Why would civic nationalism not be possible?
Why would civic nationalism not be possible?
It would be possible, it would just be completely pointless and not actually fix anything.
Because it's a contradiction.
It's like collectivism individualist.
Humans are tribal, when things are bad we could all unite under a single banner but when peace times comes the gimme me dats want their handouts.
The United States is very divided and we are having diversity and multiculturalism FORCED because amazingly enough people want to associate with others that are similar to them and have similar culture.
Stopping illegal immigrants will fix like 5% of the problem.
Your daughter will still marry a black guy. You'll still become a minority in your own country. Your people and your culture will die.
If you think France will still be France without French people you're delusional.
Ethno/Racial Nationalism is THE ONLY form on Nationalism that has any chance of working. Unfortunately the name scares off dumb people.
Non meme answer here:
It is definetly possible but won't last long. Depending on the country civic nationalism will sooner or later lead to conflicts with minority groups involved. It is definetly better than having what we have right now in Europe but to get some stability for more than 20 years you would need ethno nationalism. Civic nationalism however is a good step towards Ethno nationalism.
Civic nationalism will just become a state that contains different nations, because the nation is more than just culture and ideas.
Imagine Japan with a 50% african population. Even if they speak the language fluently, are law abiding citizens and follow most of the traditions they would still not be japanese.
Actually France would be that way even without the migrants from Africa or the Middle-East, remember Bretons, Basques or other Southern Frenchies who speak quite different "dialects" from Parisian French?
You can have what you want we demsnd our right to racisl purity, we can enruch anyone with oppressed niggers
but if they totally integrate? I mean right now there's black people with no cultural ties to where they come from, their families are in France since 2 generations, so why makes him not french? his skin color? it's just his appearance, how does that matter?
also this, we already have many cultures in France
You need more immigrants?
We can send you pur oppressed niggers, all of them, suit and tie nigger, and liberated nigger
It depends on the problems you want to solve... don't know if you talk about corporation nationalisations for example
We dan send educated immigrants to enrich anywhere anyone want 50 million hardeorking soon yo be ricket scientist niggers?
France and germany needs to pay gor pension our niggers will go there
Well but tensions or some kind of mistrust will remain nevertheless though. Even when all the non-White French would suddenly vanish, the tensions will simply move over to, for example, Breton vs French.
It's merely "the changing of definitions", if people say retards dont deserve any place in society and they suddenly would vanish, another kind of people would be called "retards" for other reasons and thus will take their place and so on.
we don't make that a priority -- if we have to give help we do
I meant
You need immigrants so does germany to pay gor pemsion we will send you all the niggers and spics enpty this land and rensme this land europe
Identity politics would destroy it
Civic nationalism can only work in "new world" countries like America, Canada, Brazil, Australia etc.
It will NEVER work in Europe. Anybody can be an American, but being English, Scottish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Scandinavian etc., is about blood.
>civic nationalism