How do the actual red pilled people even continue living? Im not talking the pseudo pol red pilled the people on the inside who know things without any doubt and have witnessed the real evil how do they go on.
How do the actual red pilled people even continue living...
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by drowning it out with really base stuff. money, drugs, sex. essentially using those really base instinctual drives to do what they can to overpower it all.
I almost live under a rock, except for the internet.
Can you elaborate a bit more OP?
I spend time learning history, science, and ohilosophy due to lack of douchebag normie friends, I don't cocern myself with stupid meatheat douchebag shit like "who won the game bro" bullshit while my country and its infrastructure literally falls apart around me.
Read Camus. People can get used to anything.
the price of illumination is a broken heart
waiting for the autism to stop and the purge to begin
shitposting while we wait
this, but then again everyone does it
How the fuck should we answer you if our version of being red pilled is not good enough? I can't possibly know what I don't know.
This, enlightenment gets me closer to God.
If you just got red pilled it must suck, for those who were born on the pill it's just another day under the sun.
Life is shit and then you die
Fuck me, the narcissism in this thread is astonishing.
You'd be surprised what you can get used to.
This is perfect
Honestly, stopped paying as much attention to politics, visiting pol for an hour or so per week instead of multiple hours per day, not looking at twitter or the news. It's never anything new or shocking. When it is something that should shock or worry people, you will get called a racist for sharing it or pointing out what can be done to prevent it from happening again. There is no point. Vote for the things you can change, run for office, but if you're a normal person and not into protesting and shit, what can you really do? All it did for me is make my relationship with my mom and my peers strained because I couldn't hide my powerlevel.
Also sort yourself out.
hopeful cynicism. Hope for the best, expect the worst.
Take a drink and sleep.
Is it really? Did you know that it's not actually narcissism to not follow the masses? Having your own thoughts, ideas and opinions does not make you a narcissist. It makes you lonely, and it makes one contempt people like you. Of course the loneliness and contempt often lead to resentment and narcissism, but that's something many of us actively try to avoid.
its a constant struggle, the weight of all the things you know makes day to day living almost impossible, the way i get past it is by living a just lifestyle being the change and what not.
trying to educate people and find the little things in life that brings you pleasure helps me forget about it for a little while. it would be easy to just lose myself in drugs and alcohol but all that does is make things worse. you have to find a way to keep living despite being weighed down by the truth. this is the path you choose when you take the true redpill.
Stop worrying about things you can't change. Worry about the ones that you can. You need to learn to accept setbacks and defeats. You might be one of the agents of change for the better in our world, but getting depressed and hopeless is definitely not conducive for that.
isn't this wildly hypocritical?
I mean clearly I am not a sports chad either, and I think there is much more value in learning history, phil0, ext. but isn't what you are doing just intellectual masturbation. You are both essentially nerds just on different sides of a coin.
Cynicism, charity-work with puppers and booze... lots of booze.
After talking with several grizzled NYC homicide & sex-crimes detectives I am certain this is the only way.
You shouldn't abandon your countrymen so easily. They are useful and mostly good people as well. Many share their genetics and culture with you also. Becoming a recluse and feeling superiority towards your fellow man is not a solution to anything. It will just make you resentful, depressed and probably dead.
knowing the truth is difficult at first, but it gets better. i find it actually comforting. i would hate to go back to be such a blue-pilled ignoramous like most of humanity. there is nothing good about being in that state.
By focusing on myself and my own enlightenment. Society is out of my reach but I can save myself. I work, I read, and enjoy some photography on the side.
Read Manly P. Hall's short treatise titled:
>The Way of the Lonely Ones
It covers the necessity of that topic beautifully.
That wasn't the point I was making you cretin. OP is talking about the people that truly know how bad everything is on a deep level, "people on the inside" e.g. the political elite, high level intelligence personnel etc and the people that work extremely close to them. And most of the thread have lumped themselves on the in crowd as if they have the same kind of deep understanding those people would have. Its narcissism, or a lack of comprehension.
You don't have to be an "elite" to understand the world or where we are headed as a culture. It can also be argued that since the elite can protect themselves financially from the consequences of their actions that it is only the astute regular man that can both comprehend the dangers and expect to encounter them.
It has nothing to do with narcissism. The real evil they do is out in the open and public for anyone to watch. The evil is not the rape of a single child but of a generation of young boys and girls.
>to understand the world or where we are headed as a culture
for this you should understand edgy science and not political agendas
Internets erase borders between cultures and biotechnologies erase borders between nations and even family bonds weaken because of that.
That's why they say that hereditary elites are being replaced with intellectual ones.
I'm a grad student in abstract math, and I have kids. That's about it.
Yes, the elite can protect themselves, but not the people that work close with or for them that I also mentioned, which really should have been the main focus of what I wrote (I should have added extremely well educated outcasts). I didn't say that people can't understand where we're headed, however, they won't have the same level of comprehension as the people that are connected to the inner circle will.
Its like comparing someone thats played a few games of chess to a grandmaster, they simply won't have the same level of thought on the subject.
>It has nothing to do with narcissism
It does when half the thread is speaking as if they are part of that in-crowd.
Let me be clear; Its not narcissistic to be redpilled. But in this instance it is narcissistic to put yourself in the category of " the people on the inside who know things without any doubt and have witnessed the real evil". Unless you truly are, which isn't likely because you're on pol.
You ascend beyond the entrapments and idiocy of the world. It's not an easy or short process. It a long term journey. Towards the later stages, you actually come to accept the world for what it is. At this point, it really doesn't get to you anymore and you live a very happy life. When the world plunges into disaster from not having addressed fundamental issues that you came to know, it doesn't move you much. While others are losing their minds, you'll be as cool as a cucumber.
What causes issues for a lot of people are the initial stages of the journey whereby you are continually drawn back to your prior state or have urges to be a normie. They fade away and you're fine.
You'll initially find yourself trying to lecture/warn people.. This too fades away and thus you aren't in conflict with normies. You see them for what they are and you see those in the know for what they are. You learn to coexist and thrive.
What a pathetic shadow of a man. The glorious contest of strength against strength is one of our few remaining links to our ascended ancestors. By hiding away from the world with the books and beliefs of the dead, you prove only your lack of vision and understanding.
The light I shine overpowers any darkness.
Like fo real nigga go listen to some Pleiadian channels if you are scared lmao
Nah fo real I recommend Abraham or Hed P.E. more than the above
Your higher self has a higher plan.
Did you know having a spirit (higher self) is what distinguishes you from the soulless ones (narcissists).
>projecting narcissist
The majority of the "people" on this planet are soulless and run on pure animalistic ego which is very bad. Very bad indeed... Do not let them gaslight you.
True evil is in your face everyday.
One day at a time like the alcoholics
Try drinking your pee instead because that's the only way to become Aryan lmao
I'm totally serious, degenerates.
This is absolutely the best thread I've ever seen on Sup Forums. Deep philosophical thinking everywhere.
My answer is that you if you're a normal guy, you can only save yourself. Ignore this discordant society, use your red pilled knowledge to master your own life, try to find a nice religious virgin girl and raise lots of children. I guess also, you should always be prepared for a great leader to follow to repair society, the modern equivalent of Hitler. If no such man comes in your lifetime then just focus on you raising kids and maybe they'll be the ones to help build a better world.
Oh, wow, we could have a narcissist here...
Actually we are the ascendants of our ancestors (life spirals upwards) and peolpe have been low consciousness in the recent past (except alien incarnates like Tesla). The collective planetary consciousness is currently rising at quickening pace making this an interesting timeline, although I personally wish it was more cataclysmic but perhaps a magician friend of mine couls fix that hmmmmmm. To find nondegenerate anscestorz you would have to go back around 2000 years or even further to the Annunaki bros.
OP means black pilled
>witnessed the real evil how do they go on
If you witness something to be evil, you also have to recognize that you are the opposite of that. You are good, otherwise it wouldnt be evil for you. And that's how you continue to live. If you recognize great evil outside of you or inside of you, you can also recognize the gread good inside of you.
Holy shit, I remember the first time I saw this movie I was like goddamn I want to fuck the shit out of her, I wonder if she was actually underage
Black pill is for ethnics that shit up the looksmaxing sites with lack of understanding. Facepull and urine therapy to ascend.
I have actual productive content I should be absorbing. Goodbye.
also known as "depression"
Sort yourself out.
waht makes you so sure evolution is progressive and not just adaptive
The further you go in taking redpills, the sooner you find your Creator; the loving God who you were looking for the whole time, and who was waiting for you to be ready for the further light and knowledge He provides and you hunger for.
At that point, He carries you the rest of the way and the pettiness and indulgences become nothing more than distractions from what you really want. Knowledge and wisdom unlimited; strength and courage at your pleasure; the everlasting to everlasting laid out before you.
Continue to keep taking the red pills and you'll find him.
I had a wealthy man tell me at a conference I went to
His son owns 27,000 homes.
Yes, that is correct.
Most are rentals. I forgot the man's name.
He told me
>I'll be damned if I am going to watch some stupid fucking game
>i'm not wearing another man's name on my back
>I will only wear my Jersey
Just so I don't let my parents down. Everything is completely fucked.
self improvement
I agree with you to some degree but Americans are total ignorant degenerates.
My man, you are right.
dissapointed in all you alcoholic anons, then again im not much better than you liquid-jew drinkers, as i am consumed in the virtual jew playing video games whenever i can in my spare time as a failing uni stem student who most def doesnt have a future in stem but im in college just to delay responsibilities cuz i dont even wanna take part in society desu
By turning into Christians. Next question?
Willpower and spite.
OP said redpilled people
what a blowhard
Being an adult and knowing the world is never easy.
If you look at accounts of people throughout history who went that way, Turn to the occult and esotericism. Study religions, literature, psychology in-depth then live a divided life of inner mysticism vs. outer secrecy
I live in a small village and I get hammered with the locals every Thursday and Saturday. It's comfy living in Wales.
Learn to seperate professional and personal, take it a day at a time with my wife who just knows where I work not what I do, dont drink light beer or IPAs.
Today I was at the dinner table with my dad and this add came on
>This new yogurt,Danone Oikos
>now with CHOCOLATE
>white girl naked eating yogurt
>with chocolate
>nude black dude shows up
>they make out
I got triggered af and said
"this is all going to shit,these fucking jews have a hand in this"
dad got a big mad and said I need to get off the fucking internet and stop with the conspiracy theories,and also said I have too much free time to think about this shit
I replied:
>"what if you daughter said she was dating a nigger!?"
it's hard living a redpilled life,that I know
When dealing with normies, just pose them the opposite example:
>What if it were a black woman sitting there eating yogurt and a white man comes up and assaults her?
They won't admit that they see the problem to your face, but in their brain the gears will start turning. Do that enough times and you'll wake them up. Its a process, you can't do it all at once or they will shut down like your dad did and reject the truth altogether.
just tell him to keep looking at televised relationship patterns
I don't think about it too much these days, I find it toxic and all it does is distract me and make me depressed
What I need to work on right now is my career
Politics don't bother me that much, I can't control that shit. But getting redpilled about women (plus adding my personal experiences with them) I am scared shitless. I know I'm never going to be able to get a wife, never can have a family. I fear I will be alone my entire life.
stop fearing
I have been doing it but It starts getting frustrating when you realize that it doesn't take effect ,mostly because they don't want to see the truth,or simply don't care
there is also this Citroen add on where a black chick pulls up in her citroen in front of her white husband workplace and then does this stupid meme where a bunch of cars get together to make this baby shape(meaning she's pregnant)
The message could not be more obvious.Of course I mentioned it too.
I'm not even afraid of being put in a box or in a corner really,just tired.
>How do the actual red pilled people even continue living?
Dunno if I'm redpilled by your definition or even pols in general. I was depressed a few years back, mainly from realizing how fucked up humanity is. I suppose what mainly brought me out of it was figuring out that just because things are horrible and likely to get worse, it doesn't mean things will end badly. If that makes any sense.
That, and I've never cared much for losing. I started looking at things in a more "me vs the world" way and I have no intention of letting it get the better of me. I'll admit though that I probably traded depression for a minor form of sociopathy in doing so though.
The wife and I read the same books at the same time so we have shit to talk about other than the shocking horrors of the world. We watch lectures about shit we're interested in (mostly engineering related, some survival/planning stuff) instead of TV shows. We've decided to move away from the city to relative buttfuck nowhere and I'm currently shopping for a good truck to camp out of for a big road trip to all 50 states (my second time around, her first). We go on shooting dates; playing with guns makes her want to fuck more than actual porn. We're not having children. We do not have facebook accounts or use social media. We treat our devices as throwaways, as if they are constantly monitored (as should everyone). We leave all devices at home when we go out as often as possible and we make sure to have our most important and open conversations (esp if it's related to any 'proprietary research') while taking walks on the beach (or near a loud road, etc.).
I could go on and on with the number of ways being "red pilled" via IRL experience but some mod will just move this whole thread to /x/ again.
>I could go on and on with the number of ways being "red pilled" via IRL experience
has changed our lives
>but some mod will just move this whole thread to /x/ again.
fucked that up
people will wake up when Islamic monkeys hit critical aloha mass and chimpout with all the weapons they've smuggled in. You'll get your day of recognition
I used to read Slate and HuffPo evreryday, part of my mid morning routine at work.
Eh I didn't take it for more than that, just routine. I always knew something was up. Destined for the red pill
> Die for israel argument.
fuck off
Bitcoin marketplace for regime change and revolution.
That's what I like most about dating if it's a smart broad, you can pontificate about art and look smart but also to a person who wants to fuck you. I wish I had a shor-T to discuss books with
>can't because personality sucks
>nothing but 1-2 month flings for 6 years
i drink every chance i get, if there isn't work to be done i'm drunk
also a shit ton of cigarettes (rollies are the true red pill for smokers)
i can't cope with my mind so i might as well numb it completely
Nature runs this realm, not the occultists behind their walls. The numbers will not save them.
sad. i like drinking too but you need other hobbies. buy a dirtbike or something.
fight the good fight and stay reasonably jewwise.
>Stop eating fermented products.
>Stop eating animal products.
>Stop wasting seminal fluids.
>Stop wasting energy on fruitless activities.
Cya in 20 years friendo.
Drugs and willful ignorance.
How did he respond to last bit?
more like 2 months
purge that gut liftlets
Have to find that delicate balance of restricting too much deliberate thought, while maintaing your core values as a person. It's a tightrope, but I imagine if you are successful at that, it is possible to lead life with some meaning.
I transitioned to blackpill. Currently have a harem of teenage filipinos that tend to me every need.
I will run out of money in like 10 years, then I will go back to the USA and make my exit.
I think they go on by getting these digits
Once I OD'ed on the red pill in 2014, I escaped to the woods. I now own a couple acres in the woods and spend my time on technology and economics. The world is more funny to me now than anything. Yeah the kikes are genociding the whites and the country is descending into a third world hell hole and the entirety of humanity is a massive corrupt incompetent evil experiment beyond our comprehension... but the toughest thing I deal with in my day to day existence is deer wandering into my yard trying to get my apple trees.
Good advice
have hobbies, i'm really passionate about literature and foreign languages and most of my time goes into them
competitive fighting games on the side
both those things aren't inhibited by alcoholism though and that's a tough vice to break
what would you guys do if you knew about the fish people IRL and saw it in person
I don't know. I've become so redpilled in the past few months that I'm nearly blackpilled.
How do I keep from just killing myself?
>real evil
Evil isn't real. That's not really redpilled. Christians are bluepilled agents of doom, always have been.
Zoroastrians, Vedda Aryans, Buddhists didn't believe in a dumbed down evil, just destructive thought (until later when they race mixed with plebs)
You hit the apathy stage and start living life on-rails, not following the news, and being mindlessly devoted to a single pursuit.
that feel when christian doomsayer
feels good man
I joined a religious cult that had no tv/news/internet. Helped tremendously
You'll never win that battle user