Why are men balding in their 20s? What the fuck did they put in our food and water to cause this premature balding epidemic?
More importantly, why isn't more money being poured to cure this? Baldness is the #1 health problem affecting white males.
Why are men balding in their 20s? What the fuck did they put in our food and water to cause this premature balding epidemic?
More importantly, why isn't more money being poured to cure this? Baldness is the #1 health problem affecting white males.
I'm bald at 19. Fuck...
It's genetic you moron
Immunity claimed, spell deflected. Type the first 10 digits of pi to dodge.
Am I balding?
21 years old.
Ben Kingsley is that you?
started balding with 26,27 but i knew it in my early 20s already
when it happened i got depressed but now i just dont give a fuck anymore and just shave
who gives a fuck lmao
balding is caused by genetics + testosterone
men nowadays actually have LESS testosterone than before
people who go on steroids may become bald also, and hollywood forces every anyone who's supposed to be muscular to get on it
Seriously am I? I'm getting fucking paranoid. The beer drinking makes it worse.
Mate, your hair looks like you are late 30s.
You'll be bald by 35, lock someone down ASAP.
Is that a baby obama?
You're hairline is just receding. That stops
So it means I have high test if I start balding? Or the opposite?
Nah I'm jk like Said it's just receding a lil bit
Oh fuck. How do I stop it?
>health problem
kek, it doesn't affect your health at all, it's just cosmetic
either you're getting a 'mature hairline' or yer goin bald harry
check out your male relatives and decide which one is more likely
There are 3 different kinds of testosterone in the body so it depends.
you have a severe case of gayface
Receding? I thought that meant balding?
it's all to do with DHT and nothing to do with testosterone.
It depends how far it goes mine receded but I never went bald I just grew it out a lil bit more to cover it up
My uncle is bald. Bet I have his genes.
Play nice.
It has always happened, retard. Men back in the day could pull it off because they weren't weak maggots
Its only became a problem since women became Thots and branded it as a terrible thing. Balding has been happening to many people since the middle ages.
Whats dht?
K thanks.
Julius Caesar was bald and insecure about it
i've heard good things about a hair transplant clinic in Istanbul
Is balding the next step for mankind? Shedding it's hair to look less primitive?
Dihydrotestosterone, which does come from testosterone, but testosterone levels dont influence DHT levels. it's got its own feedback loop
>Why are men balding in their 20s? What the fuck did they put in our food and water to cause this premature balding epidemic?
>More importantly, why isn't more money being poured to cure this? Baldness is the #1 health problem affecting white males.
Stop posting pictures of me you fucking blokes.
Stress causes balding... and using hair gel too
I've noticed that I lost some hair in two phases: at 19 and at 22. I was going to some severe troubles both times
It is the hormones in your food, meat and dairy mostly, kek.
Keep eating your poison, pleb.
I don't see what's so bad about being bald. All the coolest guys in hollywood are bald.
i live in america, have eaten junk food regularly almost my entire life, smoked for the past ten years and still have a head full of hair at 28.
If I ever started balding I'd shave that shit off and I don't understand why some guys who do start balding refuse to do so. You can look strong with a shaved bald head, you don't look strong with hair as light an thin as silk threads where I can see your scalp.
It's genetics. I eat a terrible diet, drink bee band barely sleep and still have a full head of hair.. I'm 38.
All those factors do affect my typing.
>he has bald genes
So much confusion & stupidity ITT.
Tfw no one has gone bald in your family well into their 80s
Same here except for the getting depressed part. I just buzz it as short as possible, much better than the shitty hair I used to have even before it started thinning.
Men have being going bald in their 20s for literally centuries. Its entirely genetic.
Some men also THINK they are balding but just have a receded hairline which will stay at one spot.
The worst thing you can do is give a shit what you hair looks like and try obvious shit to hide the fact you're balding. Just shave it off if it gets too bad and be confident about it.
ITT: men who masturbated too much during their adolescence.
what a faggot desu, glad that bitch got knifed
Too much testosterone
This is now a faces of Sup Forums thread
It's all genetic, and it's dominant on men. Also testosterone. Usually if you go bald thanks to the testosterone you are hairy and have a nice beard
if that was true I would have been bald by 12
30 year old user here, still have luxurious beautiful red potato nigger hair if I choose to. I'm a manlet as well.
over 18s only son.
fuk u
faggot mods ban him pls
she me some pics of your ass/dick, Im just wondering what they look like t b h
I look 16 too but at least I don't plaster my face on the internet
Only faggots give a shit about their hair. Not even balding but you guys sound gay as fuck
> Increased environmental stress
accelerating the onset and activation of genes which many men already have passed down to them which cause it.
Only cucks go bald
cause they are not taking this shit damn it
>be 19
>get told I look 14 all the time
just end it all famalam
It's a combination of bpa and other hormonal disruptors found in food packaging and pesticides in conjunction with poor stress management due to lack of clear and defined life structure and purpose as a result of unchaining oneself from ones national identity.
fuckin faggot
Fuck u
balding and small dicks... rightwing at its best.
Fuck you
Not everyone can pull it off, some people have oddly-shaped heads that look goofy with no hair.
>balding and small dicks
mutually exclusive if autoimmune baldness.
it's called DHT, a byproduct of testosterone. Happens to every man some younger than others depending on genetics, sensitivity to DHT on top of the head, testosterone, if you use rogaine/propecia/transplants etc
>My uncle is bald. Bet I have his genes.
The responsible gene comes from your Mom's Dad.
>balding genes comes from mom's side
That's a myth.
>Baldness is the #1 health problem affecting white males.
It hits Arabs and Indians even harder, also Jews. We must overcome the follicle.
>having hair loss at all
Holy shit, how fucking pathetic do you have to be?
Why bother? Balding is something uniquely male. Embrace it.
grow a beard and shave the head immediately.
im fucked because, although losing it, i have super thick curly hairs, so i have been letting it grow longer, even though i kept i short, near buzzed my whole life. one day, im going to show up to/wake up, hopefully to the last happening in existence, with a shaved head bc eventually i cant hold the failing lines.... also there is always suicide.
White genetics are recessive which is why this is mainly a problem among them. East Indians, Asians, Blacks, Mexicans etc, tend to have dominant genes and thus strong hairlines
Sven is correct.
This. Also get ripped/fit and hope you don't have a mishapen head.
My dad was loosing his hair in his early twenties. I thought the same fate was in store for me, but luckily I still have a full head of thick blonde hair. I'm 23.
My mom's dad on the other hand had a full head of hair till the day he died. Guess it's true that your hair gene comes from your mother after all.
27 and been bald a few years, sucks at first but I can grow a solid beard so I'm fine with it
Excessive masturbation, previous generations didn't have such easy access to porn. I highly doubt men used to jerk off every single day. People are locked inside on computers and they don't go outside and socially interact and actually have sex (this was also by design).
Damn whiteys ginetic diversity. Why he ain't a baseline model?
thank you dr. mendel
been doing that for a year now. and the only other person besides my ex that knows my condition, and of course this thread, is my barber. he compliments me on my head shape and said not to be afraid. i feel bad for those who cant grow beard, get bald before money is made to secure succubus/rare real christian wife, and have a nigger skull
>every time i jerk off i'm making my male pattern baldness worse
I have a full head of hair but shave it to save on hair cuts, products, etc. Being bald is preferable.
You should be worried that you look like you're in your mid 30's.
Testosterone turns into DHT which causes bodyhair/facial hair and baldness on the top of your head. Previous generations also did bald as well, but they used comb overs which have been abandoned by younger generations because they are so obvious and bad looking. So younger people don't even try to hide it anymore with combovers
Better start lifting