There is this massive list of countries with the average IQ of a retard. ITT we figure out what could possibly be the cause of it all.
What think.
There is this massive list of countries with the average IQ of a retard. ITT we figure out what could possibly be the cause of it all.
What think.
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I personally think the cause is that Whites have been pushing Christianity down here which prevents the spread of homoliberalism which is totally necessary for intellectual progression.
It must be the majority have a primarily green or blue flag. No possible other cause.
Clearly the problem is white people.
>no chile
This post is wrong
Chile is a nice country. Probably the best in the third world (is it even in the third world anymore?)
Notice how those are the polar opposite of white colonist countries? You know, the ones that invented IQ tests?
Why would anyone in those countries perform well on a test that gauges how well someone assimilates into white imperialist train of thought?
>China: 105
Really though?
stay classy africa
>Ireland has IQ of 69
With Italy hosting their new guests from Africa...I'm sensing their numbers are going to take a tumble.
It's not fair they had to offer them whiskey to take the tests
Sup Forums is racist as fuck but I unironically think it's due to lack of education, infrastructure, healthcare, food and general stability
>implying IQ tests in these countries have ever been conducted under fair circumstances
it was just a bunch of white (((scientists))) walking into some remote village and handing them a piece of paper and a pen and then they conclude that they must be low IQ for not getting what these autists wanted from them
What is a person with 65iq even like?
evidence .. isnt equatorial guinea doing pretty good at the moment? and its the lowest on this list
according to this chart the people there should be mongoloid tier retarded
Medically retarded.
All of the countries listed have sort of poverty issue so that explains it. You can't expect laborers and poor fucks to be that smart
Pretty much this actually. Have known people from countries on this list; all of which have been smarter than most Americans.
The bottom listed #37 is one letter off from what all those countries have in common.
Like seriously your avg downsie burger has a better iq
>believe in evolution
>all humans are equal
pick one
Sub-saharan africans are genetically distinct from everyone else.
Yeah, but what are they like?
What can I expect of them?
Can they do the 4 basic math operations?
Can they give a speech?
How extense are they vocabulary?
Can they rebember a story?
What can I expect of these peopl?
yeah equatorial guinea has the highest GDP out of any sub saharan country actually and its bottom on this list
supposedly average 59 IQ lmao
There's some debate on that. These are the numbers we have at present.
They're also the only Spanish speaking country in Africa.... (((pure coincidence)))
Because a small handful of people control a legion of retards
1 iq tests do not only measure intelligence but also education. a person can be intelligent but perhaps has never been educated.
2 iq is not the only test available. there is also eq (emotional quotience).
i wonder how Sup Forums idiots would score in that. most probably subhuman.
probably something like this?
>Being able to reason is white
The self-raking leaf
Not understanding G
T. Roach
I dunno, having a society that still literally burns witches and rapes babies to cure aids seems pretty emotionally subhuman to me.
You're really standing up for your fellow blacks, huh?
Oh fug, am I retarded?
>there is also eq (emotional quotience).
>i wonder how Sup Forums idiots would score in tha
Let's see
then go to this site to find out more about such things:
with nurtition and education we can bump them up around 10 iq points. still doesnt take away from the fact that after this, half the population will be as clever as a brontosauras. eugenics seems like the best option, not just for africans but the entire planet
That's probably without the rural and suburban retards factored in.
Fuck voat and fuck you.
i am not black. there are no black turks. but i do not see any difference between whites or blacks. i think its actually stupid to believe that there is one. the color of skin depends on the sun. human body adapts to surrounding conditions.
science says the same by the way:
ok then search pizzagate only.
most of them are not blacks but "elite" whites.
They can only think of the context of the present or now. Any sort of context of time is presented in estimation. Where as normal IQ people can think of the future in years and plan. It is the biggest must have in order to plan for a civilization.
Low IQ is caused by malnutrition.
I started noticing a trend with all the white trash morons buying their giagantic fountain soda pops at the convenience store.
Then saw this:
Malnutrition In Early Years Leads To Low IQ And Later Antisocial Behavior, USC Study Finds
apperently they only test students who are in schools that are above the standard of the rest of china that are along the east coast
Holy shit 59 average?! Are you sub-primate at that point or what?
EQ is as a meaningful measure as "soul size".
IQ is genetic, not dependant on what kind of town you live in.
americant education, amirite girlos
elite (((whites)))
You mean jews?
Last time I checked it's not our culture to marry and impregnate 9 year olds.
Anyone else just see rare flags?
Good lord the braindead eyes of that third nigger never fail to make me rage
>implying rural and suburban retards aren't genetically and intellectually deficient
The decent ones left and got real jobs.
((( ((( (((elite whites))) ))) )))
a whole country full of and run by retards?
explains a lot
Then explain the minnesota biracial adoption study where blacks raised in white households still developed antisocial behaviour as well as low iq?
Because iq is GENETIC
Lack of education and infrastructure. All of these countries have to recover from some kind of devastation. Their poverty is the cause of low intelligence. After all, if you've learned nothing, you can't show your intellect.
White colonial naions have prosperity (thus higher iq) because they descent from white people who came from rich european countries (with the ability to colonize) who brought everything the white civilization established. Countries where the white population moved away did not get this boon.
Yeah but they descend from people living in rural and suburban areas you spastic.
Not a very diverse list
Blacks are racist
>avg Dominican IQ =82
And that's the fucking average!
Fucking hell. How do they even manage to remember breathing?
It appears to be the case that people with low IQs cluster around Africa and the Caribbean. There must be a link. Keep digging.
"The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study examined the IQ test scores of 130 black or interracial children adopted by advantaged white families. The aim of the study was to determine the contribution of environmental and genetic factors to the poor performance of black children on IQ tests as compared to white children. The initial study was published in 1976[1] by Sandra Scarr and Richard A. Weinberg. A follow-up study was published in 1992[2] by Richard Weinberg, Sandra Scarr and Irwin D. Waldman. Another related study investigating social adjustment in a subsample of the adopted black children was published in 1996.[3] One of the studies' findings was the IQs of adopted black children reared by white families did not differ significantly from that of black children raised by their biological parents."
if your country wasnt shit it could be around 90-100. chin up, nigger and thank us for white genes
> been starving for a week or so
> some white man comes up and gives you a shitty test with geometric shapes of different colors
no, there are studies done: white poor vs black rich, the truth is simple: blacks are dumber. Actually there's really not much nurture do on IQ, you either have it from birth or you'll never have it. The fact that blacks are dumb is pretty obvious and having people in Sup Forums not knowing that makes me very unconfortable, it's the moment when you realize that the Reddit invasion is real.
>Ireland talking about white genes
Pay potato denbts mick
This is a good point! Thank you person that comes from a country that isn't worth noting, you have really contributed to the conversation in a way that doesn't promote any stereotype! I sure do love Canada!
Sure, malnutrition is only part of the equation.
Genetics plays another part of the fraction (20-40%).
Environment is another slice of the pie.
"It is estimated that genes contribute about 20–40% of the variance in intelligence in childhood and about 80% in old age. Thus the environment and its interaction with genes account for a high proportion of the variation in intelligence seen in groups of young children, and for a small proportion of the variation observed in groups of mature adults. Historically, there has been great interest in the field of intelligence research to determine environmental influences on the development of cognitive functioning, in particular, fluid intelligence, as defined by its stabilization at 16 years of age. Despite the fact that intelligence stabilizes in early adulthood it is thought that genetic factors come to play more of a role in our intelligence during middle and old age and that the importance of the environment dissipates.[1]"
Hang around stupid people, you will be stupid.
IQ is just ratio of mental/actual age so a 65 iq 20 year old has mental ability of the average 13 year old.
I don't know what's the racist cause, but one thing is sure : it can't be genetic since we are all the same.
Embrace diversity !
nope, some tests were made in top african universities and the result very clear: blacks are dumb.
> white people who are Christian themselves and intellectually progressed are the reason subsaharan africans who are christianised as well cannot intellectually advance.
Really makes you intellectually progress.
Look at some documentaries about Africa and you will soon learn that the society there is fucked beyond salvation
Infectious disease can have a negative impact on IQ. In other words, countries with a high rate of infectious disease tend to have lower average IQs.
You can prove that in your own country if you want to. I expect the south to be high iq, north low iq and the mixed areas average iq, wih your logic.
And if anything, not all blacks have to be having a high IQ. Regardless of wether a race has on average higher or lower IQ, there will always be a top 5%
saw a bunch of faces like that in boston today.
An IQ test is a test of cognitive ability, not a show of how imperialist you are.
Totally explains why communist China out ranks literally all white countries too huh?
This, there's a lot of documentaries about Paris.
You seriously believe the same IQ test is given in every country?
"No such thing as a 'universal' intelligence test: Cultural differences determine results country by country"
Another example of correlation not implying causation. Melanin has no effect on intelligence whatsoever, and being skinned East Asians being on top proves that.
There are confounding variables at play here.
You do understand that people with an IQ lower than 70 are considered mentally retarded, right? They would fucking die off if the average African was so dumb
>Problem solving and critical thinking are invention of the whiteman. We should all go live in mud huts and not have the foresight like true intellectual
There is no black that have an IQ superior to 130.
Not a single one.
IQ tests have been shown to be culture-neutral. In other words, the predictions that the test makes are equally valid across cultures and races.
because of bad food
It was originally 85.
It was switch back one SD to 70 because most american blacks were officially mental retards, and so eligible for retard gibs.
>implying IQ is steady and can't grow thorugh a couple of generations
option one: Africa is full of dumb people, that's why they're still living like savages and can't build anything without the help of whites. Since they're a bunch of retards they can't build things like sewers or understand things like STDs and therefore are likely targets for disease.
option two: for some magic reason Africa is a shithole and that makes africans prime targets of STDs, the rate is so fucking high that makes entire countries retarded.
Any flag that has colours other than red, white and blue should be glassed. Prove me wrong.
Not with open borders, or the welfare state.
Fertility is inversely proportional with IQ, after all.
As if every African has been tested on some sort of IQ test.
And the fuck is that pic even supposed to explain? Same applies for asians and whites.
Elite (((whites)))
You'll never get it.
This is your brain on sugar: UCLA study shows high-fructose diet sabotages learning, memory
>science says the same by the way:
>huffington post
>a person can't possibly be this retarded
>never mind
You literally just proved my point that it's genetic.
So therefore not an argument.
>Hang around stupid people, you will be stupid.
Then explain the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study?
Black or mixed children raised solely by advantaged white families, yet they still had the same iq as their fathers?