What solid proof is there for Pizzagate, other than coincidences?
What solid proof is there for Pizzagate, other than coincidences?
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Theres videos of children being tortured on the internet from websites owned by the Podestas.
Just google it
when Milo said he was abused as child thats when everyone turned on him and called him a pedo.
pretty cute (((coincidence)))
Check out the videos on worldcorp and tell me that's not John Podesta's voice
it's faith driven
Lots of children coming forward to law enforcement and thousands of arrests this year alone.
You don't have to believe you useless person the people that had to listen heard.
"They will talk."
Linked to pizzagate through (pedo and pervert) Weiner's laptop containing Clinton emails which could very possibly contain evidence of Clinton Foundation involved in child trafficking and organ buying and selling ... FBI under Comey failed to do proper investigation. Now agents are free to leak/talk.
Just follow the voat.
Absolutely fucking none.
Even if there was some, it's completely un-prosecutable. No one at the DOJ would touch this. Not Gowdy or any other righteous red-blooded patriot. Shit's plutonium. Anyone who touches it is dead.
>can't prosecute people after rescuing children from their basement dungeon.
That is where you are wrong creep.
There's a shitload of pictures from Alefantis' and another Comet Pizza employee that mix children with sex, basically sexual comments to child pics. And I mean toddlers in diapers.
"makes me wanna go to temple"
"pizza slut"
"daddy loves butt"
Comey lost two investigators to this shit. It is real, but, there is heavy censuring, vanning, and intimidation. Its going to take a concerted effort, but, unfortunately the web spreads across law enforcement and CPS.
can you re-cap how the "worldcorp" videos were discovered?
also what is "worldcorp?"
That's what I'm saying. Even if it's entirely true and not a bunch of Sup Forums autists misconstruing weird emails, these people are above the law.
It would take a fucking maniac to prosecute this shit and the case would have to be 100% ironclad with irrefutable proof
Pedophile rings exist. Everyone knows that, but you can't link it to Clinton & Podesta without taking a couple bullets to the back
My feelings. If you don't believe me you're shareblue and you can absolutely fuck off.
You are preaching to the choir mate I need a Gun now more than ever.
Just wait till you have Kids that same Feel with multiply
Seemingly they were leaked after the NYPD took Anyhony Weiner's laptop over the whole sexting the underage girl incident
>what is worldcorp?
I don't think anyone knows for 100%, but the videos are very disturbing. Even if they're nothing to do with Podesta & Co, they still warrant investigation
Too many coincidences
and the fact that nobody wants to investigate
If, say, the pre-school teacher is caught taking pictures around the girls while they are doing sports, maybe it's a coincidence.
But then, after that, somebody finds out that there are a lot of pictures of young girls on his tweeter feed, you start wondering if there is something wrong with this guy
Then you find out the guy is a judge in child beauty contests and that he has loli porn on his laptop and that he visits... if you still believe the guy isn't a pedo you are retarded
people don't even believe in pizzagate and make threads on Sup Forums how stupid can they get leaf-bro
MR Podesta send OP some severed limbs in a box kkty