House catches on fire

>house catches on fire
>call fire department to put it out for free

>get robbed by niggers
>call police, their services are free

>hurt yourself somehow
>going to emergency room is not free
>can cost as much as $900 for a bandaid and tetanus shot

Obviously by free I mean funded by tax dollars.

But what is the justification for this? Paying for insurance or healthcare is bullshit.

same desu non universal healthcare is actually a hindrance to the white man as well

You won't get money back from the fire if it's deemed your fault. If it's your fault in any way that you're being robbed you could face fines or jail.
>don't exercise, eat like shit, do lots of drugs
>expect anyone to pay for your health problems
If it's out of your control I'm all for social healthcare. If it's within your control and you don't change anything then it's a problem. You'd need mandatory annual physicals to keep track of everyone's health that qualify for this social healthcare though. And that has its own list of problems

Neither the police nor non volunteer fireman are there to serve you, they serve the state

Nationalized healthcare in the USA is wealth redistribution. Fuck off nigger

Semantics, it makes no difference.

We need to reallocate our tax dollars somehow, being put into debt for the rest of your life because of a cancer diagnosis is not something that should happening in a civilized country.

you aren't enitled to someone elses money, dipshit

But, putting everyone else into the poorhouse for your cancer diagnosis is also not an option.

Politicians, left and right, are paid to keep you thinking this is normal and anyone talking about healthcare in other countries is a socialist fascist. People in other countries don't make a concerted effort to educate Americans on public healthcare funding because the massive profits the companies make here ensure that those companies can afford to make less profit in other countries. If we did the same cost saving measures done in every other good country, the companies would have to raise prices across the board to maintain profits.

Fuck off you retarded communist fuck. Look at the fucking numbers retard.

People who require dumb medical shit - everyone

People with houses on fire - few

People with niggas stabbing them - few more

What the fuck thinks you deserve anything. I hate to say this but go fucking watch been Shapiro debate socialism you disgusting fuck head


>REEEE how dare you think people should have the right to not die from medical complications
>go watch this kikes video
>then youll see why its beneficial to YOU for his kind to make money milking you

fuck off

>base insurance costs x and covers y
>top of the line insurance costs 2x and covers y + z
>most people do not need nor want extra shit, but some people want it
>this allows people with different needs to find an insurance plan that they can afford
>insert communist faggots
>they think shit is free
>they want great insurance, they can't afford it
>bitch and moan until the pussified sheep around them relent, placing the majority of the newest trillion dollar burden on the shrinking middle class, placing a disproportionate portion of this burden on states with higher cost of living, because their wages are higher to offset the increase in cost of living (someone living at comfort level x in kansas pays less than someone living at comfort level x in the bay area, but the person in the bay area makes more money, possibly placing them in a higher tax bracket)
>communists scratch their empty heads, unsure of how to respond
>one agitator in the crowd yells "racist!"
>the rest of the group looks at each other, nods, and chants "racist, racist"
>sub 120 iqs (90% of the country) hear talking heads on the tv, telling them they are now racists if they don't find it in their hearts and checkbooks to pay for not only their own healthcare, but another person's healthcare as well. four or more if they made more than 100k last year.
>the world rejoices as the evil right wing is defeated yet again

Oh, and OP, the household burden for police and fire is not nearly as expensive as healthcare. If you don't understand why, there is no helping you.

Holy guacamole 900 for tetanus injection? Third world countries are cheaper health care wise.

You actually fucking think.. that because you were born.. you're entitled to shit? What the fuck are you doing on this board? You need to go back. You're a fucking moron.. you god damn gibmedats are the absolute worst. What service do you provide everyone that makes you so useless and poor that you can't buy healthcare. Gibmedats.. I want things for free that other people provide because I'm special

11/10 post m8 we can find a little room for you in Australia

>call fire department to put it out for free

Fire spreads and criminals continue committing crimes
Unless you have a contagious disease you not getting health care only affects you

>call fire department
>they take forever if your area doesnt have their own fire department, house burns down before they can get there
>they take too long, the niggers are gone by the time they get there
>canada emergency room waiting time
>you die before you get treatment

just to clarify. had a friend doing some work outside and it was dry because of drought and some sparks started a fire in the grass. The firedepartment ruled it his fault and they sent him the bill. Lesson learned if the fire department finds you at fault their services are not free.

Lower the paychecks for the workers, free university will lower labor costs.

>capitalism 101
If everyone is rich, everybody is poor.

>disparity = affluence
>affluence fuels greed
>adherence to the tenets of greed makes Mammon happy
>a happy Mammon means a quick painless death for the goyim


>>fire department they take forever
>>police hey take too long,
This is true too. -t. rural country boy

>free university

A fire is a fire, a robbery is a robbery.

But health issues vary so dramatically from person to person it would be silly, costly and counterproductive to utilize a single system for all. I'd rather pay 100 bucks a month and utilize a system that actually isnt bogged down by every dumbass with an achy elbow.

It's not free to use services of fire and ems.

Of course over the years there have been privately funded police and fire departments.

It's really only in America and Third World Countries where medical treatment is seen as something to deny bludgers - until you yourself needs treatment.