What does Sup Forums think about megachurches?
What does Sup Forums think about megachurches?
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actually disgusting
they're nice. Also you could listen to Osteen not even as a religous person and get a lot out of his sermons
makes the A/V and lighting industry (which I'm in) incredibly wealthy.
Sauce on the curch?
When I was an atheist I thought he was full of shit and I still do.
Filthy luchre & ravenous wolves spring to mind.
the christian version of that massive cringy clocktower that overshadows mecca
he's not full of shit. Just because you didn't gain anything out of what he has to say doesn't mean others do not.
Olsteen is a heretical faggot and so are most megachurch pastors.
They are an abomination and Joel Olsteen is a false prophet. Check out his house and tell me he is a GODLY CHRISTIAN.
How if this even considered a religious place?
embarrassingly American
Nothing wrong with having a large service. Multi-millionaire ministers is fucking hypocritical bullshit.
>Easily infiltrated
>The church community comes from all over and do not relate to each other
>compromised corporate christianity
>somehow more ostentatious than catholicism, and not at all ascetic
It's serving money instead of God
i would like to hear what that conman has to say.
Likely a major reason for why Jews are so beloved by the christian right these days.
Jesus would hate them
Cringeworthy, at best.
Why do you have to visit such a giant stadium or whatever which was obviously made to cash-in some shekels, I seriously would like to know their definition of a "church".
Ding ding ding
I'm an Atheist and I can see this from a mile away. Small town churches with insular devout communities are much more sensible.
wtf how do I get into jesus lighting?
>What does Sup Forums think about megachurches?
Pray to jesus not the church
fucking gross
result of capitalism in America with protestant tinge
mass delusion is still delusion
How is this the result of the ability of a man to trade his services for compensation in a private transaction?
joel osteen
How the fuck do I get my mom to stop buying Olsteen's shit? I've tried everything and it doesn't work. She's a German so she's stubborn as fuck.
In America we had a "great awakening" in the 1800s and a bunch of different protestant groups were created. Since then every asshole thinks he has found the true way to interpret the bible and starts his own church.
I'm a devout follower of Jesus and I think he's full of [poop]. Doesn't preach the Christian gospel message at all, just:
"God will bless you, worship him for yourself. Power of positivity and good thoughts, woo"
Source of your shitty foreign policy.
what do you mean by "assholes"?
How come they're only prevalent in the US?
From a secular perspective, this helps extends Christianity's lifespan. assuming for a moment Jesus's return isn't happening and Christianity amounts to a political force, the creation of new interpretations of Christianity will expand its life span, as some of these interpretations will stand the test of time better than others. Even if Christianity ends up becoming something then what it started out as (it already has), at least it retains its prominence in name, as an encapsulated political force. Consider how many Christians are pro-violence despite Christ's message. This is an ideological defense mechanism meant to preserve the ideology's power at the expense of its identity.
The truth is the majority of Christians, unconsciously at least, are more concerned with the Earthly power of their institution than they are with the apocalyptic second coming of Christ. This is because when it comes down to the nitty-gritty of it they are political realists and self-preservation is more important than keeping your identity or following Christ's purported teachings of asceticism, impoverishment, peace, and altruism.
I member these kind of things also being prevalent in South Korea for whatever reasons.
Oh, that's right. Despite being a mostly irreligious nation they have a devoted percentage who fervently attend these monstrosities
I don't
Those in South Korea are even more deviant, they are 100% cargo cults. They pray for money and material things outright and think if they gave 100 to the parish God will return them at least 200.
Because these churches are built by private industries and paid for by protestants.
Cults, like all organised religions.
temperance fags, anti-traditionalists fags, jew lovers,and guys like Joel Osteen who are in it for the money.
Have read somewhere that following the 80s or something a shitton of money was spent on those kind of Megachurches.
Well considering them being mostly Presbyterians affected by American missionaries, its probably a American thing though.
Right. He doesn't actually preach about Christ.
this is how church is supposed to look like, you globalist scums
this, i need a front row seat at OP's pic to be cured of the cancer i got from looking at it
American BS. That's not a church, that's a retard meeting.
>Den of child molesters
more please
excellent for brainwashing idiots who are impressed by shallow displays of opulence.
I see you're also an enlightened atheist who doesn't follow dogmatic abrahamic nonsense
absolutely disgusting
Jesus encouraged his followers to sell all their possessions and give to the poor. Looks like Joel Osteen overlooked that verse. His mansion is bigger than most celebrities.
Can you give me a quick rundown on this guy's ideals?
Well then he doesn't help my case of my mom buying Olsteen's shit. Our own church can barely survive on offerings so it pisses me off seeing her give money to these kinds of faggots
it's pretty weird
This sums up modern day, corporate christianity. Look how soulless that building is, it looks like a brutalist government building.
"Freely you have received; freely give."
The gift God gave was free. For those guys to take that gift that God gave freely and then turn around and sell it, is wicked.
If there was a hell, they would be going straight to it.
Pray this user, God bless you.
not really a religious guy, but I think it'd be quite the experience to attend a megachurch.
The Superbowl of Christianity.
I usually avoid the hell out of them, but I have experience with two of them.
One - Pastor John Hagee of San Antonio, Texas. I think he retired, but he was a fire and brimstone teacher, and was a pretty stand up guy. The only problems? He was big on Israel (not a problem for me back in the day before I got redpilled) and his prophecies on things were good in basis, but rarely came true concerning world events.
Two - Pastor and Doctor Fred. K. C. Price of Los Angeles, California. This was a bro. If you ever want to meet a good black guy, this was it. Smart as a tack. He was a teacher and not a leecher. I learned all sorts of crap from him, and never had any regrets. I don't know of any other church I would actively tithe to, but he was worth it in every right. I think he retired as well and his son took over and his son... well he's okay but not a draw for me. (The guy married a landwhale. Whatever.)
Other than those two, as I said, I kind of avoid them for fear of catching the bullcrap.
>believes in eternal paradise in the after life
>can't sacrifice for a few decades on earth
Wouldn't be surprised he is an atheist, many pastors are.
joel osteen is a faggot
Literally money grubbers, but fools will flock to them because "muh large stadium and flashy lights"
I'm just happy to see people going to church. I'm surprised Sup Forums doesn't seem to be on the same page as I am on that.
he says things like "you have to be positive and think positively and you will have wealth and success in your life" and maybe 1 verse from the bible and then he just tells you stories the whole time
wolf in sheep clothing distraction and leading people to destruction
its actually quite comical if you see how blatant it is and people going there as if its real church
But it can fit 52,000 people and has great acoustics for live broadcasting :^)
It's like Wrestling + Church. Nothing to hate, everything to love. Not enough old testiment though.
They should read their bibles, instead of blindly believing their preachers.
They're heretical. Also they're why I became an atheist at about 14 years old. Took me over 10 years to believe in God again. Currently in the process of converting to the Catholic Church.
>Olsteen is a heretical faggot and so are most megachurch pastors.
Here's what I think. Megachurches are the source of much catholic envy.
Anglican here. I find them impersonal. I don't tend to like the crowd that attends them ie evangelicals and creationists I do believe most of them have a positive message that can apply to all walks. If that style of worship is what certain people choose than good for them.
This is the Church that Jesus taught from.
Source of catholic envy, muslim hatred, jewish approval since a) jesus is a jew b) the bible's semitic roots.
They keep them separate, wrestling usually serves as the opener.
I dated this chick that went to one. Not NBA arena big, but like rock band and maybe a couple thousand people. It's a solid time, but half the Sunday church is promotions for other events. That said, they had cozy seats, a high-end espresso shop when you walk in (sipping a latte during church is pretty neat), and the band was surprisingly solid
That's awesome.
Mega churches= vanity, pride, idolatry.
To remind you of all the church has grifted? ... while they cry poor and promote the next haiti relief effort scam?
I smell heresy.
Needs Exterminatus.
This reminds me of reddit and I can only wonder why.
What does Sup Forums think of superior LEAF churches?
Sorry kiddo, Jesus demands that you suffer.
>For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake;
Philippians 1:29 KJV
Fake churches for fake Christians
And the sad thing is, after reading ,
>The church was required to pay $11.8 million in rent in advance for the first 30 years of the lease. Lakewood renovated the new campus at an estimated cost of $75 million. On March 31, 2010, the Houston City Council voted 13–2 to sell the property to Lakewood for $7.5 million.
>As of 2012, Osteen's net worth is reportedly $56,508,500. He lives with his family in a $10,500,000 home.
They could easily have afforded to create a beautiful traditional church, they just chose not to.