We are the reason why europens locked their doors at night.

We are the reason why aryan mothers still give birth to non-aryan babies.

Armenianfags, can't you still find where your grandfathers are buried?

We were doing genocides before it was cool.

I'm a proud turkish, who is a descendant of a pure Turkish family who have been fighting in the all wars of ottoman empire and turkey for 200 years, except Korea.

Ask me anything.

Other urls found in this thread:




Did you watch Muhthesem Yuzyil? Newfag here, have nobody to talk to about it. I do not like Muslim empires, but the show was tight.

Turkey is worse than Canada. You literally have nothing to be proud of. I'm sorry for you.

It was a nice show. I didn't watch every episode, but it is not representing the whole Ottoman Sultan stuff,
But still better then that 13 Reasons Why bullshit.

Ottomans: Couldn't win the Great siege of Malta.
And got reckt in Europe when the Winged Hussars arrived.
btw, how do you guys feel about Vlad the Impaler?



Let's be honest, you can't get more alpha than Turk. Ok maybe Mongol.

Why is your nation no longer relevant?

You guys are a bunch of hairy sandniggers who got cucked by gooks. You even bear their name.

Oh, they managed to get a guy when he was already dead. That was brave of them.

How do you feel about Catalans mate, i heard that they will have half of Spain in 10 years.

I needed the subtitled YT versions, and wasn't able to catch the last half of the series.

To the Turks' credit, they held 3 of the most important cities of the world, were really rich, shook parts of Europe to their core by bringing back their Frankenstein children through the devsirme. Vienna was too ambitious (The Golden apple of the day). But it is a close call to have Sobieski and a bunch of pols make the difference between two completely different timelines of history.

How does that feel to be BTFO in any war you fight for the last 200 years :)

Do you look and smell like shit? Is it customary to have orgasams while doing Turkish wrestling? How many little boys have you fucked in turkish bath houses?

You should bring more Armenian slaves next time.

Turkey is so gay

>How do you feel about Catalans mate
Pretty good since I'm one myself.

Nobody fucks anyone in bath houses, and btw bath houses actually came from Byzantium and Roman Empire, it is not Turkish origin.

>pure Turkish

You people are more pathetic than the Berbers... Get a real identity already, Anatolian niggers.

>We are the reason why aryan mothers still give birth to non-aryan babies.

so you are saying you are gross.

wow, so impressed.

>implying you did'nt lost 20% of your population
>implying we care about Anatolia

nice try roach


>In the first half of the 1600s, Barbary corsairs - pirates from the Barbary Coast of North Africa, authorised by their governments to attack the shipping of Christian countries - ranged all around Britain's shores. In their lanteen-rigged xebecs (a type of ship) and oared galleys, they grabbed ships and sailors, and sold the sailors into slavery. Admiralty records show that during this time the corsairs plundered British shipping pretty much at will, taking no fewer than 466 vessels between 1609 and 1616, and 27 more vessels from near Plymouth in 1625. As 18th-century historian Joseph Morgan put it, 'this I take to be the Time when those Corsairs were in their Zenith'.


>be british peasant
>get captured and sold into slave markets in North Africa and Turkey


>calls Turks niggers
>Half of France is from Africa

How many white girls get fucked by niggers in France?

We beat niggers and send them back to Niggercontinent here in Turkey.

hah you french faggot eat turkic hash cock

>be Barbary pirate...get rekt

>proud of his ancestors greatest accomplishments being rape, murder, and slavery

Yes, we know. That is why nobody likes you and considers you to be sub-human vermin savages.

Your hubris has been your demise, since 1683.

funny how the tables have turned there are millions of Algerians in your country now hahahahahahahahahahh

>We need to reframe the way we think of us as French people. It's not a white Christian country any more ... the narrative should be changed.

Any other battles you didn't wave your white flags in your shitty history?

big turkish bulls rule the streets of germania

the hundred years war

Can i have some extra onions on my kebap, Ali ?

Look, its obvs nobody is defending the Turks.

But what about AYBIGE HATUN?

remember the time we kicked the christian CUNTry of Hungary to the kerb and it ceased to exist for centuries?

>muh crusaders
>muh brave christian soldiers

funny they all got sold into devsirme or forced to pay the jizya or convert

How does it feel that your best city was made by Europeans? Your so inferior that your biggest city isn't even Turkish

When the Winged Hussars Arrived, bitch

We don't count those fuckfaces as Turks here, in Turkey. %80 of the Turkish citizens see them as degenerate fuckfaces. You europafags can put every single one of these motherfuckers to gas chambers, i won't even lift my finger.

I've had the fortune to not have to deal with turkroaches but I can only imagine how bad those roaches are.

get out of my country
haven't you done enough harm


>didnt post JPEG

your folder is empty ??

>best city

sorry m8 your women fukin love us

Who, faggot? Rumelia was trash, you have the Bosnians and what, some Kosovars and Cypriots?




I don't think i have to post any pictures here, because every retard in Sup Forums knows about the germans conquering your pathetic country in only 2 weeks. At least ottoman empire stood there for centuries.
GTFO, wave a white flag.

doubt you ever get any pussy

You do realise we literally destroyed your empire because you're weaker than us? And that the only reason you don't live amongst your people is because your people are subhuman?

How does it feel that the entire 19th century for you was just getting beaten around like a red-headed step-child by the Russians?

we only employ brit women to do the phones for us at my uncles kebab shop. they keep coming back for more.

>tries to cast turk away
>thousands of Turkish families now living in London alone

Funny how you're bitter about your utter irrelevance you have to shitpost on/pol/ whilst living in a foreign country

You know, after razing half of the world in like 2000 years, everyone should get a beating.




It isnt foreign to us anymore it belongs to us where we live.
your stupid inbred people will keep suckling on the meaty kebab tit like the brainless animals they are

Because we let you in after destroying your already pathetic empire. Who would have known you'd turn out to be such a pathetic bunch of people that your only successful trait is mediocre food

>you work at a kebab shop with your, I'll presume autistic uncle
>get any worth while pussy

why don't you stick your dick in an exhaust pipe like the other Muslims


>be Ottoman empire
>be BTFO continuously for the last centuries
>be rapebaby of greeks and mongoloïd
>be so cucked you have to sucks European to get the gibs
>ultimatly have to change your alphabet to suck even more Europeans dick.

>implying the nazis were the bad guys.



We're more intelligent than you and you're more inbred than us. You can't even shitpost well

2000 years? When did the Seljuks even come on the scene? There are far more time-tested cultures than yours.


Why can't roaches into fighting? You make up for skill with army size. Your failed empire collapsed in on its own asshole, and you resort to calling yourselves Turks, which in itself is an insult to your people.

The french and italians don't count the rest of europe laughs at their military capabilities

>Be filthy turks defeat weakened Byzantine Empire
>Muh Imperial Glory
>Conquer shitty balkan states
>Muh Imperial Glory
>Attack Hapsburgs when they are weakened
>Get raped
>Try again next century
>Get whipped harder
>Proceed to decline horribly
>Even Russia technologically outpaces you
>Greece become independent
>You lost to Greeks
>Require help to beat Egyptians
>Get bullied by basically all European powers
>Rely on Germany and Austria to save you during WWI
>Still get ass beat by Russia, but luckily Germany helps
>Fail continuously
>Fuckers with turbans and horses are destroying your empire
>Your empire collapses

The ottomans are the most pathetic Empire that Europe has seen desu


The french and italians don't count the rest of europe laughs at their military capabilities

Why are t*rks so bad at warfare? Does your oil wrestling training kick in on the battlefield and you try to grab the enemy soldiers ass and fondle his balls?


I'll paint a little picture for you

>Be Turkish
>Fight retarded ooga booga slavshits for hundreds of years
>think your tough shit
>fight a real European country (Britain 1914-1918)
>be humiliated in Mesopotamia
>your empire is dismantled
>Move to a European country because yours is so shit

> (you) "yay, we won, we did it, Turkey so cool"

>me (pic related)

How impressive. Turks take over small, unstable, and overall just borderless countries and claim to be 'great overtakers'. News flash: when Turkey was faced with a nation of its own size it was absolutely butchered. The romans, the Mongols, the Arabs. You aren't a race. You are a bunch of mutts.

now explain why white turks are of greek descent and the rest of the turks are small hairy brown furballs

>We are the reason why europens locked their doors at night.

That's why you conquered Europe. Oh , wait.

>We are the reason why aryan mothers still give birth to non-aryan babies.

Always talking about our women. We know you're jealous you hook nosed cunts , just shut the fuck up already.

>Armenianfags, can't you still find where your grandfathers are buried?

What a douchebag.

>We were doing genocides before it was cool.

No , you weren't. Genocide is as old as humanity.

>I'm a proud turkish, who is a descendant of a pure Turkish family who have been fighting in the all wars of ottoman empire and turkey for 200 years, except Korea.

You're human and trash and always have been.

My hair's getting pretty shaggy, give me a trim please buddy and shut up.

turks will rule you in next 20 years


you are faggots

You couldn't rule fucking Europe at the height of your empire, you won't start now

Napoleon and the Julius Caesar seemed to do pretty well.

>lets not turn this roach hate thread by mocking other countries


I'll fight you Turks. Idgaf

Bring your entire nation , i'll fuck you up.

>you get no pussy
>you work with your uncle in a kebab shop
>you are brown
>you have a big turk schnoz

why haven't you killed yourself yet

Romans have little genetic similarities to modern Italians, and Napoleon was a Corsican


nice shitpost James Khubiar.


>The Battle of Nicopolis (Bulgarian: Биткa пpи Hикoпoл, Bitka pri Nikopol; Turkish: Niğbolu Savaşı, Hungarian: Nikápolyi csata, Romanian: Bătălia de la Nicopole) took place on 25 September 1396 and resulted in the rout of an allied crusader army of Hungarian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Wallachian, French, English, Burgundian, German and assorted troops (assisted by the Venetian navy) at the hands of an Ottoman force

we took you all on at once and win


muh deus vult muh britannia

>has to use muh wihite flag

your folder is definitely empty

suck some sultan cocks again, please.

finally, a smart person

Turks had almost 10,000 more soldiers
As i stated before, what you lack in skill you make up with manpower. Not very honorable

>Romans have little genetic similarities to modern Italians

Wtf are Italians then?

>and Napoleon was a Corsican

So Napoleon was Italian?

>During the wintering of Barbarossa, the Toulon Cathedral was transformed into a mosque, the call to prayer occurred five times a day, and Ottoman coinage was the currency of choice. According to an observer: "To see Toulon, one might imagine oneself at Constantinople".


Gee whiz I'd love to have a source for that claim.
I really hate people who arbitrarily claim that "whiteness" is more important than European descent.

To the Turks ITT, how do you go from decently respectable culture/ruling authority to supremacist-thinking in light of the scourge you have become? Nobody would hate you if you didnt think like you knew better than the countries you go to.

>Wtf are Italians then?

Italians, literally half of modern Italy have Moorish routes.

>so Napoleon was Italian?

No he was Corsican, again a people who were distinctly different from North and South Italy as is common with islands. They were a cultural hodgepodge of cultures made into one other a millenia,

It didn't cease to exist, it came under Habsburg rule while some treacherous Protestant nobles tried to sell it to your Sultan then got their own little playground in Transylvania. You never managed to conquer the whole country, and unlike the peoples in the Balkans, you never managed to subjugate us. It took you 15 years after Mohács and some treachery from Protestant nobles to be able to capture Buda. Such a successful Empire.

You shitskinned Islamic fags are a disgrace to your ancestors. If they could see what degradation has Islam and mingling with Arabs let them, they would have returned to the steppes instead.