Is there any REAL argument for slavery?
It gets shit done
Free labor is pretty nifty.
Eventually a white man by the name of Eli Whitney started noticing that he could create a machine that can work faster than niggers. Niggers became obsolete because the white man started creating things better than niggers.
Lol. You pathetic white people didn't use it to get shit done. You hoarded all the money to yourselves which could have been used for more important things.
Humans were once a slave race to the gouold whom are responsible for the pyramids and the Egyptians. They (we) were the first Earthen slaves until we drove the Gouold back through the stargate and burried it in which liberated us. Then mankind began to have hunger for such power. To be able to completely control another's will. it mainly spread through Africa until it hit europe then the rest of the world.
Protip, the pyramids were actually built by contractors.
>stupid murrikan don't even know about christian identity and israelism
Maybe if you're paternalistic and take a hyper-Aristotelian view that there are people who need to have no autonomy in order to be productive.
Other than that, slavery is objectively inferior to paid industrial production.
There are some people who will be useless unless they are forced to work.
Enslave homeless people.
Truth is racist.
The majority of the world are NPC's aka soulless heathens recognizable through cluster b and antisocial traits. They are the goyim. Thing is they are in every sex/race.
niggers NEED to be taken care of.
We already do it with welfare.
If we go back to making them ownership, we'll take care of them AND force them to work. So it will be better.
why is that white man selling a slave?
Honestly, if you need slavery, you're a terrible fucking businessman anyway, and deserve to go bankrupt.
at least learn to spell goa'uld correctly you fucking moron
Wonder who was behind it...
You mean a white did his own work and discovered industrialization.
That's the argument against slavery, that industrialization cannot happen in a slave state.
Pyramids weren't built by slaves you moron
we wuz contractors and shit
It gave us an indirect way to make State Secession Illegal.
I've heard that the slaves who experienced both life in slavery in the US and free life in West Africa strongly preferred slavery as back home they were dealing with non-stop tribal wars, cannibalism, witchcraft, famine, etc. It was the 2nd and 3rd generation slaves that caused problems.
Sure, back in the day.
The argument was you should not use common farming equipment of the time (slaves) because of feelings.
Nigger you literally just defined slavery
Basically, slavery was used when enforcing peasants to work was the only way to make profit.
otherwise peasants just scatter around and start farming and feeding themself.
Abolition of slavery is only possible in capitalism state, where working class already established in cities
No real logical argument for it, but if you're a Christian, there's plenty of Biblical support for it.
Slavery is whites paying to support 70 iq monkey niggers because of their shoddy farm equipment ancestors
Nigger slavery was the worst mistake the europeans ever commited they should have left them in africa untouched so that arabs and chinks would have to deal with them.
not after the industrial revolution
slavery creates niggers
No. Blacks are more trouble than they are worth. Slavery was a mistake. African colonies were a mistake.
It frees the best of us from menial tasks.
And yes, it gets shit fone.
O-Oy vey
>not wanting a pet monkey after trekking the jungles of Subsaharan Africa atop an elephant
It's almost like you're not Anglo-Saxon
slavery is very moral.
imagine this,
its war.
I've just defeated your tribe.
YOU are going to be executed either way.
before you die I give you a choice,do I
1.make the females sex slaves/maids and the males field slaves?
2.rape the women until bored with them and kill them all.