>Britain pulls through
>America pulls through
>France falls short
What went wrong, lads?
Britain pulls through
french people are brainwashed
after breakfast and drumpf the MSM and the good politicians shilled very hard telling everyone that it's racist and all. Also Le Pen and her party the FN are demonized since 50 years. It's just the reaction of the left trying to keep control
I've talked to some people who voted for Macron. It's just brainwashing, or sometimes it was by fear of her unclear economical program.
English is the language of freedom.
So did the Netherlands, Austria and soon Germany again.
Meanwhile, UK is still cucked by pakistani rape gangs and a kebab london mayor.
US is full of mexicans and militant SJW's.
There are many battles still not won.
Being cucked is a new part of french culture, well only the white french.
Only the Anglosphere is capable of uncucking itself.
Not for long m8
It's probably true, because language is the key to mentality.
>United Kingdom fucks up
>United States fucks up
>France does it right
fuck of baguette
Get that fucking leaf away from my colors.
You don't go from full blown socialism to Sup Forums overnight.
You deserve whatever mass shootings and truck attacks you get
History repeating itself. France needs our help saving them from the German boot.
Get that fucking leaf off of there, we're annexing them.
just kys
only burgers could be naive enough to rely on frogs. the idea that white-flags would save europe is laughable
drunk alt-righters should leave, there's no place for you in nu-Sup Forums
France was lost to multi-cults twenty years ago.
catholics were convinced by the jew pope that refugees were more important than sovereignty
fyi french people actually literally believe in things like paternity is based not in biology but is a social construct so that things like paternity testing are wrong and banned and if your wife gets pregnant its yours by default even if its definitely not yours so french people literally believe in enforced cuckoldry.
Not superior anglo
French people in modern history, always surrender before english people do
It's quite literally what they put in the water.
Don't fall for the soft water jew
They hate women.
Anglo culture is a naturally mercantile culture which places value and prestige on the work of the individual, whereas continental culture places value and prestige on the intellectual and elite. Anglos naturally distrust that which governs over them. Continentals assume those in power in position for a good reason.
Most of us don't have a functioning grasp of the French language, thus many of our memes seem foreign if they are even made.