This is a blue pilled book
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He put the cart before the horse.
it's redpilled unless you really believe in racism.
Why is the book redpilled
Australia is proof of white supremacy. The scummiest anglos and irish were sent to a desert island and it becomes one of the best countries to live in within 200 years.
When the book advertises itself as a book against racism, that's pretty bluepilled. Even if the content inside is reasonable.
your a blue pill
No u r
Initial premise is that shitskins are not inferior. He then proceeds to put a lot of effort into explaining why they are inferior. Because they are superior. Or something.
The only redpill you need.
He wasn't claiming they were inferior or superior, just that their cultures bests suited their environment. It's literally just Geographic Determinism:The Book.
The back of the book talks about the fight against racism. If it was just geography is be more ok with it. I'm not a fan of racism, but I am not a fan of people who fight racism either.
It's reductionist.
He expressly states that aborigines are -genetically- superior.
And they tried to force us to read this in World History Advanced Placement. Luckily I had already read The Bell Curve.
Most US Federal gun control legislation has been written, introduced, and sponsored by Jewish congressmen and Jewish senators.
No, he specifically states that primitives in New Guinea are more intelligent than white people. Because they know how to walk on paths in the woods. He also says that certain cultures had fewer intelligent people because their coastlines weren't craggy enough for brilliant intellectuals to hide from people oppressing them for their brilliance. Got to hand it to Diamond, he kept the laughs coming hard and fast.
It's the most serious effort to explain away genetic differences. It's an impressive and elaborate theory, some of which is true. It just misses the part of the story where jungle bunnies are dumber than whites.
My impression was his use of intelligence there was less "These people know what plants are used for what therefore they are Mensa Giants" and more "These people rely on natural resources to a greater degree than first world nationals, therefore they're better at ferreting out useful shit". It's not an absurd claim.
What do you expect, Jared Diamond is a Jew
Yeah, you can interpret black as white and up as down if you want, but I'll just believe what he wrote rather than your interpretation of it.