Is i am proud to be Australian.
Are you proud to be an Australian?
Is i am proud to be Australian.
Are you proud to be an Australian?
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I think Asian immigration is great because that means for Asian waifus with delicious Asian feet!
>he wants more gooks in his country.
No wonder your country is tearing itself apart from the inside
>mfw ill never be deported and have all the legal rights and privileges of a white Australian
Your passport expired almost a decade ago, Chang.
wtf am i reading
>pointing out the obvious
Give yourself a pat on the back whitey
>>mfw ill never be deported and have all the legal rights and privileges of a white Australian
you're a larping white guy. prove me wrong with an image showing your face with today's date written down.
>mfw i can easily prove you wrong but would rather not because i already know you're wrong
>Had a work function run by the ceo and board
>They start talking about how diversity is our strength
>Photo of 8 people, two black guys, one black woman, two asian women and one asian guy and two white people
>The white people were obese and the non whites normal body shapes
I have come to understand diversity means no white people
I have dual nationality so I am as Australian as you- even more so as I'm white
Wash your fucking face.
>>mfw i can easily prove you wrong but would rather not because i already know you're wrong
t. Bradley Thompson
>blaming asians for america's corruption
the fuck?
nice way to bait us cunt
iam proud of something else
Lets say i prove you wrong. What happens next? The pic in op still stands.
Lets say im not the op so what? The pic in op still stands
you're as bad as the rest of them. pick one side or the other
Hahaha TOLD
Oh, I am going to enjoy this thread.
a dog born in a stable is not a horse
Asian immigration to Australia is a big problem because white men cannot keep their dicks in their pants, and white women turning into fat, ugly, feminist, marxist dykes is not helping the situation.
We're going to be a nation of Hapas within two generations and I can't blame us. Pic related. What would you do?
It's just some low effort bait for easy (you)s. Most of Sup Forums are under 20. You can't take them seriously. They'll grow out of their Sup Forums phase eventually, maybe 30-40s.
LARP threads are cancer next time say Drumpf or Blacked. SAGE.
You're British which makes "nationality" a moot point as Australia is British.
No matter how hard the marxist faggots try to change that.
Well no, I grew up in qld but then my parents decided to come back so yeah
Haven't been to Australia since
I have the same blood as you you cheeky cunt
I don't understand why Australians get so triggered by British immigration your country is fucking huge and we assimilate extremely easily
>I want a hot daughter
For what?
Reeeeeeee im white too
fuck off chink, asians are the worst
That's not a Hapa. That's an import hunting for white sperm.
because poms come over as cops and are all fucked in the head. got tribal tats and nude nuts trying to be hard cunts.
fuck brits
>claims to be white
>pic is chink
>id contains ABo
I'm thoroughly confused
Australian isn't about standing on this dirt. If identity worked that way we would all be abos. Unless you are anglo you will never be Australian.
how many times have you crashed your Daewoo?
Australia will be fine mate.
>Lets say i prove you wrong. What happens next?
then the bait would not be under false pretense, and you'd really just be an uppity chinese immigrant
yet still no timestamp
Australia's stuffed lads, I'm going to move to Thailand, hit the roids and leave humanity behind.
>false pretense
Not really, Asian illegal immigration and mass migration is real. It's mostly just the Filipinos in my city though.
fuck off yank, no one asked for your opinion.
Well that's your own fault for letting that happen with your immigration policy
I don't like our police either
>literally who
Else would you rather have immigrate?
You only get the best of the best btw my parents got let in because my dad was an engineer
I find it pretty strange when Australians are unironically racist towards people whose blood they share.
>Thousands of photos of him with underage prostitutes
>Thousands of posts of him talking about how he keeps the Aussie pedo-tourists in line
What did Sharky mean by this?
Pls stay on r9k to attentionwhore
I'm amazed at how many Asian australians on see on Sup Forums considering Australia is so white...unless I'm being memed.
We were fine until you cunts started making it so hard for us to return to the homeland, while you lets billions of pajeets and nogs through.
>tfw ethnically British member of the British empire and some Nog with a london accent tells me to get back on the plane because I don't have a visa and no money in my bank account
we just hate cunts, even if they're good cunts. but you're alright ay. get fucked
Most whites are rich and probably at the beach or something.
If I teleported you to Melbourne CBD and you had to guess which city your in you'd say Chink Town.
Australia isn't white anymore...
They let in fucking loads of chinks and lebos
But still see Brits as the bad guys
That's pretty fucked m8 Australians should be let in
I didn't even know that was a thing
>Australia isn't white anymore...
it's red
>t. US troop
how's the barracks in NT suiting you?
Yea you dumb yank. No one cares about your opinion. Show me you're worth proving to. Btw i bet you're not even white
>still brits as the bad guys
what the fuck? literally never have in the past and still dont.
>Australia is so white.
You think you have it bad with Hispanics?
We have 2 billion Asians about 2 hours away from our Northern Border.
They range from your highly advanced East Asians, like those from Japan (who migrate to our golf courses and beaches and get up to some weird fucking shit with tanning oil and hair dye) to those from the jungles of Vietnam (who get up to heroin smuggling and child prostitution).
Pic related - The Aboriginal number is grossly inflated (every second bogan's welfare form claims Aboriginal ancestry) and the "Australian" demographic is over inflated because every second Hapa thinks they're white.
Also, just like the U.S., the official, legal Chinese/Asian residence aren't the whole story of who is here.
It wasn't until the 90's. Thanks Tony Blair.
In the 90's they started treating Australians basically the same as Turks.
It's fucking rude.
Back in the 60's an Englishmen could pay ten fucking pounds and be given an Australian passport/citizenship and a boat ticket downunder.
Now we treat them no better than Flips. Especially the Irish.
they are the bad guys, don't kid yourself
I've found "your" provisional license on /soc/
Fuck off, we're full
Lebos are actually a pretty small chunk of the population. Often deported.
That's what makes it so fucking crazy. They account for a negligible amount of the population yet completely fill our jails.
Hell, Victoria has an African crime wave - They account for about 50,000 people total in the whole country.
Certain races really over represent themselves.
Anyway, we're fucked no matter what. Two billion hungry, poor, overpopulated Asians 2 hours above us.
They are looking at pic related and plotting. It's only a matter of time.
Also, luckily none of them seem to know about Tasmania.
oh, he's Asian. I thought he was retarded. guess it's kind of the same thing
fact remains, fuck off yank
god chinks are genetically garbage
totally bland features, why the fuck do we accept these people?
jews need holocaust number two
Yea the fact remains, fuck off yank.
Im kidding i know you're asian
Did you guys know James Reyne was born in Nigeria..
the fuck is this shit
tfw all the shitposting aussies were just gooks the whole time
I welcome our new Chinese overlords
They are the only ones who will ever deal with the abos and Muslims and not care what shrieking SJW on twitter and the ABC have to say about it
We will then all mix together and create a new master race of supreme gentlemen
>mfw Australians are finally recognising the difference in attitude between the chinese migrant and ABC.
ABCs are cucks
Weaboos disgust me.
fuck off back to asia cunt
get the fuck out yellow nigger
Working on it boss. I just need my guarantor to endorse my photo. I should receive my passport in 2 months and within that time ill get my visa
Her feet are proportionally WAAAY too big for her height and frame.
praise the trips,but wait ur going back to asia? this is good mate,make ur own land better instead.
I thought david cho killed himself?
Not quite. I am dissatisfied with my westernised upbringing. It has turned me into a westernised chinese cuck.
I will be going to china to live with my grandparents to nurture a more chinese attitude.
Western society is cucked and i feel no pride being raised by said cucked society.
In short, i intend to come back to Sydney more chinese than western
Don't come back at all and it will be a win-win scenario for all of us
Bogans BTFO
nice b8. didn't you say you're proud to be australian?
you'll never be Australian
mah nunga, deadly unna
Chinktards, fucking chinktards everywhere.......