Isn't this witness intimidation? Trump must be getting desperate.
Isn't this witness intimidation? Trump must be getting desperate
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What's with the name calling all the time, isn't this what the left does?
I don't see any name calling?
Um sorry, sweetie, congress is not a court of law.
Fake and gay. Sage.
Thats an argument from ignorance OP. Refer to board commandments and uncuck yourself pls.
This is really fucked up. Impeachment when?
>Testify on Camera so Trump can't have him commit suicide with two bullets to the back of the head.
Smart guy this Comey.
Nice digits Thoth
Nope. It's being an alpha male.
You're obviously not familiar with it.
He'll letting Comey know how bad an idea it would be to lie because he already has proof. He's actually doing Comey a favor.
Fake and gay.
>looks at calendar
>looks at post date.
>Isn't this witness intimidation?
yes because the lying former FBI clown needs to be reminded to tell the truth
Sup Forums cares about truth
Oh friend, you're new here right?
It's not from your timezone, knuckleheads.
I am reporting this to my friend at WHCA for defamation and slander.
Good luck with the litigation.
Trump is just messing with him because in the "tapes", Comey probably admitted that the Russian hacker thing was just a bunch of bullshit.
>Trump must be getting desperate.
Watch it Jimmy
Ya cocksucka
Never, every time you say it it reduces the chances too.
jesus that btfo face on clinton there
separated at birth?
don't be such a faggot
Comey doesn't even know what tapes Trump is referring to and nobody else does either. At least nobody who's telling.
Could be NSA tapes, FBI tapes, NSA tapes, CIA tapes, the White House office's tapes, the tapes from the bugs Obama left there, etc.
>liberals are STILL mad that Trump is capable and willing to defend himself on twitter and he'll never stop tweeting
This has gone from 'there are no tapes' to 'what tapes' to 'tapes are illegal' so fast, the shills are working overtime.
When they scream and cry and yell BRUMPTH all day.
Such a bunch of pussies, can't handle the banter.
Telling someone that if he lies about a conversation, there might be tapes proving the lies is not witness intimidation. Why do you low IQ types like throwing around phrases you don't understand in a vain effort to look intelligent? Your obvious misunderstanding and misrepresentation of the law instead identifies you as very stupid.
Let's just watch this too.
based Solomon Wisenberg
It's criminal intimidation
It's banter.
you guys and your slide threads. i want to see more blabering about norther korea since the just tested a weapon system that exceeds everything the west has developed in term s of speed. even the rail gun america made for battle ships which cant shoot subs and cant fire more than 1 round per 15 minutes cant fire anything past mach 20
come on white man show me your not afraid of numbers and run your mouth like there is no tomorrow
it was probably the jews
thats a description you retard.
>I can't answer that
I love you Trump.
You angsty tweens don't get it.This guy is for real.
Damn, I forgot about them. I hate them so much. Fucking hooknosed, money grubbing, lying, cheating Kike motherfucking bloodsuckers.
learn english and lurk before you post
What the fuck is up with all these anti-Trump shill posts? Are we being raided? Holy fuck at least The_Donald is still safe.
How do we impeach this fucker?
Apparently OP is from the future
Fake and gay.
Not really name calling when showboating is considered a good thing in America.
Sup Forums has been plastered over the news 3 times in the last 6 months.
What you are seeing is Summer Sup Forums
The normies will go or stay eventually.
>the_donald is safe
great bait
leave newfag
your just jelly you cant fire the people who are criminally investigating you
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Obviously, I'm in the same time zone as Trump, when its May 13th 9pm here, its May 13th 9pm in Washington so how the fuck is he posting on May 14th a little after midnight?
for real a crook, yes
>gold hard hat
cringy, just like his tower
that's it, i'm going to fucking do it, i swear to got I'm going to hit THE button, as president I have the authority to do this
*hits button*
ah the refreshing taste of coca cola
How is it bait tho? Over there we can just remove shill posts or downvote them so they don't bother coming and raiding us. Here apparently the cucked mods are letting anything fly. Any chance they're getting paid off?
>Calls me a newfag
Nothing personnel kiddo
This will only hurt a little
*slices you in half*
Check my flag, doofus -- it's my screencap.
Trump was being investigated in multiple cases and he's fired them all without reason, but it all went under the radar.
Comey is just the biggest one yet and it's impossible to ignore. Though I may be proven wrong. Republicans ablity to ignore facts is quite impressive.
Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and James Comey
but no emails so doesn't matter
trumps gangster
gangsters are degenerates in suites
But you don't have anything.
Ha has a 757.
And 16 golf courses.
t.thanks dad
Speaking of big, the real reason trump fired comey was because he looked like a manlet next to him. trump was not about to have that so Comey got the big ugly X
>trumps gangster
is that a good or bad thing?
I think I can see what happens next
and its going to one of the most beautiful things that Sup Forums has ever witness
Please state what you believe
>witness intimidation
>criticizing a persons underhanded methods
Witness intimidation is going up to them in private and threatening them.
I don't see a threat. In fact that just looks like advice. Because he WILL be ripped to shreds if he does shifty business.
Ultimate BTFOing and Obama and Hillary go to jail.
You didn't think Comey would go to jail did you? He'll manage to come clean in a complicated fashion.
>trump has tapes (safe assumption, he's taped everything for decades)
>comey may or may not have a tape of every conversation he had with trump
he has to try to remember or dig them up, but oops he's not head of the fbi any more lol
Do you want Pence running the country?
those fags are trying for a do-over where the deep state wins
I really hope Trump nails this fucker.
Then many of my anxieties surrounding him and his "close allies" might lower a bit.
seriously, I'm going to miss Big Guy FBI
comey just ratting on everyone would honestly be too good to be true.
Comey's been a Clinton apparatchik for decades. Obviously the mere toleration of this Russia business was a sign that he was up to something shady.
>he typed from his computer while meanwhile his wife was out "shopping"
Maybe he's like an ultra hyperdimensional-double agent? Maybe we will even find out.
Who knows, but BTFOing him is safe either way.
It's 4D he is goading all the liberals to watch that testy thinking that Trump is done for. Instead the Liberals are getting redpilled because comey has nothing on Trump but has to admit that he was indeed spying on Trump.
Comey is absolute fucked here and so is everyone that he takes orders from.
Posting in a sageblue thread
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
this dumbass is going against james "AY LMAO" comey HAHAHAHA hes so fucked
I'm worried that legally Clinton cannot be cracked down on.
Because that would not easy my anxieties, that'd just mean the whole thing was to get rid of comey, who was actually trying to crack down on them.
But we'll have to see.
Comey should throw them all under the bus and say that Trump is with them.
That'd make things VERY interesting :^)
Trumps wife won't even live with him.
I'm worried his relative that was in the foundation was a spy from the FBI to monitor their movements.
And that's why they're coming hard on him.
Every. Damn. Time.
In the old days this was true, the Clintons had installed (or inherited from the Bushes?) a complicated series of trapdoors and gotchas.
I think Trump's smart enough to do a pretty good sweep and dismantle as many as possible - they probably thought they were nearly invincible after all - before he springs his traps.
This Comey business was clearly well executed, and obviously Trump has the contents of Comey's office and safe and computer too now. The FBI director can be presumed to have a secure computer terminal which only he can access after all.
Yeah. Good luck with that.
The Left has no clue how Impeachment truly works.
All we can do is hope that if the Democrats get House seats back in 2018, they don't try it.
stop saying i'm worried, it's throwing your game off
>if the Democrats get House seats back in 2018
You not worried?
Wish I could be like you.
I never ever trust what I see directly, there is always something lurking.
If Clinton is cracked down on, then I have no qualms with Trump.. for now.
there it is again
no of course not, it's only natural for a nest of vipers to squirm and hiss when exposed to sunlight
The thing about spiders is that they cast a very large web.
Hes hyping it up, all the liberals will be watching CSPAN live as comey reveals... absolutely nothing