>this middle eastern religion is ok
>this other middle eastern religion is not ok
woah, really makes you think
>this middle eastern religion is ok
>this other middle eastern religion is not ok
woah, really makes you think
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I'm bored. Prepare to be schooled.
What's your problem with God?
christianity is bad in regards to its treatment of science, but at the current day not as bad as islam, which still commits lots of terrorism.
honestly as long as you believe in humanity and human rights, you have no need for a god or gods.
I don't like that people seem to think that we should base our laws and lives around a figure that nobody has seen and cannot be objectively proven to exist.
Plenty of people saw Jesus Christ, the only Begotten son of God.
What evidence do you want for his existence? I have plenty.
Plenty of people saw Muhammad (peace be upon him) also.
Im not talking about jesus. I'm talking about the existence of his supposed father
if you believe in humanity, and human rights, there is no need for a god.
we've pretty much proven how the world works, the few gaps that remain will probably be discovered in the coming years. once we know how everything came into existence hopefully that ends religion as we know it. though i somehow doubt groups like negroes or aborigines will ever stop believing in their myths.
>I'm bored. Prepare to be schooled.
>What's your problem with God?
jesus isn't god
he's a jew
And it would be silly to assume Muhammad does not exist.
If he is the Son of the Living God, then the Father Almighty must necessarily exist.
>>this middle eastern religion is ok
>>this other middle eastern religion is not ok
Your lack of mindless, blind faith is disturbing.
Tithe more and all will be well.
>if you believe in humanity, and human rights, there is no need for a god.
That's not why we believe in God.
>we've pretty much proven how the world works
That's a very silly statement. Think about it for a while.
>once we know how everything came into existence hopefully that ends religion as we know it.
You hope in vain, on both counts.
Wtf is the living God? I'm saying that the existence of a man claiming to be the son of God is not proof of the god's existence.
>WaPo as a source
You aren't smart.
You're just a petulant child.
do give some
>Washington Post
nah, both are shit, simple as that.
>You aren't smart.
>You're just a petulant child.
that disproves that your filthy lord and savior yeshua ben yusuf isn't a dirty lying kike just like you, does it, you filthy christkike-loving cunt?
Friendly reminder to everyone on both sides, specially fedoras, your arguments can also be used agains't you and you're just as stupid as your counterparts when acting so convinced of something no one can or will ever prove
The Living God has many meanings, but I usually take it to mean:
1) He is not a force or impersonal existence
2) He is not an idol or "god of the gaps"
3) He is Life itself.
>I'm saying that the existence of a man claiming to be the son of God is not proof of the god's existence.
I agree, but then that man was able to speak with the voice of God, forgive sins, and even raise himself up from the dead and then ascended into Heaven.
dude, we pretty much know how the world came into being. you had the big bang, abiogenesis, and then evolution into modern life. that practically explains how we came to be.
the creation story in the bible tells us all things came into being at once 6000 years ago. this is impossible given the evidence we have of carbon dating, and the proof we have of common lineage of primates.
Sage this trash bait, by the same logic everybody should have sticked to ooga booga Africa tier animism religion
>Your entire argument is based on geography
Sage goes into options.
The only thing scientists agree on these days is that you obviously don't know shit.
What kind of evidence will you accept? I need to know so I can tailor it for you and not waste your time with a bunch of stuff you won't accept anyway.
All you can do is insult and insult like a petulant child. This is why I said you were not smart. If you would put down your anger and self-hatred and accept your role as a sinner then you could gain wisdom. If you stay on as you are, you will always be a fool.
>Muh Jesus is a jew meme
False statement, and here's the twist, Jesus was the saviour of humanity, but the jews didn't recognice him as such, just as another preacher, then christianity was born and turned it's own way, to this day, jews still wait for their saviour
It's almost like people are judging them by their content and not the region they originated.
It's only misguided protestants who claim that. Most christians sees Genesis as allegorical.
Ken Ham is no St. Thomas Aquinas, that's for damn sure.
>I don't like that people seem to think that we should base our laws and lives around a figure that nobody has seen and cannot be objectively proven to exist.
Take God away and your life will be based around your dick or cunt, depending on the gender. That's what the women already believe after feminism and babypill, it's one neverending orgy with no other goals than a new climax. A Godless society is self-destructive.
>able to speak with God
No proof
>forgive sin
I can do this too
>raise himself from death and ascend to heaven
No proof
>we pretty much know how the world came into being.
No, we really don't.
>the creation story in the bible tells us all things came into being at once 6000 years ago
No, it really doesn't.
>All you can do is insult and insult like a petulant child. This is why I said you were not smart. If you would put down your anger and self-hatred and accept your role as a sinner then you could gain wisdom. If you stay on as you are, you will always be a fool.
your filthy jewlord jesus is a dirty hebrew you disgusting monkeybrained loser
i'm not a filthy sinner like you believe you are
you're just a retarded christkike
Oh look, that butthurt bong atheist again
I wonder if the 700 million people brutally murdered by Islam also had such sharp cutting wit
You realize they both come from and share the same scripture right?
wow such counter argument. I am convinced now.
like i've said before there are gaps, but i figure we will eventually know every step in how the world came to be.
look at all the things we didn't know a hundred years ago, and compare it to what we know now. in a hundred years we'll probably know the full history of the multiverse's formation, and the entire story of life.
sorry guys, i can accept religion may have helped people accept death and get through hard times, but eventually you have to wake up and allow yourself to use reason.
I said he spoke with the voice of God, not that he spoke with God. Though he also did that.
You cannot forgive sins and no man would ever expect you to forgive sins. How often do people who you've never met approach you asking to be forgiven from all their sins? I'm going to guess never and I'm going to be right.
An empty tomb is proof that he was raised from the dead, and the eye-witness accounts of his Ascension would satisfy a conviction in any court.
>What kind of evidence will you accept?
Idk. Anything you got.
It is just a matter of time before Islam takes over the West, they have screwed their own countries up by not reproducing. They bring us in to make babies and save their countries...
But we'll get something in return...
If you had any sense you would know that your insults mean nothing, and hurt no one but yourself.
Like I said you don't know shit. Thinking we came from a puddle. Hilarious really.
>If you had any sense you would know that your insults mean nothing, and hurt no one but yourself.
how does that demonstrate that your filthy jewkike jesus the dirty hebraic bastard son of a prostitute jewess is god?
atheism is growing a lot faster than islam, friend. in fact by 2070 it is estimated that practically no one in your country will believe in god. (unfortunately it will probably be much longer here in the US due to our superstitious population, i think all the religious wackos from europe moved here)
that will be a great thing, as we will be able to full embrace technology without religious control over things.
Use your own words instead of parroting the silliness of other people.
God explicitly told the Israelite's that he was not the god of the gaps.
>sorry guys, i can accept religion may have helped people accept death and get through hard times, but eventually you have to wake up and allow yourself to use reason.
Use your reasoning then and provide me with a reasoned argument against God that was not lifted out of someone else's mouth.
How is forgiving a sin any different to accepting an apologies
>empty tomb
>eye witness
Post the proofs
it wasn't just a puddle, we don't exactly know what the conditions were on early earth. but we will eventually find out and by then everyone will know for certain that god isn't real.
by the way, no way you are a norwegian and believe in god, i have to assume you are that african migrant who posts here from time to time.
There are thousands of confirmed miracles
There is the Holy Scripture
There is logical reasoning
There is eye-witness accounts of the Mysteries
From which of these would you accept proof?
I'm not even trying to argue. I'm simply taking pleasure in your stupidity.
Give me something that is not a mindless insult and I will answer your questions.
Are you here to learn the Truth or to distort it?
>Give me something that is not a mindless insult and I will answer your questions.
jesus isn't god
he's a jew imposter
You assume too much then. Yeah eventually you will find out what's going on.
>How is forgiving a sin any different to accepting an apologies
>Post the proofs
If you would read the Bible, then you would find answers to both of these.
my argument against god is that we have a pretty good idea on how the world came into being. this would disprove that a god had anything to do with it.
it will be exciting to discover the whole story, but what we know so far makes it almost certain that god isn't real. once the big bang and evolution were taught in european schools you saw belief in god plummet, as it should.
He spoke with the voice of God.
He forgave sins.
He raised himself from the dead.
He ascended into Heaven.
He cast Satan down.
of course i assume, it is called making a hypothesis, a big part of the scientific method. a method which has led to countless discoveries while religion has flown people into skyscrapers.
The bible is not a valid sauce
>we don't exactly know what the conditions were on early earth
We're pretty certain actually. Primordial earth had sufficient ingredients and catalysts to spawn nucleotides. The only missing piece is where the ribosomes came from.
>>i'm not a filthy sinner
have you ever lied?
>> then answer to this is, "yes", because you have
have you ever stolen?
>>the answer to this is also "yes", because you have.
have you ever truly hated someone? Cheated someone else?
>> still....it's "yes".
you can see where i'm going with this.
It's one thing to be a worthless sinner, but it's a whole new level of shithead to actually say, "i'm not a sinner." You're are in fact a filthy fucking sinner, just like all of us on this fucking planet. Your hubris is, without a doubt, the hallmark of a fool. That's ok, you too will bend the knee. Turn or Burn baby.
Ok - here are my words. The scholars have found no credible evidence of Jesus existence. If you look at the historical sources there are no mentions of emperor Augustus poll whereby Jesus's parents travelled to Nasareth.
The whole thing is a hoax.
>my argument against god is that we have a pretty good idea on how the world came into being. this would disprove that a god had anything to do with it.
On the first count you are wrong, and on the second account you have given no reason to believe this is so.
>once the big bang and evolution were taught in european schools you saw belief in god plummet, as it should.
Correlation does not equal causation, but I will agree insofar as once you allowed atheists to hijack the education system, you saw belief plummet.
Who knew that if you indoctrinated children in nonsense and didn't teach them to read then they would turn into mindless robots only capable of reproducing the things they've heard from their equally mindless teachers?
t. Jew
Sin is not an objective idea. Unless you can proof the existence of the Christian God, the idea of sin is entirely arbitrary.
>He spoke with the voice of God.
>He forgave sins.
>He raised himself from the dead.
>He ascended into Heaven.
>He cast Satan down.
and your total evidence is a dirty jewbook called the bible, is it?
that is your sum proof, is it?
that and your disgusting faith in that lying kike
is that it?
>this continuation of Greco-Roman culture is okay
>this wholly foreign Middle-Eastern cult is not okay
Only an atheist would take issue with this because they are hostile to Western civilisation. Not surprising given that modern atheism was created by servants of a particular foreign Middle-Eastern foreskin cult.
behold...a retard. You do not see because you do not wish to see. that's fine. you too will bend the knee.
But you are the stupid one, clearly you have no arguments.
Muh scentific method. Who made the laws that govern everything we measure with science? The fact that you look back to science to find an answer to that tells me all I need to know about your fedora closet.
Why not?
What is "credible evidence" and why are the Gospels and the eye-witnesses to the events not "credible"?
>behold...a retard. You do not see because you do not wish to see. that's fine. you too will bend the knee.
If you could lay down your own self-hatred and self-pity for a few moments, I could answer you.
When Islam becomes the new religion of the west it will continue those same Roman traditions Christianity preserved.
Against your god? Or against the existence of A god?
A god existing will never happen as an argument; there's no possible way to prove that there isn't a god who uses his/her/it's omnipotence to be hidden the entire time. For all we know, he specifically doesn't want us to know his existence.
That said, the very cruel, evil, and OBJECTIVELY anti-benevolent nature of our world toward the inosence it's proof enough for me to believe that some Jew god who thinks he's the all powerful and all loving god. There's nothing benevolent about the Christian god; he has all the capacity in the world to make suffering cease; in fact, he knows that suffering WILL exist; claiming that people who will never "know god to be saved" will go to hell simply for not accepting a god they couldn't accept.
He's a bigger scam than super male vitality.
>all these anti christianity niggers
time to fuck off back to plebbit guys
Here is a tip: when you have to resort to ad hominems then you have lost the argument.
Because it's a religious text and claim supernatural events with no evidence.
>If you could lay down your own self-hatred and self-pity for a few moments, I could answer you.
so i am at fault that you are incapable of proving your disturbed belief in a desert rat by the name of jesus?
>all these Christianity churchfags
Time to fuck off back to storm front guys
Why don't you just answer instead of bullshitting you phony holy language blabbing FAGGOT!!!
>There's nothing benevolent about the Christian god;
He gave His only Begotten Son as a sacrifice for your sins. There is no benevolence that you could ever imagine that could outweigh that sacrifice. You could not even begin to understand the enormity of your sin, or what salvation cost Him.
>he has all the capacity in the world to make suffering cease
And in His goodness, He has done so.
Of course it is a religious text, what does this have to do with anything?
What do you mean by "evidence"? Don't just use words, define them. Otherwise you are just parroting.
I just think that whatever reason we are on this Earth, once discovered, would be ultimately disappointing to most people.
I see how religion is enticing to people, and it's important to understand because of how much our culture is shaped by it, but nothing about the stories it tells leads me to think there's something divine or cosmically powerful working behind the scenes. Most of life is just a sequence of coincidences, so what would make life any different?
Are you sure? White atheists don't have children, and that's what is happening to every western country. Meanwhile, other strong religions will displace the decay of our societies. Islam or Christianity.
Catholic priest created big bang theory, idiot. There was no clash between religion and science.
Try to post one without insults.
If you give in to a child's tantrum then they can never learn.
there's that hubris again. Cheers man. If you seek you will find. If you don't seek, you won't find. It's as simple as that.
Jesus was definitely a real person and his followers, without a doubt, believed him to be Messiah. Judaists don't deny the existence of Jesus, although he is none to them... You can doubt the ressurection, if you want to, but that person existed 100%, Jesus is a historical figure.
The evidence should match up with historical records, as it is not even the gospels match up with each other.
The problem of there being possible contradictions in the Gospels is of importance to Christians. As Francis Watson writes: "The problem cannot be resolved by observing that the alleged contradictions are trivial ... [They] are far from trivial [and] there are very many of them, and they often relate to issues at the heart of the Christian faith and life."
Have you ever read the stories for yourself to see if they are true or not?
>Try to post one without insults.
so the fact that jesus the filthy kike bastard son of a prostitute demonstrates that your dirty lord and saviour yeshua ben yusuf is not god and that is my error, is that correct?
Dude just look at who wrote the article, in his bio it states he is a "dudeist" priest and an Australian none the less. He is just shitposting irl.
No Jesus didn't exist, Jesus is an amalgamation of different myths.
There is no first century secular evidence that he existed - all sources are either Christian or Jewish
The earliest New Testament writings are vague on details of his life - they become more fleshed out in later texts
The eyewitness accounts in the four canonical gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) are all second hand
The gospels make contradictions about his life
Modern scholars who claim to have uncovered the 'real Jesus' contradict each other
Im saying that the bible on multiple occasions claims the existence of a holy spirt that people interact with on multiple occasions, but offers no proof of its existence.
>it's the "I have no response, so I'll give some meaningless text and a reaction image" shitpost
>The evidence should match up with historical records, as it is not even the gospels match up with each other.
For the first point, it does. For the second point, they are speaking to different groups of people for different purposes and were written by different men. As it is, they match up perfectly well and have exactly zero contradictions.
>Wikipedia as a source
I said to use your own words.