Is nationalism acceptable in your country?

Is nationalism acceptable in your country?



As long as she's allowed in

I don't think so desu. People who waves the English flag are usually seen as skinheads

you sure?

It depends on where you live. I used to live near lots of people that had it everywhere, a couple had confederate flags too, and no one cared. If I did that where I live now, though...

Putin is not one though, unfortunately

>Is nationalism acceptable in your country?




Thankfully yes. And the rest of the country absolutely hates us for it.

Yes but not in the major cities

What episode?

What province is that?

its cornerstore of our country

Btw, that sign in the back of the crowd say "Russia without a leader is like kikes without the Talmud".(must be empirefags) How many of you goyim can get away with holding a sign like this?

Hell Yes.
Most of our international stereotypes stem from our immense nationalism.

*"It's why we murdered a bunch of Armenians during WW I"


If you had extra flags plugin you wouldn't have to ask but it's obvious the part of Canada full of frogs.


responsibility is bigger than a nation... fuckers of course it is in times of nuclear weapons.

>muh armos


back to le ddit

this interest me 2

Take a guess

OP did you really just make a thinly veiled BLACKED thread

Not being nationalistic would be looked down upon.

It's still socially acceptable outside big cities but the last governments have worked hard to discredit and destroy it

I grew up in a small town and we had some pretty red-pilled teachers. We had one dude that openly discussed the jewish question with us.

Problem is that when i finished high school SJW infiltration was beginning. Our high school history teacher was a massive neo-liberal cuck.

As for the media they only use nationalism when they want to stir up anger against russia. Other than that they shit on it and shame nationalists.

Technically yes, but everyone here is a dumb fucking statist sheep

>tfw the Kurds get ahold of your Saren gas stockpiles

You know the answer...

too right it is cunt

It's more than acceptable, in most places it's expected.


In rural areas = yes
In cities = no
In suburbs = depends how close it is to the city.

>a day later

>5 yrs later
>fucking turks genocided peaceful k*rds

anyway enough (you)s for re ddit cancer



Will watch

question why do scandinavians have crosses on the flags since you guys hate christians

has there ever been a referendum to get rid of it? i think in new zealand they were wanting to take it off but i don't know if scandis have voted on the same thing

We'll duh once you embrace your wereroach form they'll have to use RAID and that's tough to get your hands on in the third world

Don't worry neighbors. It will get better soon


Ydmygende tråd.
Jeg glæder mig til dagen, hvor nedværdigende shills som dig hænger på rebets dag.

civic nationalism is ok everywhere (go USA!) but ethno nationalism is uh... frowned upon.

i don't think civic nationalism will ever work because minorities are very liberal, but that is just my thoughts on it. blacks have voted for the democrats since FDR handed out the gibs, and as long as they are handed out i think the dems will lock down the black vote and many hispanics.

maybe it will win over conservative whites as they are against racism but i think secretly they do not want to be a minority in the country that their ancestors created.

Unless your a Wop or an Albanian

dont get me started on spaghetti benders I fucking hate those half-niggers.

eow hold din kæft din lille luder

If you own clothing with an Italian flag on it as an American it caps your IQ at 85

haha unfortunately not

I'm pretty sure it's illegal.

We don't have free speech in Canada. Pastors can't even preach against homosexuality without getting vanned.

Nice comeback, cuck.
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It's Quebec