shit that 400 lb neck beard autistic faggot haxor known as 4 chins has been spewing
t. my response
It's normal
Have you visited /leftypol/? These guys hate pretend communists like the antifa and sjw's more than they do us
It's ok I thought the same when I posted the image
kek is just side-banter younger polacks shitpost about to keep themselves entertained while browsing and posting in real political threads.
These idiots are so fucking dumb they think its serious or uber-edgy, when truthfully it's the equivalent of a Sup Forums knock-knock joke.
>kek wills it, quads & OC frog meme!
>Slight giggle
>Continues shitposting
Welcome to the current year.
Don't humor didactic posters
Don't reply to didactic posters
Don't encourage didactic posting
Don't reward spoon feeding on this board
Don't sit within 15 ft of a didactic poster
Yeah, it just doesn't translate to real life well unless it's done surreptitiously or people who actually know how to troll. For all intents and purposes the internet is where it belongs and thrives and dominates.
Seconded. The "Americans are dumb" meme never bothered me. And then I realized it wasn't just a meme. We are stupid. Sure we have our smart people, but then we have a massive amount of stupid people.
It's just differnt groups of people.
Some just browse here and post like i do right now.
Some make memes.
Some have ideas.
Others lurk and tweet the pics or bring it to reddit, facebook...wherever.
And then others adopt the stuff irl and sell it.
And others actually buy it.
We are kinda part of a meme production supply chain, which has gotten highly efficient.
I don't think it belongs just on Sup Forums though. Did some good work driving the normies mad on twitter and facebook, if it was completely contained to Sup Forums it wouldn't be what it is, but acting it out irl for the most part just doesn't work
lmao if I ever see faggots dressed up like that, I'm running them down.
Not really, we just have a greater pool of retards due to population size and availablity of the internet, theres plenty of people who could look at a map and not be able to tell you where their own country is in just about every country
This is killing me
kek yes
kekistan no
You forgot about some of the most important groups. The people who organize and contribute to our investigations
Lmfao all these ANTIFA shills butthurt we're actually confronting them in the streets instead of cowering like fags
confronting in the streets with retarded >praise kekistan!!!!!
Why can't we have a real movement that wants to topple the world elite and actually begin change in government? We have the numbers. Why does it have to be so fucking autistic?
Hey niggers, so we've had some time to relax since the stupidity surrounding the Comey firing has died down, how do we expect this to be ignored..
Nice timing for all this overblown Comey bullshit.
Like why does Antifa even protest/counter-protest? They are so clearly winning and they don't even have to leave home!
What the fuck are the alt-right even protesting anyway?
You are all fucking retarded. I hope you all die.
Don't feel bad 80% of aussies are the exact same.
Beer, women, sportsball. Just morons who will ultimately believe & do whatever the loudest shill tells them to believe and do.
>Muh multicultural ANZAC legend!
>*defends multiculturalism*
It's not an exhaustive list, feel free to expand.
I mainly wanted to muse about the idea of a meme supply chain which developed over time.
That's just people in general
>Muh nanny state, we need more restrictions on our freedom!
>What do you mean you think the UK is a shit hole and we should distance ourselves from them before we become like them? Muh heritage!
I don't know...
Its cringe as fuck but it also shows normies how much of a joke antifa is when they scream nazi at some nerds with a cartoon frog sign.
Enver Pasha was literally one of the shittiest leaders the Turkroaches ever had
not really
it just makes us both look retarded
Next time a burger calls you non white remember this picture.
Both sides that show up to larp at these things ARE retarded.
They are cringy but what are you fags doing to protect your countries?
fucking based
These are all plebbitors.
the cool outfits and shields are fine but some of these dyel 16 year olds shouting praise kek need to get punched by some black bloc a couple times until they realize they aren't helping the right side
I dont have a problem with this except that flat earth.........
>what are you fags doing
the fact that they use the cia-Sup Forums nothing out of our reach, means that one can influence the world just by shitposting.
>no true principles
please, it's all about freedom and fucking antifa. I know it's hard for you to understand that since your country let's these commie fags do as they please.
real conservatives don't do rallys or protests
they vote and use the judicial system
you don't need to go outside and have a fist fight with a queer skinnyfat twig from antifa because you pay your taxes to the police so they have the privilege
you don't ever enter a confrontation without a fucking rifle and the high ground, shoot to kill always none of this kid bullshit faggotry
you want antifa kids on your city gone just put a bullet in someone's head they're all going to shit their pants and disappear from the face of the earth
>don't ever enter a confrontation without a fucking rifle
Brasilian problem solving
this is embarrassing
It's chanology all over again.
That's pretty much what I thought people on this board would look like
This isn't a Chad board bro